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Everything posted by 33LIMA

  1. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Dunno what went wrong there but as you say not critical. Dawn of Flight also has a unique menu backdrop, a painting of what looks like a DFW C.V, not the DBW 1916 collage. As for The Jet Age, I'm not sure how much of this (if any) is new to CUP but as far as missiles go, the heat-seeking variety seem to work ok. I took up a Harrier II in a QMB mission, loaded up with Sidewinders, against some Tu-95 Bears. I know nothing of the modern Harrier's glass cockpit and the right-hand MFD was showing as inoperable, but the HUD display worked. Closing the range, even before I could see the enemy, I got a tone. I cut loose a couple of 'winders to see what would happen, and the results were quite satisfactory. Not bad, for a 14-year-old WW2 Eastern Front propsim!
  2. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    In addition to the different screens (aviation art style) when the sim is first loading, I get different menu screens. I just loaded The Jet Age and the main menu has a Korean-era F-86 as the background. Still get the dire Il-2 menu 'circus music' with all three modules but that's easily replaced.
  3. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    That should be useful! The version initially on release seems intended for campaign builders who can hopefully use it to check that their work is compatible with CUP and identify easily what needs fixed. I had another problem, with the base of the prop spinners invisible on the Ju-88C-6 heavy fighter. Installing the new version of Mapmod #7 is supposed to fix this but didn't. So I tried the method suggested today on the SAS CUP thread - installing into my #WAW\!000_Classfiles\3do\plane folder the Ju-88C-6 subfolder (NOT the nightfighter one, renamed!) from another small mod from 'Jeronimo' aka Epervier: http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,27820.0.html . All is now well with my Ju-88C-6's spinners... ...unfortunately for this Coastal Command Liberator, caught by three of us, off the coast of the CUP 'Norway' map...
  4. No intention to be an apologist for Der Dicke or any of that bunch, but didn't the Luftwaffe achieve equally good results to the IDF, on 22 June 1941? Not sure any of the three operations are really comparable.
  5. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    I had an existing 4.12.2 install - created for Greybeard's campaigns - otherwise un-modded. So I took a chance and installed into that - following the usual instructions to get a 4.12 install up and running. Naturally this had been installed outside of the Program Files (x86) folder to avoid Windows issues. Then I installed the mod activator - ModAct 5.3 IIRC - into that install. Then - using the original torrents - I unzipped each of the CUP .rar files into the above install, in order within each module, starting with the maps, then WAW/WW2, then DoF, then TJA. I launched CUP using the IL-2 selector proggie, same as DBW, having set RAM to 1 gig and selected WAW. Il-2 locked up hard showing 70% loaded so I checked the SAS CUP thread and found the fix for that - IIRC there are two and I can't recall which I used. WAW then worked. Enabling JTA and DoF I got lock-ups when clicking on the QMB. again searching the SAS CUP thread I found the fix was to use the included JSGME mod enabler to enable the included Combi Mod Pro. Result, all three eras functioning, tho I have only briefly checked out JTA and DoF. In the latter flying a Fokker DVII, the plane started visibly oddly, juddering if I opened the throttle full (but I also had different throttle diffs with the Albatrosses in DBW 1916 - the magnetos seemed to control power not throtle, like the engine was an early rotary not an inline - so maybe that's nothing new to CUP. In TJA a congo line of four Mig 21s on the runway resulted in the last 2 jets seemingly up-ended by the thrust of #2 on takeoff. So I have seen some strangeness but am into IL-2/CUP for WW2 so I'm not worried about troubleshooting or working around issues in DoF or TJA. Maybe later. Stock campaigns seem to work fine, tho I haven't tried many. Other campaigns seem to work so far are Beaufighter Oddysey and FlatSpinMan's Defence of the Reich. so that's a small selection of stock, pre-4.12 and 4.12 campaigns, working so far. Obviously they don't take full advantage of CUP eg FSM's RVD campaign still uses the Eastern Baltic map to represent the German Bight and takeoffs are still conga line. It may be that campaigns built for 4.12 are most likely to play out as designed, with CUP. I have Water set to 3, not 4, in conf.ini, which looks fine to me. Screenshots created a very slight hesitation before CUP, now it's longer; that's the only issue I've noticed with WW2 stuff. Tracks saved after a mission play back differently to what actually happened, but that was an issue before.
