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Everything posted by hrc

  1. There is an alternative voice pack in downloads section, that I find better than the one in stock.
  2. Iranian F-4s in Syria?

    Good to see them in action against ISIS. It is known that Iranians themselves are producing spare parts for their planes and chopers of US origin, at least mechanical and simpler electronical spare parts. Also, Iranians are flying Su-25s against ISIS from Iraq's airfields since late summer...
  3. Very well written review, looking forward to next one. Thanks!
  4. Always a good thing to wait some time after the release of a complex game before buying it. Few months even so that the patches do their thing on improving the game...
  5. Hi there! I'm getting interested in DCS and maybe considering the purchase. Since the only DE simulations I played were Lock On and Flaming Cliffs 1&2 (and loved them), I'm not to up to date with DCS world. So my question is about the campaigns in DCS and it's many modules. Is there a campaign about 2008 Russian-Georgian war, and what is the campaign in Su-25: DCS Flaming Cliffs and Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 about, and what sides are playable in short?
  6. I have almost exact configuration as yours, except for a slightly weaker graphic card, SF2 flies like a charm. Always on top FPS.
  7. Germany to the front? OOOps!

    First of all, be lucky that your country is not fighting other countries wars. Second, if Germany is to be threatened by war, militry hardware would be brought into state of readiness in rapid time. I'm sure that German military has elaborated and efficient mobilisation plans.
  8. Pics of beautiful models

    Ninth model cup Crna kraljica (Black widow) 2014, was held in Zagreb today, with participants from 13 European countries. Alongside models, there was also airsoft equipement presented. I don't build models myself, but my friend who is the main organizer of this event does, so I came to see the show and to try airsoft guns in which I'm getting quite interested. Since Combatace allows for 3MB to uploaded per post, I'll just post a few and won't abuse the limitation too much :)) P:S. what models did you think I was referring to? :P
  9. Pics of beautiful models

    It's a nice one.
  10. Pics of beautiful models

    So there was another "Combatace member" on the show besides me? :)) Is this your MiG?
  11. Happened to me once, only thing I could do was to do a fresh installation of all SF2* and mods. Quite frustating...
  12. Pics of beautiful models

    I was looking at either AK-47 or AK-74. There was also a nice RPK at the show, although I wouldn't go for that one. Nice collection you got there STRATO!
  13. Pics of beautiful models

    Some more:
  14. AC-130 in Vietnam

    Truly formidable weapon, the AC-130, although the efficiency of the plane in Vietnam is difficult to assess, mainly 'cause of the gross exaggerations that US military was giving for enemy losses, especially those done by airpower.
  15. Buying TrackIR 4 or 5

    Will be giving my FreeTrack device to a friend so I am looking at a second hand TrackIR .So, if any of you is selling used TrackIR 4 or 5, please contact me via PM... If you aren't selling it right away but in few month, that is no problem.
  16. Another 777 lost

    Just watched some former US army intelligence officers on TV who say that immediate avalanche of audio and other materiel/info by Kiev after the Malaysian plane crash is just too convenient. Will be difficult finding the truth since both sides are desperately trying to frame the other side. Happy to oblige.
  17. Another 777 lost

    I agree that they are responsible, whether they are Ukrainian or pro Russian military. But if you ask me for directions to your destination and I direct you to go trough a neighborhood where their is a gang war raging with daily fatalities and you get shot, ultimately the responsibility is not with the person who pulled the trigger or the one that supplied the gunner with a gun, but with me for sending you through that hood in the first place. Remember, Ukrainian jets are bombing pro Russians and getting shot back at on daily basis for some time now, downed planes include IL-76, and An-26, which are big birds, so saying that they couldn't see civilian planes be endangered in those skies, or saying that they didn't know that separatists have the reach is just utterly irresponsible and bears more blame than anything else.
  18. Another 777 lost

    There is a war zone in eastern Ukraine, with multiple planes shot down over the past few months, and Kiev did nothing serious to avoid such a tragedy. As if they wanted it to happen. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the country in which airspace this disaster has happened.
  19. Russia sends SU-25's to Iraq

