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Everything posted by GunnySonics

  1. New Year's Resolutions!

    LT seems like you have a real stuggle with the booze my man, I too suffer from needing a few beers to chill in the evening, im quite lucky though as "Her Majesty" sends me away on her submarines to dry out on long boring patrols, thus allowing me to extend my life expectancy so long as we dont go ramming into any of Ivans boats while out on patrol, only problem I have is when I get back from a patrol I need a real good session of beer and cigarettes to get over the s**t we just did on patrol. , im sure your American submariners are the same. Maybe thats why I have been flight simming for the last 20 years, at least I can do somthing for the military that involves enjoyment and beer at the same time without risking my shipmates, at the end of the day the only people I am hurting is Ivan and Ho Chi Mins band of merry men. A toast please.........flight simming & beer
  2. So How'd It Go?

    i made sure the wife and kids got all that they wanted, and what did i get......well i got nailed over Hanoi on my first experience with SF2/V
  3. Hi team, having only just purchased SF2 I/E/V I am a little bit confused after just watching a SF2 Vietnam movie on Youtube where all the enemy red target labels seemed to be missing which I thought made the game look a bit better especially if there are that many targets around you cannot see what is actually below. Is there a mod to remove the target labels or even a default key, i have read through the manual a few times but found nothing other than how to lock on to a target. Also is there a way of zooming out and scrolling around the map, i find I can zoom out so far but not actually move around the map to see whats ahead of me? Bearing in mind I have ony had the game for 2 days it is completely stock with no mods included, I will eventually begin modding the game once I am actually skilled enough to keep my ass in the cockpit and not spend my time floating through the air in a parachute with bullet holes in my flightsuit. Any advice on these questions will be much appreciated
  4. Many thanks for the quick reply guys, thats just the answers I was looking for!!
  5. Final F-111C flights today.

    I can remember being woken up in the middle of the night as a kid when I lived at an RAF base in Cyprus, the noise just happened to be a squadron of USAF F111's that had just bombed Tripoli in Libya, they were stopping over for a refuel before leaving, that was 24 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday, that is the one and only time I have seen an F111 in the air in my life, a memorable time!!! My linkhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/april/15/newsid_3975000/3975455.stm Subsiquently the base I live at was attacked by Libya terrorists a few months later a short history lesson on the F111 in combat...
  6. Introduction

    Hi team, I just thought I would introduce myself to the site, i joined yesterday after downloading Strike Fighters 2 Europe and Isreal from Thridwire. Im a 37 year old Submariner in the Royal Navy living in Plymouth, ive been playing flightsims since 1985, my first cockpit was a ZX Spectrum, if anyone can remember them!!! I have also been lucky enough to grow up at various RAF bases around the world as my Dad served in the Royal Air Force for 25 years, at the age of 7 it was a common site to see Avro Vulcans flying over my house which was an amazing site especially when they were armed with Britains Nuclear weapons. Anyway, I have been simming mainly with FS2000-FS2004 for the last 10 years but I finally decided to give up on Microsofts Flightsim due to stability issues and after a bit of Googling I found Strike Fighters 2, and after only 24 hours I am well impressed, I must admit though I only purchased these games due to the mod support it has from this site, and after looking at the downloads, without installing any yet I have already decided to subscribe and give somthing back as this site is obviously a Mecca for military flight simmers. No doubt I will be asking you guys for a bit of support in installation questions etc having just started out with SF2, my main interests are RAF aircraft from the Cold War period, so any recomendations on mods from this era will be greatly appreciated. Great To be a part of such a fantastic website, and a happy new year to you all Gunny.
  7. Introduction

    Thanks guys, your welcome greetings remind of the heat of a phantoms afterburners!!!

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