  6. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Sorry, dunno about sams, but Uncle Sam's finest seem...well, fine... ...in this case, a P-47 over the CUP Phillipines map (albeit wearing D-Day invasion stripes,thanks to a bad choice of skin on my part)... ...as are the enemy, rather more appropriately marked.. The stock campaigns seem to work fine in CUP, if the Soviet fighter one is anything to go by... ...as seems to be FlatSpinMan's Defence of the Reich campaign for Willi Jedermann, even tho not I think built for 4.12... Only thing I really don't like is that at least some grass airfields have these odd-looking rows of bright green cabbage-like plants either side. They look odd and are still bright green even in dull light and conspicuously pop out of view as the range increases. Haven't seen that before. Despite that, so far, still so good, for me.
  7. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Jeeps in Moscow...next thing you know, there'll be Bears in Arizona... ...over the Grand Canyon, no less... ...and there's deer on the loose up there, too. Hinds, to be specific... Screenies from CUP's 'The Jet Age' module.
  8. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    CUP is still working fine for me, all three modules but playing mainly WW2/'World at War'. Main benefits seem to be: - some extra planes, over DBW; - the new AI (not yet qualified to say what's different/better); - wheels and spinners on many planes are more rounded/less angular; - more maps (many accessible from QMB with included Mission Pro 'sub-mod'); - more/new ground objects & ships (this one may not be new but you get the picture); - formation taxi-ing and take-offs possible, where incorporated by mission/campaign designer; - better effects than 'stock' DBW eg volumetric smoke, better clouds, better tracer smoke trails; - numerous optional 'sub-mods' included in package; - easier to d/l and install than DBW+TFM (for some, anyway!). You still need to add campaigns & additional skins to see the sim at its best; but as a platform, I can see why the Community User Patch would be the new starting point for IL-2 Single Player.
  9. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Never got around to downloading and installing TFM so can't compare from actual experience. So far, CUP doesn't seem any better or worse than DBW at handling stuff that slows the sim down on my old rig, like very dense urban areas or the crammed airfield in the Afrika mission reports. I had to apply the adaptive half refresh rate v-synch in DBW 1916 (as reported in my Nieuport 28 mission report a while back) to avoid a real slide-show near the DBW 1916 airfields and have kept that turned on for CUP. I think there was a bit of stutter in the Beaufighter mission in CUP, when a lot of bombs hit and threw up smoke plumes,
  10. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    That's what I did. Just unzipped first the maps .rar files in order, then those for the eras of choice. into the main Il-2 folder. I also had to apply the 70% lock-up load fix (maybe fixed in the latest Torrent fix and/or individual downloads). and to avoid the QMB locking me up in Jet Age & Dawn of Flight, I had to apply the included QM Combi-mod with the included JSGME
  11. Flying the next mission in FlatSpinMan's 'Afrika jaeger' campaign It's been an eventful few days since campaign pilot Willi Jedermann arrived in North Africa! No sooner is he back at base after intercepting a Desert Air Force raid, than he's being sent aloft again, this time to catch an unidentified aircraft reported by shipping offshore. Here's the mission briefing, showing most but not all of the nicely-crafted text. These briefings are one of the high points of FlatSpinMan's campaigns, often linking one mission with the next as only a scripted mission set can do. My only gripe is that militarily significant detail sometimes takes second place to dramatic effect - in this case, I'm not told I have a wingman! I also have a fresh aircraft, with a new 'skin' - these are I think by CannonUK and are another of the campaign's high points. Launching the mission, I found myself at the front of the queue for take-off, ahead of a second 109 (who turns out to be flying the mission with me) and a couple of Ju 52 tri-motor transports. I checked my controls, held on the brakes and started up. I don't use 'Complex Engine Management' so I don't worry about warm-ups, prop pitch or radiator settings (though now that I'm getting more into Il-2, I might just make a start with 'CEM'). 