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Everything posted by yubba

  1. img00016

    From the album Untitled Album

    ta da the end result
  2. oh really,, then why was this thread started in the first place. yes I worked with others showing the ccip sights would work in other planes..,like this little jewel,, http://combatace.com/topic/87174-a-hud-for-a-thud/ and this one http://combatace.com/topic/87300-a-f-4-with-a-hud/ well anyways all was done so others would have a better experience with this sim,,,
  3. Mind seem to land where I aim them,,,with a marriott of technics,,,everbody can dive bomb,,, Alexia 99 ,,I and others got the ccip intergated into the hud to give you a descent bomb sight,, this came up by accident,,you can do this with that,, works in crusader,, f-4 and A-7 between 2500 ft and 3500 ft level flight
  4. for craps and giggles I took the gunsight out of the hud,,, with the ccip on,, the sight was floating all over the cockpit and with no radar screen center of view for a back drop to give a sense of realism making runs on the target over a 1500 ft I have found that the end of the piper line can be used as a aiming point from 500ft to 1500ft just came across this minutes ago didn't get a chance to test it,, sam got me,, but with the sight I can put 1 snake eye on a sam launcher at 500ft to 1500ft,, last night I got 11hits out of 12 useing the little red box
  5. img00013

    From the album Untitled Album

    nice night for a flight had more to say sam got me on the bomb run maybe tomorrow
  6. I got this in my f-111 it works very well I have a thread on it will post it in a shorthttp://combatace.com/topic/87409-360-tv-never-leave-the-cockpit-again/
  7. they keep saying it has all been done ,,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WpPO9_Zed0 ... yep I did that, http://combatace.com/topic/87409-360-tv-never-leave-the-cockpit-again/
  8. typo gunsight ,,waypoint marker ,, and target info box
  9. are you sure, http://combatace.com/topic/89503-f-111/ , I never seen any body come up with this if so please show me,,I can land bombs on target with only the gun sight and the waypoint marker at 20,000 ft,, can you. ???? Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84 nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet..Level qued bombing release points are below,use statued miles, watch the range count down to release in the red target information box for best results have a radar altimeter ,, if you got your radar edited you can use the nautical miles tables below,, they are close so you might have to adjust on both but I'm happy with what I got ,,,Enjoy.. 1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm 5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm 10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm 20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles
  10. You can turn the radar on, and you can use the guide lines to help you line up on the target,,if you done any edits to the radar range just helps with the su tow realism but it's better than nothin
  11. img00012

    From the album Untitled Album

    how do you like the door handles
  12. Or,, you can make a second install of SF-2 elsewhere and swap out the carrier folder from objects/ground objects if you have the room.
  13. Are you useing stock planes or addons ??? ooohh where's my manners welcome aboard. sounds like that campaign's files corrupted your carrier files that's just a wild guess,but, before you do a uninstall and start over,, go into game options and set Landing to easy and see what happens ,,, if you go through a uninstall and start over ,,, put your carriers from objects/ ground objects into a new folder from the new install,, before you install your mod,, after mod install go to objects/ground objects,, see if the mod added carriers,, play it and see what happens ,,me I had planes falling through the decks at the cats but they were planes that were added on..
  14. img00009

    From the album Untitled Album

    Is there something different,, if not you have it.
  15. img00010

    From the album Untitled Album

    Something look different if not you all ready have it
  16. Yankee Air Pirate moving on

    I had alittle bit of that at skunkworks and here and there,, I told them don't get mad when you put out a mod that doesn't work,, and when someone like me comes along and fixes it ,,and let's people know how to do it..
  17. Well ,, after years of disgust and millions of rounds spent with few hits and less downed planes ,, hours of gun testing and filming ,and hours of forum hopping and reading, the answer was already mapped into the keyboard. Let's start with the bases of the gun sight,,it is bore sighted at 200 yards,, kinda short in my estimation,, I have found head move up and down effects the gun sight ,,, 1 click up in head movement adds 200 yards on the gunsight so you set convergance to 450 and 1 click up in head movement your rounds will land at 400 yards,where you aimed, tested and filmed,, with the help of Mr. Watson's Corsairs and kicking up the sight range,, I'm the terror of the south pacific,, and now I'm getting the shots I remember getting in Microsofts Combat sim 2.
  18. that bites well the most important you know what the sight is set at ,,, I'd go to quick mission and chop up some friendlies while recording,, I'd use a hellcat and use that sight and see what ring will give you the desired range ..
  19. what, patch are you,, I'm patched 4.12.2,,, no wonder I couldn't hit anything in the p-39 being grouched down to get a better view.
  20. it's in the key board config,, it's a ways down the menu,, I'll jump into the game and give you better directions I figured this out 9 months ago. had a tread up in missions4today brb. it's in it's own category in head movement raise up and grouch down ,, you'll want to map lean right and left to make this work in german fighters you thought the fw-190 was nasty wait till you adjust the sight
  21. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

    that was,, that tracked aa gun hit with a gbu 10,,, laser and tv gimbles set at 360,will lock on target and track even with dumb bombs so you can see if you hit,, f-111f from nato fighters with 15e avionics
  22. img00005

    From the album Untitled Album

    someone looking for this ??
  23. img00004

    From the album Untitled Album

  24. If you stop and think of the ballistics involved, a 50 cal's velocity is about 2500 fps add gravity at 400 yards you have to elevate the shot 15ft. I flew a couple of quick missions alittle while ago with the p-38 against a 109 e veteran head on drew smoke and the victory 2 out of 3 times on the first pass,was hitting them before they could fire, convergance 450,, sight range 1 clickup of head movement to give 400 yards,, the other guy I tickled him up on the first pass ,, acouple of passes on him later he was done, crap the made me an ace.
  25. you can do that with this

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