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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. God I hate progresion, this is a good lookin crow, but the EA-6B looked like a crazy bird, now the growler is taking up the role of the dirty bird. The EA-6B was a party plane 4 guys sometimes a gal, it was fun, 4 people laughing hard.
  2. Smart phonres and Autocorrect

    Funny stuff found surfin the web those that have a smart phone know what this is about. http://damnyouautocorrect.com/
  3. Dear Citizens of America

    My ansetahs to ya NOTH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n0Q8THJE60&feature=related
  4. Dear Citizens of America

    To be American can never be removed, GOOD LUCK!
  5. Nazi brought to Justice

    F'an A right!
  6. What really happened to Osama

    What really happenedOsama PSA
  7. TOP GEAR Spitfire Challenge

    Great show one of the best episodes.
  8. TOP GEAR Spitfire Challenge

    For God's sake, Jamie, give your brain a chance.
  9. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    I would be Sir not lord, Sir Edward Winston Beechwood
  10. The Right Stuff

    Opening of the Right Stuff http://
  11. The Right Stuff

    Closing Right Stuff. " GO HOT DOG GO"!
  12. RGR THAT ! & Enjoy they grow way to fracking fast.
  13. Great vid, the old EA-6 going out to the big pasture now.
  14. BAF A-4F_74 for SF2 Merged

    Here's a link about the Belgian possibility. The Belgian pilots wanted the A-4, but the govt wanted supersonic capable. Read on good article.My link
  15. swiss aircraft carrier

    I guess thats what happens in the shrinking economy.
  16. Final F-111C flights today.

    I believe their F-18s were deployed to the second Iraq War not sure about the 1st. The F-111 was their 1st strike aircraft, home defense.
  17. Final F-111C flights today.

    Could somone fill me in on the crew members and the health issues with the repairing of the fuel cells.
  18. VAQ-138 on the Boat

    Man were they fracking loud too.
  19. Any body catch the video on the news the 2 guys made it out OK. The plane was on short final in ST Petersburg FLA. The plane was having engine trouble and was going to hit the sea wall when the pilot in the back seat made the desicion to push the stick forward and take the water instead of the concrete. 1st is the plane in the water the second is an example of the plane.
  20. T-28 Trojan crash FLA

    Video from my FOX BOSTON of the water ditch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZulVxwTBGA
  21. If they were smart they would choose the F-4F option. 1. There are loads of spare parts and airframes out in the desert. 2. there has to be some 40 plus years of experince from several air arms with the plane that can be passed on to their air force. 3. NATO could benifit from this relationship.
  22. China using Top Gun footage about airforce drill
  23. I would take any Phantom over a MIG-21 anyday! Im sure the Phantoms being offered have lower times on them, or would need little to refurb. They have around 50 F-4F ICE in their inventory right now. However; I read a few years back in one of those mags Air Power or Air & Space, about the F-4F and how they are getting old, and airframe time is creeping up. One of the pilots stated that his plane was nearing its max airframe time before it needed an extensive overhaul/refurb and they were limiting what they do for ACM to nurse them along to late 2012-13. The German Air Force is not going to overhaul/refurb any Phantoms, and there are other aircraft approaching the same problem.
  24. Tornado gives final punch

    Is the RAF the last operator, and will these birds find a new home?

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