1 I was in a bit of a hurry so didn't bother with flaps. Some right rudder, gradual opening of the throttle and locking the tailwheel as soon as I started to roll, kept me pretty straight and I was soon climbing away to the east. Up came the landing gear then at about 1000 meters, I throttled back and waited till the other 109 had caught up...thereby confirming he was actually flying as my wingman. I was glad of the company; you never know what might be waiting out there. Opening up again, I turned to the north-east and resumed my climb, towards my patrol 'box', just out to sea to the north of my airbase. As you can see, my aircraft is still in basically European camouflage and markings; but as well as the white Mediterranean theatre rear fuselage band, she's had some attempt made at the application of desert camouflage - brown blotches on the nose and rudder and brown 'tiger stripes' on the fuselage sides; also perhaps some brown light overspray, to blend in the two-tone grey uppersurfaces. I'm fairly sure this and the other included 'skins' are based on photos of actual aircraft, many of which show just this sort of appearance, before proper local camouflage schemes were devised and applied to the Luftwaffe's aircraft in Africa. Looking out over the sea, I tried not to be distracted by the sight of the animated waves breaking on those long, alluring beaches and the crystal-clear water beyond, deepining into a typical, rich Mediterranean blue in the deeper water. Truly, on the highest settings, Il-2 '46's graphics can still be rather beautiful. And the stars of the show, the aircraft themselves, may have rather fewer polygons than the latest sims and no dynamic shadows, but inside and out, they still look great, especially clad in top-notch 'skins' of the sort that come with FlatspinMan's campaigns. Not far from the coastline I could see a pair of medium-sized ships, possibly the ones who had complained of the attentions of the suspect aircraft which I'd been sent up to investigate and if nececsary, despatch. A short disatnce behind them, to the east, was another, smaller vessel; evidently a warship, from her more slender beam. As we flew out to sea, I suddenly saw a cluster of grey puffs appear in the sky beside and behind us. Somebody down there was shooting at us! Doubting that poor target recognition was involved, I looked down for the culprit. It was the warship, and looking again, I could see that it was a submarine. She didn't look like a U-Boat or any Italian sub that I'd ever seen. From her stepped conning tower she looked rather like a US Gato class, but could equally have been British. Crash-diving while she could would have been a better tactic for dealing with aircraft, but perhaps she was keen to catch those two ships ahead, which she could not have done submerged and running on her electric motors. Perhaps the British sailors thought to scare us off, not realising that the Luftwaffe was now open for business in this theatre. I circled around while considering my options. I didn't much fancy exchanging rounds with resolute and alert naval gunners. And there was still the business of that mystery aircraft, the main object of our mission and which might appear again at any moment. But some of the very shipping we depended on for our sustenance in Africa was clearly under direct and pretty immediate threat, about to be attacked by this submarine. Nothing else for it. I ordered the other 109 to attack shipping - padlocking the sub and ordering 'Attack my target' would have been more precise - and rolled in to attack. ...to be continued!
