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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. YES, but I am very busy this week.
  2. Please go ahead... But I would be so grateful if you could do some ships please.
  3. I certainly can. There's one mission I'd love to add some jammer support... would sincerely appreciate another obstacle for the 201st and 203rd JASDF Fighter Squadrons to overcome!
  4. First and most important, welcome back and grateful you're safe. Second, are you going to upgrade the radar and weapons as per the WikiPedia entry on the MiG-31BM? Thanks!
  5. Thanks so much, I look forward to flying as many variants of the A-3 as you can make please!
  6. Julhelm's Container Ship

    I've been using this cargo ship as part of my first mission pak. The container ships look convincingly realistic and take a couple of hits from Russian/Soviet weapons to go down. Very happy with the work here, hope for more ships - like JMSDF ships from the 2010s please - from this developer please.
  7. Thanks much, also thinking of doing some repaints if I find the time. I've noticed at least one Mainstay has this dark grey repaint in real life. Also the Su-30SMs I see in real life have that same kinda topside color so going to repaint the one released to that color... Problem is, next weekend long story short I'll be away from the home computer... Solution: Release a future V 1.1 with the repaints and squash any bugs found by CombatACE users.
  8. Well I just had to fix a bug in @Veltro2k's Mainstay. Apparently the primary roles and secondary roles in A-50_DATA weren't changed from the Il-76 Candid to an AWACS bird. So here's my mission data fix for now: Figured I'd publish here for those who might want to take a look. I've got at least one mission possibly more where a Mainstay is going to be present as an AWACS. That said: Yes, it's little bugs like this with now 12 days to go - I go on US Pacific Daylight Savings Time so it's 0038 hours as I write this - that I'm after.
  9. Thanks fellow Deep Space Nine fan. I am going for at least Kira Nerys-levels of brilliance here. Sorry but I'll never be as smart as Dax or Sisko ;-). Ought to as well say here the plan is to use the JASDF F-35As the way Starfleet would use the Defiant-class of starships... be brief, be brutal, be gone.
  10. Well guys just wrote another mission of a JASDF F-35 stalking and slaying a Russian A-50 Mainstay... Also finding some bugs to quash here with 13 days to go before release... things like the control file, the RWR list needing porting over, those kinda annoying things new developers learn only by doing.
  11. Well guys just wrote another mission of a F-35 hunting down an A-50 Mainstay... Also finding some bugs to quash here with 13 days to go before release...
  12. Gawd, I wouldn't want THAT escorting a Tu-22M3 over the Sea of Okhotsk... makes the below more likely:
  13. Sukhois

    Any news on the Su-34 also please?
  14. Spring is time for backups

    I got a backup of all my SF2 campaign and other mod work on Google Drive. Just-in-case... oh so close, two weeks til the big release baby!
  15. I look forward to it. Kinda tired of dropping J-DAMs from Tomcats over the desert.... Especially when I know in 1999, the Tomcats were zooming around Kosovo looking for tanks to plink. Good book about those VF-14 Black Aces out there and I got the paperback on my bookshelf... from same author as Scream of Eagles about TopGun & Vietnam. So I'm excited to hear a Balkans terrain is in the works. Staying tuned!
  16. Some pointed thoughts for this update: Well 24 April is in two days and I'm not ready to release yet. Life got in the way. But still working away... got almost everything for this addon in its own boot-up folder now like some of our community's fav add-ons like the F*lklands War & ODS. A lot of admin stuff that doesn't make for sexy screenshots like writing credits and an intro. 8 May - or two weeks and two days - seems likely for a release date. :-) Finally, had to check ORBAT for the Russian side again. Let's just say without a Su-34 available for at least V1, things will be really interesting. At least there's an A-50 Mainstay now... There will 100% sadly not be a Kirov-class battlecruiser in the game as the Pacific Fleet's battlecruiser Admiral Lazarev currently in mothballs near Vladivostok with its nuclear fuel removed (if one trusts a WikiPedia article) will be one of the two scrapped and the other two are based (logically) in Russia's Northern and Western fleets. That said, you will have a Slava cruiser and lesser ships to take on in V1... You will have in the game for the Japanese for substantial participation one destroyer, two 1-Go escort boats, AH-64Js, KC-767s, E-767s, E-2As, F-15Js, F-2As, and yes you betcha F-35As. OK, I can give you all one screenshot of the kind of action to expect around the Kuril Islands...
  17. Balkans map with Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo? Required screenshot:
  18. Thanks @yakarov79, learn something new every day!
  19. Love trying to fly it but the weapons load via the loadout page is problematic and trying to get a wingman to attack a target makes my SF2 build crash... I then decided to try bombing solo and rather... amazed at the results:
  20. Really like the idea of simulating the 1990s Balkans... Requisite screenshot:
  21. I can assure you the AI version of the Phoenix used by the TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32 by @Caesar works for AI, but the AI fires more than one. Below is a burning Flogger of proof:
  22. Well since I don't have the time to learn DCS, I've been acting out my Tomcat fantasies lately... There go six AIM-54Cs towards Libyan bombers... Yup, I hand-flew the Tommy down. Of course. That reminds me, don't I have something more modern that doesn't require me to remember how to sweep the wings back I should be finishing up. I thought so - stay tuned.
  23. Looks close to perfect - especially if the AA missile is an ASRAAM. Just hope the gun's always loaded too... But I sure wish you could enable downloading the AAs for counter-insurgency strike missions, but the game engine!

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