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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. Yeah I forgot about visible bulletholes on hi-res skins. And strange that after building some realistic airfields for earlier versions - I recall supplying WM with some diagrams - these have disappeared. More than realistic airfields, though, I'd like to see that Holy Grail of WW1 flight sims - ground crewmen spinning your props and then stepping back to watch you depart!
  2. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    No violence or drama, just a shot showing off the timeless beauty of the WOFF skyscapes, and the elegance of its Nieuport 28:
  3. To My Fellow Veterans......

    Yo! Faugh a ballagh!
  4. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Ah, the new D.I! A nice bird. Nice pics too!
  5. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    A sequence showing what happens when Jasta 2 spots a flight of BE 2Cs, one not-so-fine day in early October, 1916:
  6. Thanks!

    Yes, it looks like something's brewing, all right; see the road below choked with motor transport, heading for the front?
  7. Pronounce 'Bertangles'?

    There's nothing amiss with a degree of Anglicisation in the pronunciation, for an Anglophone audience, of any foreign placename, methinks. Nobody, in that context, would pronounce 'Paris' as 'Paree'. Pronouncing exactly as the locals would (or attempting to) can sound like an affectation - unless you are talking to a local! However, 'Bertangles' is one of those placenames where the local pronunciation (I would say Olham's version is correct, to my ears) works best, I think. 'Bert Angles' could well have been what the local Tommies called it but unless the narrator was making an unusually careful effort to 'get into character' I think he was off target - just as today, 'Wipers' is not a reasonable Anglicisation of 'Ypres', even tho it's well-known WW1 TommySpeak version justifies its use in the context of a WW1 narrative or commentary. Anyway, enough of that. I'm due back at Lang-knee-cort for the next patrol :)
  8. This is a common and longstanding issue; if you Google it you'll get the history. IIRC some patch or mod or update somewhere along the line broke something. There may be a way of recodring tracks that play correctly - IIRC it may be that you have to stop and start recording in-game, and it's the 'save track' afterwards that's broken - or maybe it's the other way around!
  9. Il-2 1946+DBW - Typhoon

    From the album IL-2 Dark Blue World

  10. IL-2 Dark Blue World

    Screenshots from IL-2, mostly taken in the Dark Blue World, the premier mod for offline play
  11. Il-2 1946+DBW - B-17G

    From the album IL-2 Dark Blue World


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