  12. Il-2 '46 - North Africa!

    Another great Luftwaffe fighter pilot campaign from FlatSpinMan! Having thoroughly enjoyed his Defence of the Reich campaign, I was keen to try out another of FlatSpinMan's German campaigns and picked this one, for a change of scenery - and climate! No more footering about over the cold waters of the North Sea for me, it's 'Off to Darkest Africa', as the song goes. This campaign is a sort of a prequel, featuring the same Luftwaffe fighter pilot, Willi Jedermann, as the Reichs Defence campaign. This is available from Mission4Today, which site is unfortunately down at the time of writing, so I can't post a link. Edit, 5 Feb '15 - Mission4today, the ultimate Il-2 resource, is back up and you can get FlatspinMan's campaigns here. The campaign's first mission is a transit flight, simulating the arrival in force of the Luftwaffe, as part of the Deutsches Afrika Korps' 1941 deployment to prop up the Italian forces, after the latter's disastrous defeat at the hands of the British forces based in Egypt. Although there's no action, this mission is a nice scene-setter, featuting an air start with the player's Bf 109E-7, still in European theatre camouflage and carrying long-range tank, slipping in from the Mediterranean amidst a veritable horde of incoming German aircraft. The scene at the airbase I was bound for was equally impressive, with the field positively awash with German aircraft of all types! Apparently, our Willi has been posted to JG 27, which if course is the Luftwaffe fighter wing most closely associated with the war in the desert. However, before he can join his unit, Willi is scrambled at the head of a flight of three other pilots in transit, to intercept an incoming force of RAF bombers which is evidently hoping to smash up the tempting target presented by so much Luftwaffe aircraft and matériel sitting at this staging airfield. The plane I ferried in wasn't available so I was allocated been given another machine, 'Yellow 5'. Like my last mount, this still in Eurpoean camouflage but with a white theatre fuselage band and yellow quick recognition markings in the form of yellow cowling and rudder. My flight-mates were in similar interim markings, as you can see from 'Yellow 6' and 'Yellow 8'. As with FlatSpinMan's Defence of the Reich campaign, the inclusion of very high-quality 'skins', like these, is a nice feature. Our brief was to patrol at 2500 meters over the sea, just north of our base, watching out for the raid we're expecting. Once airborne, headed east, I cleaned up my aircraft and climbed out to about 1000 metres, then throttled back, to let my three flight-mates catch up. Climbing again, this time northwards out to sea, I could sea below and ahead a flight of tan-coloured biplanes, on the same course. Evidently, these were the Italian allies I'd been briefed would also be on this operation. Fiat CR 42s most likely, I thought. As I watched, the Italians, who had been climbing fairly gently, suddenly pulled up into a much tighter climb. Had they seen something I hadn't? The answer was 'Yes!' At least two flights of larger aircraft were coming more or less directly at us, slightly high. This looked like it! I pulled up my nose in an effort at making a head-on pass to begin with, though from the high closing speed I quickly realised I would be just too late. As the enemy ran in towards us, I saw that they were slim twin-engined bombers, and that a couple of tan-coloured monoplanes - more Italians, most likely - had beaten us to the punch. I quickly gave the flight the order to attack and pulled up and around as the enemy - Blenhiems, they were - swept past. No sign of a fighter escort, that I could see. Time to get stuck in, before they hit our base, which they would reach in a matter of a very few minutes...unless we could stop them! ...to be continued!
  13. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Still working fine for me. Not going so well for this Sally, though... ...nor for this Zeke, sadly... With such a large mod, which includes lots of little submods, it's to be expected I think that some post-release debugging will be needed, so that everything works with everything else.
