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Everything posted by yubba

  1. Night jump from USMC KC-130

    We use to go out on a string and get beaten in the trees,,SEMPER FI
  2. Don't forget that we have this bird just did a triple nickle at 30,000ft missed at 100 yards long delayed on the release came back around and used bombsight nailed that pesky generator building 30,000ft,, .84 mach,, pickle at 7.6miles
  3. yours,, you should have been with me last night trying to figure this out ,,, from one plane to the next to get it right,,, then go through the math again before I posted. solid mass free fall from 20,000 ft = 35 seconds,, traveling at 938ft persecond when dropped = 5.4nautical miles = 6.2 statued miles
  4. ok bear with me I call this triple nickle bombing worked it out in Qued bombing,, that's where I found a problem. 555knts=.84mach=938ftpersecond nm= 6,076ft statue mile =5,280ft solid mass free fall from 20,000 ft = 35 seconds = 5.4nautical miles = 6.2 statued miles thinking all the target information to be true I released at 5.4 and over shot about a mile redid the same run and released at 6.2 was dead on the money,, with my math goofed up I double checked with the online caculators it still came out that the target box is showing statued miles instead of nauctical miles the best aircraft to check this is the f-111 it has a radar altimeter that goes over 20,000 ft and the mach meter is true I was doing 10,000 ft qued bomb runs hit the target box with the first set of bombs useing the statued miles reading
  5. ok bear with me I call this triple nickle bombing worked it out in Qued bombing,, that's where I found a problem. 555knts=.84mach=938ftpersecond nm= 6,076ft statue mile =5,280ft solid mass free fall from 20,000 ft = 35 seconds = 5.4nautical miles = 6.2 statued miles thinking all the target information to be true I released at 5.4 and over shot about a mile redid the same run and released at 6.2 was dead on the money,, with my math a goofed up I double checked with the online caculators still came out what it is the target box is showing statued miles instead of nauctical miles the best aircraft to check this is the f-111 it has a radar altimeter that goes over 20,000 ft and the mach meter is true I was doing 10,000 ft qued bomb runs hit the target box with the first set of bombs useing the statued miles reading
  6. I got an interesting table for high altittude bombing and bug problem in target information in the game hud well we'll sort it out as we go along well I'll post this seems to be a crowd here
  7. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  8. A-6 pit what am I to do with you,, there is an up to date pit for the B-52g,, it is in one of those multi b-52 packs found here in the down load section I'll get a screen shot up,,the plane you are looking for is the early b-52g it is real nice but the sight is off to the left I put the a-7k hud and avionics in it nasty
  9. for the best results you need an aircraft with radar altimeter and a true airspeed indicator the F-111 is a good canidate ,,20,000ft at mach .84 pickle at 6.2 miles
  10. new table 20,000ft 550knts=.82mach pickle 6.5miles
  11. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  12. img00002

    got copilot
  13. img00002

    From the album Untitled Album

  14. Between two cockpits ,, This or that lucky there is a A-5A and a A-5B
  15. Ok viggies got bombing table for you with new cockpit that doesn't have a true speed indicator,, at 10,000ft 550knts=roughly .8.4 mach=475 indicated on HUD , this is for Qued bombing ,, don't know what it is go read my thread up in discussion section,,Pickle 4.1 or 4.2 miles
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3267595/Russian-jet-shot-Turkish-forces-flew-country-s-airspace.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 ,, this is all I got,, so far,, just saw it 5min ago ,,I should have put a question mark up there didn't want to start a panic..
  17. Been close to 24 hours Drudge, hasn't picked it up, sorry about the false alarm, looks to be 90 dead in the bombings in Turkey,,
  18. https://www.facebook.com/#!/AllenBWest?fref=ts it's there got to scroll down abit posted 5 hours ago
  19. I first saw it on Allen West's facebook page that shoots across mine I would hope he wouldn't put out bumb scoop,, there will be a bunch of Bubba's digging fall out shelters to night
  20. I should stop being such a tease this is the F-5E pit from nato fighters column5 with A-7k avionics,, hud and radar also from nfc5 I don't think I'm getting an accurate speed reading,,bombs all over the place had that RA-5c block testing the Q bombing right on the money but it doesn't like carrier take offs does a back flip in sfp-1 got the a-5a from nfc5 and the a-5b from here
  21. Got your spf 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 sun block ???
  22. img00006

    From the album Untitled Album

  23. img00007

    From the album Untitled Album

  24. Thank you ,you're to kind,, now about that parade,,LOL
  25. just did a viggie mission on that pesky comm building,, came out of supersonic 20 miles out idled down to 550 knts 10,000ft pickled 4miles out,, 20 500lbsers at 200milliseconds the 5th or 6th bomb hit the building the rest was noise,, not to bad I'd say

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