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Posts posted by theultimat

  1. @Olham: It just seems strange honestly, considering when you press "Z" to bring up all that information, you can see the time. Why doesn't the manager query the time the player leaves the floor, and again the moment they touch back down, then work out the difference? I would guess it's because WOFF uses an attached dll, and perhaps therefore cannot get at this information, but even then you could maybe use the computer's time, and record when the keys used to pause or accelerate the sim, then factor these into account when getting the difference as previously stated.


    @JimAttrill: I do plan on flying more, it just takes up a lot of time for me, as I don't want to use the time compression.

  2. Hi guys, hope you're all doing well.


    After a few weeks off I had the time to take my DiD pilot up for another (rather uneventful) sortie. It was a long reconnaissance flight which took about 2 hours to complete. However, after landing and ending the mission, the manager told me I had only been flying for 57 minutes. I'm not sure what this bug is or why it happens, but it may be worth noting that I had a 10 minute interruption during which I had to pause the sim; I vauguely remember this causing the OFF manager to mess up flight times, but I could be mistaken. If anyone knows of a way to stop this from happening, or why it happens in the first place, it would be much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. Well gents, I've just got my first kill! Has yet to be confirmed of course, but it was a quick and brutal fight. I was flying along in formation just over the lines South of Armienteres, when the plane to the left of the leader sheds a wing and careens straight into the poor fellow flying on his left. As this happens, our leader pulls into a tight turn and his observer starts to get busy! I still hadn't even seen the enemy, and they had taken out two of our flight of five! I followed in the turn, and then I saw them - three or four white Fokker E.IIIs, and two Aviatiks. I turned to get behind on of the E.IIIs and started firing; he went into a steep spiralling dive into which I followed him, pulling out at about 800 feet. I then managed to get onto his tail and fire a few more shots, and which point his kite jerked upwards and he spun into the floor. I pulled up steeply to gain some altitude, turning just in time to see another Strutter go down in flames. At this point the one remaining Fokker I could see seemed to lose interest (thankfully!) and headed for home, which I took as a key opportunity to get out of there! I made it home fine after that, with no more enemy contact. I was the only one to land at the field, but I was informed by WOFF that both FC David Lawley and FC Alexander MacDonald Shook had landed at other fields. FL Tony Armstrong, FL Dan Moore, and their observers, are confirmed dead.


    It's amazing how easily the enemy can sneak up on you... had I been alone I doubt my pilot would still be around to tell the tale, and the worst part is I thought I was keeping a good look out!


    Hope everyone else is still hanging on, and best of luck to all!

  4. I live a few miles outside of Cornwall in Devon, and I can assure you there are definately not many highways - of course, there's a few major A roads, but most of the time you're driving along hedged roads only wide enough for one car. If you're ever in the Devon/Cornwall area, make sure to take a look at Dartmoor - it's a truly amazing place. I'm fortunate enough to live right on the edge of it!


    In fact, the 2011 film War Horse was filmed partly on Dartmoor, so if you've seen the film you'll have a good idea of what it looks like.

  5. Unfortunately when I'm at university I don't have access to my desktop, so I don't really have anything to contribute. Still checking in though...


    Currently thinking of buying a boat to get around in. If you live in the UK then you know what I mean. The weather's playing havoc with my cycle training.


    I know exactly what you mean, when I was walking in this morning I was having difficulty walking in a straight line it was so windy. And on top of that, the railway I would normally get when I go home has effectively been washed away. And just one final picture that I think sums up everything really well...



  6. Hi Olham, I saw the attach option, but I would need to considerably reduce my image quality in order to upload them all, as there is a cap of 2MB. Doing a bit more research, it looks like getting the actual URL of the image cannot be done the way I used to do it by right-clicking and going to image location. Taking an example from one of my old posts in the BHaH reports thread, I got the url http://combatace.com/uploads/gallery/album_664/gallery_66678_664_218791.png whereas now I would get http://combatace.com/gallery/?module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=20908&file=max

  7. Hello gentlemen. I've got a few screenshots, but i've been unable to post them using the "Image" function I always used to - I keep getting the message "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." I tried both JPG and PNG files, and I'm doing it using the "My Media" option in the reply, but it's weird that I can't do what I used to do anymore.


    The first image is from my first campaign pilot's training, and the second and third are comparing fps in different weather conditions (I'm running it on 5-2-2-5-5).









    Ok, so to answer my own question it's because the image url doesn't end in a file format like .jpg or .png. I'm still not sure why it used to work though, unless the CA staff changed the way the gallery here works.

  8. Well fellows, I have excellent news! WOFF runs much better than OFF, with my frames never dropping below 45 even on an airfield! When I first ran it, I got never above 25 fps, but chaning AA to 2x from 8x and terrain texture detail to normal gave me almost double the performace! Thanks for everyone's help in this thread, it's really wonderful.


    See you all in the skies soon gents.

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  9. I posted a load of info with screenshots here Ultimat....hope it helps you and others.............http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3879049/I_Hope_to_help_people_get_more#Post3879049


    Thanks, I don't really check the other forums at all so cheers for the link!


    Also, does anyone know what the "gpu" number means on all the screenshots? I would have assumed it's memory consumption, but that doesn't make sense given what it says compared to your card.


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