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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. A little adversary training between a Dhmari Gripen and a F/A-18C of VFC-12...
  2. F/A-18C VFC-12 Black and White Splinter Scheme

    This is a most rad adversary scheme. Rather life-like both for the US Navy and to simulate 2020s Russian air forces. Love dogfighting against it:
  3. Found the pictures, but not the file. But hmmm... I might have some spare time the last two weeks of December so after Nihon Hitori 2020 is polished off... maybe some Lancer 2025 quick strike game is a good idea?
  4. No need to be perfect replica here! Very grateful you're adding this to the F/A-18 adversary fleet - it's the best livery!
  5. Don't know if this helps but I caught a few of 'em back in 2013: https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=63422257%40N08&view_all=1&text=VFC Sure appreciate you taking this one on.
  6. Sorry but I like the idea of packing some AIM-120s in a rotary bay, especially considering the B-1B radar has had a massive upgrade which, "Can be modified with a Multitarget Track (MTT) software mode for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) deployment." I think it isn't that hard to swing the B-1B around, fling a few AIM-120s and run away under the umbrella of friendly air defenses gracefully. We agree on the LRASM 100% :-).
  7. I like the idea of a What-If B-1B Pack of... RAAF B-1C with some air-to-air capability, not necessarily B-1R but maybe the ability. USN with the loadouts here plus optionally AIM-120s & HARMs because frankly a squadron or two of renovated PB-1s make more sense than another wad of destroyers...
  8. Yes, it's US Thanksgiving where tiny turkeys are cooked and cut up and eaten in real life. Meanwhile in SF2...
  9. There's a real life USAF version:
  10. Humpday Heavies

    Some heavy action....
  11. @ludo.m54 Any chance of an -EQ5 please? That seems to be the Exocet-packing version for the Iraqis many of us are waiting for. Thanks; Josef
  12. Hey can you please do an AK-coded tail? Or make sure there's directions how in the template? Thanks, as I get to see an AK-coded F-22 about once a year now. EG: Many thanks!
  13. Just hope this Felon can carry cluster bombs and AA-11s... so a Felon can sneak up behind a F-35A trying to take-off... instead of a Frogfoot relying on a netrusion attack to be able to conduct a dawn ambush.
  14. I'd like some templates too please. The Parani should be flying this aircraft - maneuvers OK, price OK and packs the Exocet. Also the Libyans famously have used Mirage F1s also...
  15. Hey @Menrva you consider an aggressor F-22? Rather like this Su-35 Super Flanker & Su-57 Felon emulating scheme I saw on Instagram.
  16. Hey I made these changes on my Block II build and don't have Air-to-Ground radar. Going to attach one of my avionics.ini files for you to go over. FA-18F_AVIONICS.INI That said, been porting over some of your SF1 liveries over to SF2 and loving it. Especially love imitating some of the missions in the book Jet Girl...
  17. Very nice @Stratos complete with Su-35. Be awesome to rage around there in everything from F-15Es to F-16s to F/A-18Es to F-35s...
  18. Very nice skin pack, including a Japanese one. I do wish Japan and Aussies would be allowed to buy upgraded F-22s... so the USAF could also. But Cong-ress and their mad fixation on the F-35 lacking thrust vectoring and some agility. #SIGH
  19. This time, I read the rules.... then went down to my last Sidewinder...
  20. What happens when an ally become a frenemy...?

    Me too. Trump is not a good man. I right now am helping a Real World municipal campaign and then need to finish off a SF2 mission set that is set in the backdrop of Trump Year Four betraying a bedrock modern post-WWII American ally. At least unlike the Kurds, the Japanese have a very good air force...

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