  14. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Strange, for a thing that is effed up beyond all redemption, my CUP install seems to be functioning fine. But maybe that's because I applied the fix for the '70% freeze' and then enabled the QMB combo mod pro thingy to fix the QMB lockups with the Dawn of Flight and Jet Age modules. But I'm D/L'ing the torrent fix now and at some point I'll create a fresh install, just in case I'm missing something. But for now, the new planes, maps and as far as I can see AI are all there, plus older campaigns - at least those designed for 4.12 - are working fine so far. And these jets from '46 are working fine, tho if there was a trick to get the wire-guided missiles actually guiding, I haven't found out what it was. Thanks for the gen on the torps Kjakker, thought it was something like that, didn't the IJN apply some similar lash-up mod to their torpedoes to stop them ending up in the silt at Pearl. Agree with Anthropoid, to the extent that IL-2 is never likely to be as good at modern jets or WW1 birds as dedicated offerings and that SF2/FE2 still offer a top-notch experience in those areas, plus better animated aircrew and dynamic shading, tho the Mig-21 still looks pretty good in both sims... ...the SF series have that Third Wire 'magic touch' about them, excelling at air-to-air in particular. However, for WW2, for many players, IL-2 still beats the socks of the shiny new contenders. For me it's mostly down to finding the right campaigns, like Blinding Sun with its idiosyncratic and engaging briefings and varied missions where the unexpected is frequently thrown at you; likewise the FlatSpinMan Reichs defence and DAK campaigns I've reported on here - as immersive and exciting as any campaigns in any sim, and much better than those in some of the 'shiny, new' stuff.
  15. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    I knew somebody would ask that! Don't know yet. The F/A18 has a working HUD and stuff that lights up green where there should be dials (!!!) on the panel. Radar, Sidewinders and Sparrows? Dunno if they work and if so, how. No such worries, with the WW1 module (formerly DBW 1916). I've tried a couple of campaigns from M4T tho, starting with ones reported to work in the TD 4.12 mod, and those i've tried do work. Being built in earlier versions, they lack some of the new features eg takeoffs in 'From Pearl Harbour to Midway' are still conga line rather than in formation and the battleships are still British 'KG Fives'. But they work! Likewise 'Beaufighter Odyssey'. Though it's using the original Pacific Fighters DAP (Aussie) Beau rather than the newer models...and I'm not sure why my torpedo looks like somebody forgot to remove the packaging. Still. these two campaigns are functioning in CUP. Will try some of the ones I've flown in DBW (pre-4.12) next, fingers crossed.
  16. Details of the 'Community Universal Patch' are here... http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.0.html Have just started downloading, using the torrent option.
  17. Still going strong. Flying some Italian planes over one of the Spanish maps in a Quick Mission, I found myself statring in the air and having difficulty starting my engine, not using Complex Engine Management so not sure what that was about. Lots of nice scenery to admire, engine turning or not, tho the terrain objects like trees and buildings are still drawn in and out rather close. Below is Badajoz, complete with castle and bullring. I haven't played much with 4.12 but the TD artificial intelligence seems somehow more human; fighting Mustangs over the wintry Ardennes in a long-nosed 190 was good fun. One of the Amis I knocked down tried to out-zoom climb me twice, stall turning at the top each time, which I don't think I've seen before. Didn't do him much good in the end.
  18. Took a little longer to get the WW2 ('Dawn of Flight') and post-WW2 ('The Jet Age') modules working. At first they locked up my PC trying to load the Quick Mission Builder but they work ok now, after following a tip and enambily the (included) 'Mission Pro Combo' mod (which also unlocks many more maps and other extras, in the Quick Mission Builder screen). Anyway it's all systems go, tho for me Il-2 will always be best for and at WW2.
  19. I think that's right - a 'New, improved' & expanded Il-2 '46 platform.
  20. Well, she's up and working. Downloaded the torrents and needed an overnight run for the maps and a few hours for the rest. Isnnstalled the maps and the WW2 package so far, but the sim wouldn't load, crashing at 70%. There's a couple of different fixes for those who get this on the CUP thread at SAS, see post 222 on page 19 - http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg504335.html#msg504335Worked for me and I've started flying a few quick missions to see what's what. So far, so good!
