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Everything posted by ReDDoT

  1. OMG... Holy OFF Dear Pilot friends, I am new to the forum and I have read around 45 pages on this thread.... The screenshots are awsome! The clouds, the ground, the buildings, the effects, the planes... everything are really pretty in OFF. Skies are really life-like. I never saw a flightsim like this before... I have discovered OFF last week on Youtube while watching one of Hellshade`s videos. Where have I been the last years? GRRR... I am going to check my postbox again... Safe Landings
  2. OFF and ETO

    Welcome to the OFF Forum, Just wait Uncle AI is coming to help
  3. Olham, thats incredible.... I was looking at the vintage aviators web site today and said "Hmmm cool! but no desktop wallpapers available here..." Thanks
  4. Catalyst version 11.2

    Dear Parky, now I am happy again Everything is finished, polished and ready for OFF installing. Thank You
  5. I can see Dej`s and mine :-) My video song is from SADE "Kiss of Life" Youtube :) Sometimes I can`t even watch the national geographics videos here in Norway...
  6. Catalyst version 11.2

    Thank you very much for your replies. I was a Nvidia man before too. First time I am using ATI. I am reading the "General Help" and other categories since a few days. I searched but couldn`t find anything about "Tesellation" and Catalyst version 11.2 Everybody said to me "Feel free to ask" Thats why I started this Topic.
  7. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Olham, Dankeschøn for adding me to the map

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