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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. It sounds like a war march/camaraderie song. Just about every military service has them. Now what makes you quesy the fact that it was a song of the SS or is the songs content specific and detailed in what they did to the people who were not "The True Race" of Hitler. If so then yes it is in poor taste to use such a song.
  2. Rare F3 ?

    This bird doesn't look like its part of the air show. I would say this plane was on duty. Looks like she's got some long range communication devices on her under belly.
  3. It may have underlying properties other than hiding dirt and weathering.

  5. Found this today ATAC stands for Airborne Tactical Advantage Company. aggressors
  6. Great read a lot of imagination what ifs Just 1 of the what ifs.
  7. World of warplanes. MMO

    Both the FB page and thier home website have been promoting this to be released soon, but they keep adding stuff. It was to be just a MMO WWII combat flight sim, then they were adding Korean War aircraft. The latest news from them is th game has gotten so involved that it just can't be fought with just aircraft alone, they are adding vehicles now Yay! Was looking forward to this oh well.
  8. X-Plane 10

    Pretty high tech cockpit in that F-22!
  9. I think the problem is the time frame these planes should have been online has been mired by political red tape and micro managing. They have no one to blame other than themselves for slowing the program down.
  10. Article on Iran's Air Force Don't under estimate Iran's Gov't. If they can build a nuclear reactor they certainly can maintain thier fleet of F-14 and other planes.
  11. Classic bird photos

    Found these thought I would share. B-47 w/rato The XB-70's paint is burned off from a ludicrous speed run AJ-1 Savage prop/jet on the Oriskany
  12. My thoughts, and I have tried with and w/out flaps and many throttle settings seems to be about the same. Flight model on hard, it is a sim/game.
  13. Found surfing the web. In the 1980s, as part of President Ronald Reagan's plan to rebuild the U.S. military and create a 600-ship Navy—which would counter the new Soviet Kirov-class battlecruisers all four of the battleships were reactivated and modernized under the 600-ship Navy program. During this reactivation, several concepts entailing removal of the aft 16 inch turret were considered by the Navy, including Martin Marietta's proposal to replace the turret with servicing facilities for 12 AV-8B Harrier STOVL jumpjets, Charles Myers' proposal for replacement of the turret with vertical launch systems for missiles and a flight deck for Marine helicopters. Naval Institute Proceedings proposed a canted flight deck (complete with a steam catapult) and arrestor wires to operate F/A-18 Hornet fighters. Plans for these conversions were dropped in 1984.
  14. The rudder on F-100s were enlarged on later production models
  15. True the rudder helps, however; I found that out of all the planes that I have spent many hours with in the WO/SF2 series the rudder seems to help a lot more in the phantom than other platforms, especially at higher speeds.
  16. Korea

    Get some korean soju and your favorite juice and enjoy your stay.
  17. The Phantom is good times. The following is what I have found works for me when flying the Phantom in this sim/game. The conventional flaps will not work above 250kts, but the speed brake on the Phantom can be used at any speed and while it will slow the plane (you can add power) I can use it as a "Combat Phlap". I found I can turn a little better at higher speeds. Also use your rudder to help roll the plane its wierd, its a Phantom thing, watch your speed dont drop below 350 or 400 kts in a dog fight use the massive twin J-79 engines thrust to your advantage. Go verticle up or down dogfighting tactics try not to go horizontal with anything other than a woman. Don't get in a turning war w/a Mig or similar plane they will win 4 out of 5 times with enemy & flight model on hard. Keep your altitude when dog fighting, you need the safety of at least 2500 to 3000 ft incase you have to unload your plane and head for Motha Earth to get your air speed back. If you find yourself in a turning war hit the burners and run out get your speed back then come back into the fight, and send an AIM-7 via air mail down his throat. If you have the flight model on hard this plane and most of the older jets don't like you whiping the ponnies to much. Give the control surfaces time to do their work especially at slower speeds. If you wack the stick all over the place giving to much input it will be counter productive and you may cancel out what you want the plane to do, planes weren't fly by wire yet. On board flight computers take this into consideration now and take the stupid out of the pilots. 1 more note if you get out of control and find yourself in departed flight in a spin of some type 1)dump all droppable loads 2) full flaps 3) give full lock rudder oppisite of spin, push forward on the stick and full burners,kind of like steering into a skid in a car. If you don't ketch it quick enough before the 3rd or so revolution its to late. You need atleast 2500-3000 feet to pull this off other wise leave the aircraft, and check your main.
  18. The Boss' new rig. The Buick Enclave. It has the "Hit the road package" whatever that is. (Me I still have my 2002 Toyota Tocoma 115K+)
  19. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    Flight simers are a dying breed, so if there is little demand why would they spend millions to make a game where they may not get a return in profit. The console game systems are what all the big game co. are catering to. Look at IL2 on XBOX/PS3. I think if game developers wanted to they could make a cool sim for consoles even have CH type stick & hotas, track IR, and additional switch/mfd pads. I'm afraid this will never happen either. I still use Microsoft 2000, and FSX on my older machine along with Jane's WWII, F-18, F-15, IAF, USAF, Falcon 4.0, Lock ON, IL2w/PAC Fighters, and Wings Over Legacy series.
  20. POV/HAT switch on the stick. I use the mouse myself with my left hand.
  21. If its fried and more than 4 years old dump it and get a new one.
  22. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    Hey SidDogg, The cheezy CGI (Its Lucas Film CGI so it prob aint to chezy) is a lot cheaper and safer than putting up 10+ P-51 Mustangs and the rest of the national and international treasure War Birds,however; the 3/4 scale Thunder Mustang I think could have pulled it off like the mock M-1 in Courage Under Fire which were British Centurions shipped from Australia with sheet metal added to make them resemble M1A1 Abrams. I can never get enough of WWII movies. Went and visited a RED TAIL WARRIOR about 10 years ago in an assisted living condo. He had great stories I wish I could remember his name, damn me, he was a true American G.I. Joe Hero. Those pilots were the best of the best because the bar was raised to an almost unreachable level. Thats why they lost no bombers when assigned escourt duty. The fake Abrams seen outside the movie. Note the six roadwheels rather than the Abrams' seven, fume extractor correctly mounted on the first third of the gun barrel rather than the last third as on Chieftain-based Abrams fakes, and the Centurion Mark V rear stowage bin presumably left fitted to represent the Abrams' Honeywell gas turbine. http://www.thundermustang.com/

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