  21. Quoting from the first post in the link above, this seems to be it. the only vaguely tricky bit seems to be ensuring you have a suitable base install, meaning I think Il-2 '46 with the latest official patches then patched to 1.12; then this mod activator thingy (ModAct 5.3). I haven't got that fae yet but it doesn'ty look any tricker than installing DBW. I will be keeping the latter install as well, until CUP has the sort of campaign content that I like with DBW. BEST INSTALL ADVICE: The C.U.P. Modules drop into any install of - Il2/1946 + 412 + SAS MODACT (5.3) and do not effect existing #SAS folders ONLY THE BASIC SAS MODACT 5.3 IS REQUIRED SAS IL-2 4.12.2m Mega Patch http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,38443.0.html SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,37662.0.html The C.U.P. Modules will be updated in the usual way with subsequent additions, in SFS format, simply applied over the top of the existing install. ALL ADDITIONAL OPTIONS ARE INCLUDED Many JSGME tweaks and features may easily be added or removed, according to taste, whenever the player wants. Each is prefixed according to its effects: #CUP - Universal Option applies feature to all modules #DOF - Option applies feature to ‘Dawn of Flight’ #WAW - Option applies feature to ‘World at War’ #JTW - Option applies feature to ‘The Jet Age’ DO MODULE ONE BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE Get all nine parts of CUP Module One and UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory NEXT APPLY THE FLIGHT ERA MODULES Get them all or get the one that interests you most first off Get ALL parts of the next module, currently 4 for DoF and JTW and 7 for WaW UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory Select the new Era with the new Selector and go fly!
  22. This being a new platform based on the TD 4.12 patch, I suspect campaigns compatible with that patch may work fine and that others may, or may need tweaked eg something that played out ok with the old AI, plays out differently with the new and disturbs the flow of the mission. If theis becomes the new standard for Single player IL-2 I expect we'll see plenty of new content or older stuff undated as necessary. Here's the list of maps included in CUP, from the user manual: LIST OF MAPS IN C.U.P. Archangelsk Autumn -by agracier Archangelsk Summer -by agracier Archangelsk Winter -by agracier Archangelsk Hard Winter -by agracier Balaton Summer -Ubisoft Balaton Winter -Ubisoft Eastern Baltic Summer -by Uzin Eastern Baltic Winter -by Uzin Berlin Summer -Ubisoft Berlin Autumn -by CKY Berlin Winter -by CKY Bessarabia Summer -Ubisoft Bessarabia(light) -Ubisoft Odessa(light) -Ubisoft Bulgaria -by agracier Caucasus Summer -by CzechTexan Caucasus Winter -by CzechTexan The Black Sea -by Dad Crimea -Ubisoft Crimea Summer -by LalRhone Crimea Autumn -by LalRhone Crimea Winter -by LalRhone Crimea Mud -by LalRhone Denmark -by RW32 Donbass Summer -by Oknevas Donbass Winter -by Oknevas Estonia -by Oknevas Poland 1939 -by Uzin Prokhorovka -by Cyberolas Gulf of Finland Spring -by LalRhone Gulf of Finland Summer -by LalRhone Gulf of Finland Autumn -by LalRhone Gulf of Finland Winter -by LalRhone Finland Summer -by Kapteeni Finland Winter -by Kapteeni Karelia Summer -by agracier&Kapteeni Karelia Autumn -by agracier&Kapteeni Karelia Winter -by agracier&Kapteeni Karelia Winter Ice -by agracier&Kapteeni Svir Summer -by Kapteeni Svir Winter -by Kapteeni Syvari Summer -by Kapteeni Syvari Winter -by Kapteeni Syvari Hard Winter -by Kapteeni Viipuri Spring -by Kapteeni Viipuri Summer -by Kapteeni Viipuri Winter -by Kapteeni Viipuri Hard Winter -by Kapteeni Kiev Summer -Ubisoft Kiev Autumn -Ubisoft Kiev Winter -Ubisoft Ukraine Summer -by AP Ukraine Winter -by AP Kuban -by Cyberolas Kurland Winter -Ubisoft Kurland Autumn -Ubisoft