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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Home Cockpit Sim.

    Or the wife and kids live off ramen noodles for a month or 2. LOL!
  2. DCADSIX Divided Battle Lines

    Does anyone in CA play this and what is it before I wast time downloading it?
  3. Happy Thanksgiving

    10-4 that!
  4. [Fictional] Douglas A-1J Skyraider 'COAN'

    They wish they could have had these. UK may have been in trouble if the Armada had these.
  5. VAQ-138

    The EA-6B will be missed, She was a fat chick that could do it all over the ground, and come back for seconds. She was that thick chick hotty in the corner of the bar that was just right.
  6. VAQ-138

    She was a a big moped, fun to ride, but don't let your friends catch you on 1. She will be missed a lot of good times.
  7. Kiwi 18

    Found this surffin the web
  8. Tokyo raid with seplanes?

    Just sassin you dont take it to heart.
  9. With insurgent and terror groups intel is the best weapon, we have learnd a lot over the past decade dealing with these cowards. Strap JDAMs on your new shinny expensive fighter and bomber's and we won't have them for the next war, which if it does happen will probably involve the Big Shinny Red Button. Two point of views to everything, I see where your coming from though FC.
  10. Tokyo raid with seplanes?

    Theres 2 Ts in the Generals name. Doolittle & his men did it right! WITH HUGE BRASS BALLS! Thats all we need to know. Don't second guess a war hero like him, C.M.O.H. Winner. Citation: For conspicuous leadership above the call of duty, involving personal valor and intrepidity at an extreme hazard to life. With the apparent certainty of being forced to land in enemy territory or to perish at sea, Gen. Doolittle personally led a squadron of Army bombers, manned by volunteer crews, in a highly destructive raid on the Japanese mainland. Gen James Harold Doolittle is herby awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
  11. True the design is old, but the original harrier and the ones flying today are apples and oranges, the current stock are bigger and meaner/BAD ASS compaired to the 30 + old birds. There is plenty of upgrade left. Stealth is good to have, but the need for that came from the "Cold War" all stealth aircraft were designed 2-3 decades ago give or take 5 years. The threat has changed from the Big Reds (not worried about Russia,China (needs the US for them to survive) or North K.) to the lowly terrorist in a cave, bunker or clay hut. The Harrier can make quick work of those guys still. The US has lent aircraft in the past and they would most certainly do it again. The F-35 is about a decade behind scheduel. I say scrap it, move on quit wasting all that cash, but I am a just a civie now. Oh well.
  12. "Hero Found" is a bout Dieter Dengler a German ex-pat that came to the US after growing up during and after WWII Germany. The Movie Rescue Dawn based on this story. Dieter wrote a book Escape From Loas and a documentry was done about him in the late 90's Little Dieter Needs to Fly, which is available on DVD. My Uncle was in VA-145 w/dieter N. "Lizzard" Lessard. Good reading here's the My link . Be safe and later.
  13. "Hero Found"

    Here's the cover.
  14. Surffin the WEB

    Surffin the web and found these just thought I would share
  15. CF-35A

    What is gonna be the next Gen Canadian fighter?
  16. Over G Fighters... worth it?

    Just like the Wings Over series a fun game to jump into and have fun without the crazy learning curve of some sims like Microsoft sims and Falcon 4.0
  17. What about the pluses. Keeps the troops hand eye & SA up.
  18. Well thats to bad. What about the WWII era games you play the "AXIS" in multiplayer too, and all the COD series which also allows multiplayer insurgent bad guys.Oh and the flight sims that allows you to fly a MIG, FW-190, Zero and shootdown allied aircraft. Its just a game.
  19. When flying single missions is there a way to choose which base you take off out of?
  20. Geroge Steinbrenner Dies

    80 would have been good life, but he was also suffering from Dementia or Alzhimers. He had 0 input into the Yankees the past 8 or so years.
  21. Was out practicing A to G. Came back and this is what I got when I put the gear down. I'll admit, I was pulling some Gs but not like when I pulled the wings off a few months back. Well I brought it in thinking it would start to cart wheel in a ball of fire and parts. In stead it just rolled out to the port side across the runway and taxiway safety areas, spun out then stopped! Oh well.
  22. I found something I'd nearly forgotten about.....

    I remember this one.
  23. B-1 retirement?

    Yeah Yeah the Bone does it bettah, with looks and style, FC your right. If I had choice to take into battle, it would be the Bravo one Bone fo show. Oh and before about the Tommy T's getting chopped yeah it sucks, but it would be about 5 million per plane to bring it up to F/A-18C standards, not E/F ( about another 1.5 per airframe w/out the stealthy body work) a lot of money on an older airframe that has most of its usefull life behind it. God rest His soul Tommy Cat this one for you. Damn another toast!

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