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Everything posted by theultimat

  1. Thanks Shiloh. And yes, I did mean Olham - apologies for my mix up there.
  2. Just a shot I took testing out my new graphic settings - many thanks for sharing, Shiloh. Editing done in Gimp as usual.
  3. GraphicsTestingHDR

    From the album OFF

  4. WW2 photo's

    Amazing photos - thanks for posting them here! I never check anything other than the OFF section of Combat Ace, so if you hadn't posted I would have missed out. Truly wonderful photographs though... not only does it really makes you appreciate the scale of WWII, but it also shows you how people coped. That one in the Battle of Britain section with the actresses in, I think really shows how people tried to make the best of it, no matter what. I probably didn't put my point across very well, but you get the idea. Thanks again for sharing!
  5. 001

    From the album OFF

  6. @Hellshade: Thank you sir. To get the colours to look like that, I edited the screenshot in GIMP following this tutorial: Fake HDR Effect in Gimp. @Olham: Sound advice. But I am definitely interested in flying the Pfalz more - any advice on how it should be flown, or have you not used it much yourself? @Shiloh: Excellent screenshots! I've never flown the Dr.I in campaign before I don't think - I never last long enough to get there.
  7. Well I planned for this to go in the Reports from the Front topic, but unfortunately the pilot was killed shortly after the shot was taken. I was flying for Jasta 8 in Pfalz, on a routine patrol, when I spotted six SE5a low over a friendly airfield. Seeing a perfect ambush, I swept down on their tails, and within 30 seconds the trailing machine was going down in flames. It was then I flipped on labels, only to realise I had just flung my flight into RFC-56! So I ended up with two SE5s on my tail, but it was not them that killed me - it was lack of experience with the Pfalz. I was trying to turn it was you would turn a Pup, and it didn't go too well. I slid into the ground mid turn, to find my pilot was killed. Ah well - guess I should get in some more practise.
  8. PfalzVsSE5

    From the album OFF

  9. Excellent news - I got FreeTrack to work this morning by some kind of miracle. It looks like when I was soldering it wasn't a very good connection, because when I rotated my head the lights would flick off. So I did a bit of altering and there we go! Just in time to start a new DiD career, I think?
  10. Olham, I'm thinking of giving full DiD a shot too, starting in the early war and (hopefully) progressing through it, learning all the way. The only thing holding me back at the moment is my lack of (working) head tracking software, because for the life of me I can't get freetrack to work. It makes tracking enemies a pain in a dogfight using the num-pad keys. @redpiano: Check out this Command Key list by HomeBoy. It has all the functional keys that are used in OFF:
  11. Hi guys, it's me again. :) I was really looking forward to getting back into OFF since I updated my computer, but I've been having a few problems - the most annoying of which is how the clouds seem to slice apart my frame rate. I can have a solid fps of about 60 on a clear day at 2,500 feet, but in stormy weather it get cut to below 10. I have no idea what's causing this, so if anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it! Thanks again.
  12. Clouds destroying FPS

    Hello everyone. I have just checked, and I am already on the settings that you have both recommended. I also tried changing the Cloud Scale slider, but nothing happened so I have no idea what that's for. I'm completely out of ideas, especially seeing as my old machine had no problems with clouds at all. Thanks for all your help so far!
  13. Clouds destroying FPS

    Thanks guys. I've been messing around with my settings for a while now, but I can't get it to improve at all. I have a question though - in CFSConfig, under the "Texture Info" window, what does the Cloud Scale slider do? Thanks again.
  14. Clouds destroying FPS

    Hmm. Is there any way to prevent OFF rendering these clouds in the game? Thanks again.
  15. Clouds destroying FPS

    Hi Olham, thanks for the quick reply. My current sliders are... Aircraft: 5 Terrain Detail: 2 Scenery: 2 Effects: 5 Clouds: 5 Also, I just tried it on a cloudy day in Quick Combat (Snow Clouds) and recieved no fps hit. It looks like whatever is killing the fps is in the OFFMediumWeatherDynamic option, as on that setting I get the cut in fps. Thanks again!
  16. Hi folks. I just upgraded my hardware, and have finished installing everything, OFF included. I did a few test flights, then decided to try and get FreeTrack working. It works in CFS3 v3.1a with 6DOF, but when I try it in OFF it just doesn't work at all. It's worth a mention that with CFS3, it worked even without TIRAttack v1.6, which I previously thought was essential for it to work. I remembered reading a thread on here a while back that had a useful link on that I used on my old PC, but I have been searching for a while and can't find it anywhere. So if anyone has any ideas, could you please give me a helping hand? Thanks in advance. :)
  17. Glad to be of service! Also, here's two posts from the Tips and Tricks which you may find useful: Explanation of the TAC Screen Using the HUD (I know you didn't ask for this, but I found it very useful when I was starting out) Hope this helps.
  18. I'm pretty sure that it's Shift + T to toggle the TAC on and off. And welcome to the forums!
  19. 50th Birthday today

    Happy Birthday UK_Widowmaker! Hope it's a good one.
  20. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    The new manager is outstanding - but I have to say, I think the best part is the scenery. It looks amazing!
  21. Landscapes of WW1

    I'm amazed the helmet is still there. That shows the true respect of a nation for their heroes. Unfortunately, in England, people go around stealing the metal from war memorials instead.
  22. Thanks for the tips, Olham! Downloaded Infranview a while back for dealing with sprites for some game I used to mod, but now I have DXTBmp, which works in the same way I think. I haven't looked around much yet, but the quality and detail of the skins just amazes me. Well done, Devs!
  23. Wonderful shot Olham! Also, I have no idea why, but I just managed to have a flight almost consistently at 30 fps! I decided to take a screenshot of my first victim, a Fokker D.VII. I had no idea the skins were so detailed on normal resolution too!
  24. CamelAndDVII

    From the album OFF


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