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Everything posted by yubba

  1. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  2. Not until now,,that would have saved me some work would you be so kind to provide a link,, but do those have track radar,,, and laser designator
  3. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  4. Any good flight sim with Coop multiplayer?

    is there online multi player for SFP-1 ???
  5. Russian Fighter ops in Syria

    that looks like some of my handy work http://www.kp.ru/photo/63724/1151603/
  6. In all fairness I downloaded this gal from here a month or so ago it didn't have a bomb load I managed to edit the DATA ini to get LGB,, I still have to put laser Designator and the TV on board and if you guys have read any of my threads you know how to do it,, I see they have a B-47 at nato fighters column5 and I have no Idea what it has for a pit,, so lets do something different ,, I got it,, lets play name that pit, and you most of you guys know how to change a pit
  7. something for your veiwing pleasure
  8. Flying the F-4,, I found to use the radar and sparrows at a stand off postion orbiting off shore and pick them off when you can use ground control and map to find enemies,,, for ground attacks fly low and fast I reset values in the radar were radar bombing is possible at low level get in get out ..
  9. did they ever do something with the cockpit veiw,, it was quite a dissappointment but the other stations were fun ,I ,like the ball turret ,,, I found the IL-2 1946 series with HSFX have a great repersendtation of the 17s and the 24s
  10. It's been the week of the B-47 I ran across this short film of a tour inside,, maybe I can inspire someone to come up with a multi postion pit ,, I see the cobra Helicopters got a front and backseat postions,,maybe we can splice two pits together..
  11. I really didn't know the layout of the B-47 thought she was a top loader 2 man crew job
  12. I know you must feel neglected a great plane and a great history and no way to plant bombs..Ok,,Go to Nato fighters column5 get the vigilante a-5a,, the a-5c doesn't takeoff off a carrier well,, also get the a-7k two seater,,, once you are done downloading go to my thread Hud for a Thud http://combatace.com/topic/87174-a-hud-for-a-thud/do all but the B-52 stuff. the a-5a will have a hud folder in the cockpit folder delete it.
  13. I guess I should have asked what plane You are flying
  14. You, go up with Laser Guided Munitions you'll own the night,,
  15. oo oo oo I know it's the A-7k 2 seater pit used in some of my other transformations,, and is a pretty good plane itself,, didn't mean to tease you guys..
  16. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  17. img00001

    From the album Untitled Album

  18. Thank for clearing that up for me on the pit,,,I got alittle time maybe I can whip something up or spark some interest from some folk that got more talent than I..
  19. looks like a couple hundred of us judging from my threads,,,thanks for considering us,,that sounds promissing about the 2 positioned pit,,, was that done in the cockpit config ini.. file ????

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