Kursk -by Cyberolas Lapland Summer -by agracier Lapland Autumn -by agracier Lapland Winter -by agracier Lapland for Jets Summer -by agracier&Tom2 Lapland for Jets Autumn -by agracier&Tom2 Lapland for Jets Winter -by agracier&Tom2 Lvov Spring -by VPMedia Lvov Summer -Ubisoft Lvov Autumn -by LalRhone Lvov Winter -CKY Moscow Spring -by LalRhone Moscow Summer -Ubisoft Moscow Winter -Ubisoft Battle of Moscow Autumn -by Oknevas Battle of Moscow Summer -by Oknevas Battle of Moscow Winter -by Oknevas Murmansk Summer -Ubisoft Murmansk Winter -Ubisoft Murmansk Hard Winter -GW Smolensk -Ubisoft Stalingrad Summer -by Cyberolas Stalingrad Winter -by Cyberolas Suomussalmi Summer -by agracier Suomussalmi Autumn -by agracier Suomussalmi Winter -by agracier Central Ukraine Summer -by mandrill Central Ukraine Autumn -by mandrill Northern Alps -by Zipolar'e Central Alps -by Zipolar'e Eastern Alps -by Zipolar'e Western Alps -by Zipolar'e Atlantic Summer -by CKY Atlantic Winter -by CKY Ardennes Summer -by Cyberolas Ardennes Winter -by Cyberolas Ardennes Winter TAB -by TAB Ardennes Winter GW -by GW The North Sea -by WAG Bay of Biscay -by agracier English Channel -by Kapteeni English Channel Spring -by canonUK English Channel Summer -by canonUK English Channel Winter -by canonUK English Channel 1940-41 Spg’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1940-41 Sum’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1940-41 Aut’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1940-41 Win’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1942-45 Spg` -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1942-45 Sum’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1942-45 Aut’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 1942-45 Win’ -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Spg’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Sum’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Aut’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Win’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Spg’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Sum’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Aut’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel Win’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot English Channel 352nd Map -by 352nd Squad Circus Raids Map Summer -by DRK Circus Raids Map Winter -by DRK Nordbayern -by KM Normandy-June 1943 -by LalRhone Normandy-June 1944 -by LalRhone Normandy Winter -by LalRhone Normandy Heavy Winter -by LalRhone German Czech Border 1938 -Unknown European Nightfighter Map -by RLV European Nightbomber Map -by RLV Western Front 1940 Blitz -by GilB Western Front 1940 Winter -by GilB Western Front 1944 Summer -by GilB Western Front 1944 Winter -by GilB Western Front Spring -by GilB Western Front Summer -by GilB Western Front Autumn -by GilB Western Front Winter -by GilB Western Europe La Chute -by Spit973 Northwest Europe -Ubisoft Northwest Europe Revisited -may-bug Norway -Ubisoft Norway Winter -Ubisoft Norway Summer -Ubisoft Northern Norway -by Zipolar'e Narvik -by agracier Svalbard -by Lynx23 Spanish Morocco -by agracier African Congo -Unknown Dakar -by agracier Djibouti -by agracier El Alamein -by viking4570 Madagascar -by agracier Magallanes -by MrOblongo Mozambique -by agracier African Zimbotho -by CAL Northern African Coastline -by RedEye_Jir Crete -by viking4570 The Gothic Line Summer -by Zuti The Gothic Line Winter -by Zuti Slovakia Summer 1955 -by Zuti Slovakia Winter 1955 -by Zuti Slovakia Summer -by Zuti Slovakia Winter -by Zuti Slovakia Summer (Online) -by Zuti Slovakia Winter (Online) -by Zuti Italy -Ubisoft Italy Africa & Greece LAG -by LAG Italy Africa & Greece VOL -by Volperossa War Over Italy -by Volperossa Hejaz -by agracier Hormuz -by agracier Iraq -by agracier Northeast Lybia -by JV69 Malta