    The news is few days old, but very significant. Since US is stalling the shipment of F-16 to Maliki's gvmnt, and thus sabotaging it in it's war against ISIS, Russia decided to send/sell 5-12 Su-25 to Baghdad. Russian pilots are flying those Frogfoots as well. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/30/world/middleeast/iraq.html?_r=0
  20. Russia sends SU-25's to Iraq

    As far as I am managing to understand the early rout of Iraqi army, Iraqi soldiers were told to withdraw and run away over and over again by their generals, something they couldn't understand themselves, cause ISIS is only 5000-10000 strong in Iraq. There are more and more indications that good number of those generals were bribed by Saudi intelligence, particularly by Abdul Rahman Faisal, who is said to own ISIS. And when one understands that Saudi royal family is the closest US ally in the region, and that several thousands of ISIS fighters were trained in Jordan by US, British and French in late 2012 initially against Assad, then one can speak of sabotage against Iraqi gvmnt. If US wants to be serious in it's fight against terrorism and ISIS whom they say is worst and more powerful than AlQaida, then US should issue 24 hour ultimatum to degenerate Saudi royalty and say stop it, stop funding jihadists or face isolation, freezing of assets and what not. But since they won't do it, you get the picture. Turkey could bomb the s*#t out of ISIS if they want to, they are more than capable. How many times have the Turks bombed northern Iraq when they wanted to smash the PKK. Remember, ISIS in Syria has it's staging areas and logistical bases in south eastern Turkey.
  21. Isn't that all included in the campaign already? http://combatace.com/files/file/13640-india-pakistan-war-1965/
  22. When in level flight or pursuit or in level dogfight always keep your prop pitch at 90, when climbing set it to 100, and when in dive set it to less than 90 (how much less, it depends on the angle of dive, the steeper the dive the lower the pitch, but never under 65-70). Keeping your prop pitch at default setting (100%) causes faster engine overheat. Also open up your radiator fully to cool of the engine when there is no danger around you. I usually fly with 20-30% radiator open in combat. Fuel mixture works in a way that you need to decrease it the higher you fly. On higher altitudes there is less oxygen so the mixture in the cylinder will have too much gasoline and not enough oxygen, so the pilot needs to lower the amount of gasoline in a mixture for the engine to work properly. This is the rough table for fuel mixture setting: Sea level - 100% 1000 m - 90% 2200 m - 80% 3500 m - 70% 5000 m - 60% 6500 m - 50% 8500 m - 40% I personally only use 20% intervals and it works great. Supercharger woks in a way that you need to set to stage 2 at altitude of roughly 2000-3000 meters, stage 3 (rare planes have it), at 4000-5000 meters. Remember that not all planes have prop pitch, fuel, mixture and supercharger manual controls. In fact German planes have most of controls automated, Allied planes have some controls manual and Soviet birds have the most manual controls. Also, more modern the plane, that is the latter in the war it was designed, more of the stuff is automated. Here are some links to prop pitch and most of IL-2 '46 planes basic data: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/330964-How-Prop-Pitch-works-in-IL2-and-Why-It-is-Important-Forums http://www.derrierloisirs.fr/il2/bdd2012/documentation/NDs%20aircraft%20reference%20guide.pdf
  23. The best thing is to trim your airplane. You do that by trimming your elevator during the cruising speed (trim your elevator until flying relatively straight at 50-55% throttle when in a fighter). When you find out how many times you have to press elevator up/down key to trim the plane you're flying, then you can do the trimming every time before take off. Of course, the faster you fly, the faster your plane will pitch up, but you'll get used to that, and will always know that your plane will fly straight and true at cruising speed. Btw, flying with engine management on gives a great dose of reality and excitement, with engine overheating, manual radiator, propeler pitch, compressor/charger, and fuel mixture control. Believe me, you don't wanna miss getting to know and operate these controls. Once you are comfortable with them, you don't wanna fly without them!
  24. Looks like a proper MiG (Mirage Gurevich that is)! :))

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