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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. I agree, thank you. I would like to see SF2 in FlightGear. JOE
  2. Happy Independence Day

    Thanks guys for the well wishes from this Yank. G*d Bless America!
  3. Russian bombers: 'Good morning, American pilots

    It would be nicer if the Russians offered to land and participate in a few airshows... and then the next year the USAF & USN sent a few aircraft over. All in the name of good relations!
  4. Tu-22M3 Backfire-C for SF2

    Damn good Russian supersonic capable bomb & missile truck. The guns on the back even work too. Every simulation of the Russian Air Force after 1980 should have this in it! The 3-d model is outstanding...
  5. Or a Il-76 trying NOT to get shot down over the Sea of Okhotsk?
  6. Well said. I would recommend SF2 for "fast food", for those who want to just go engage in air combat without spending hours pouring over manuals & tutorials like with DCS which also severely limits what aircraft you can fly. Or FSX, which may have more aircraft but is buggy as heck and the AI is the worst.
  7. If I won a big enough lottery, I'd offer to buy the SF franchise and consider releasing the source code to at the least verified modders of CombatAce.
  8. To be honest, I'd love a SF3 or even an expansion pak with bugs fixed and that too.
  9. Thanks @kblomkvist, I generally agree with you. It's really hard getting multiple GPS-guided bombs on a pylon. I also want better radar and laser guidance of weapons for moving targets or if a previous target's destroyed also. The hope is to get the developers to think about a SF2.1 or SF3 at some point. More a trying to show interest to the developers and also to point out the bugs in SF2. It would be nice to be able to tell bomber wingmen to attack a target... whether B-57 Hustlers or Tu-160 Blackjacks.
  10. Well I have some ideas about that... maybe start a thread there please!
  11. Well it'll be interesting if there were any patches added also...
  12. Just so everybody know Nihon Hitori 2020 is still very much on...
  13. Request please at the very least please: Bal-E coastal missile system with Kh-35E (Kh-35UE) cruise missiles (we already have KH-35s in-game) Bereg-E costal artillery
  14. Sorry I only got Backfires and Fencers to add but I'm really playing around with Mission 02 of Nihon Hitori 2020 (trying to make the Battle of Britain Hokkaido more complete...):
  15. Yes, I'd like to know how sceneries can support rocket artillery please. CC: @Gepard
  16. Is this a modified Chung-Kuo? Amazing little jet.
  17. Well cluster bombs are still being made and used by the Russians and if North Korea pours over the border into South Korea, the US & South Korea will use them. See HERE for South Korea, and here for the nuanced United States position. Very relevant to me, Japan has destroyed its cluster munition stockpile. Japan, being home of the first two of as of 15 June 2019 two nuclear weapons uses in anger and of sarin in domestic terrorism will be among the last to use WMD.
  18. Since the SF2 engine is all about kinetic and explosive weapons impacts, that would require a change in the game code. That said, using chemical weapons or biological weapons is very much a war crime in the real world...
  19. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    a) I wonder what an Xbox has inside... b) I had a discussion about this with my supervisor at the museum I volunteer with. Real genuinely sincerely concerned about how this streaming is going to work out... not so good for museums that need fast loading time. But to me sounds promising, especially if one could download the area they fly in most of the time (for me it's between Vancouver BC; Spokane Washington; some distance off the Pacific Coast; and Salem, Oregon).
  20. Good thinking. Wonder if it could carry AIM-120 AMRAAMs?
  21. Here's a potential paint scheme: Tu-160 with forest splinter scheme by Erik Simonsen
  22. Some Su-24 Fencer action...
  23. Humpday Heavies

    E-767 & Mainstay...

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