lowres -by Marez Malta mediumres -by Marez Malta highres -by Marez Malta 1942 -by FIV The Middle East (Big) -by Nounette The Central Mediterranean -by Marez Mediterranean Theatre -Ubisoft Mediterranean Theatre Light -Ubisoft Mediterranean Theatre Redko -by Redko Monte Cassino -by Zipolar'e Algeria Tunisia & Sicily -by Volperossa The Western Desert -Ubisoft The Western Desert (Redko) -by Redko The Sands Of Time -Ubisoft The Sands Of Time (Redko) -by Redko Sardinia -by Volperossa Serbia -by Avala Sidi Ifni -by agracier The Sinai -by delvpier&TAM Tunisia -by MrOblongo Slovenia Summer -by Zuti Slovenia Winter -by Zuti Andalucia -by agracier Aragon -by agracier Balearic Islands -by agracier Canary Islands -by HRT Central Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir Central Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir Central Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir Central Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir Ebro River 1938 -by HRT Madeira -by HRT Madrid -by agracier&UF Northeast Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir Northeast Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir Northeast Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir Northeast Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir Northern Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir Northern Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir Northern Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir Northern Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir Southern Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir Southern Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir Southern Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir Southern Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir The Aleutians -by agracier Australia Queensland -by agracier Australia Darwin 1942-43 -by Neil Lowe B29 Alley -by delvpier Batavia -by agracier Benghalli -by Avala Northern Borneo PreWar 1942 -by farang65 Northern Borneo 1943-45 -by farang65 Burma Upper -by FabianFred Burma -Ubisoft Burma (TAM) -by TAM Burma Lower -by CzechTexan Burma Lower 1942 -by CzechTexan Burma Lower 1944 -by CzechTexan Cape Glouceste -by agracier Chichi Jima -Ubisoft Chichi Jima (BA) -by Bombsaway Chichi Jima (Whc) -by Whitecat The Coral Sea -Ubisoft The Coral Sea (Online) -Ubisoft The Coral Sea (BA) -by Bombsaway Formosa -by agracier&Redko Guadalcanal Early -Ubisoft Guadalcanal Late -Ubisoft Hankow -by agracier Harbin 1937 -by agracier The Hawaain Islands -Ubisoft The Hawaain Islands -by Whitecat India -by agracier Southeast India -by BB Iwo Jima -Ubisoft Iwo Jima pre invasion -by Whitecat Iwo Jima invasion -by Whitecat Iwo Jima post invasion -by Whitecat Iwo Jima to Kanto -by RealDarko Khalkhin Gol Region -DaveOD06 Khalkhin Gol River -by Zipolar'e The Kokoda Trail -by MrOblongo Korean Theatre Summer(3BG) -by 3BG Korean Theatre Summer(whc) -by 3BG&Whitecat Korean Theatre Winter(3BG) -by 3BG North Korea Summer 1950 -by CY6 North Korea Autumn 1950 -by CY6 North Korea Winter 1950 -by CY6 North Korea Spring 1951 -by CY6 North Korea Summer 1951/53 -by CY6 North Korea Winter 1951/53 -by CY6 Kwajalein -DaveOD06 Kwajalein 1944 -by Bombsaway Hokkaido North Japan Summer -Ubisoft Hokkaido North Japan Winter -Ubisoft Kyushu South Japan(redko) -by Redko Kyushu South Japan -Ubisoft Kyushu South Japan(whc) -by Whitecat The Lost Islands -by agracier Makin Atoll -Ubisoft Manchuria -Ubisoft Manchuria(TAM) -Ubisoft&TAM Marcus Islands(LS) -by Lonestar67 Marianas -Ubisoft Marianas Expanded -by DaveOD06 The Marshall Islands 1942 -DaveOD06 Midway -Ubisoft Midway(cat) -by Whitecat Midway LateWar(BA) -by Bombsaway New Georgia -by agracier Dutch New Guinea -by farang65 New Guinea -Ubisoft Northern Ryukyu Islands -by Lonestar67 Okinawa -Ubisoft Okinawa(LALwhc) -by LAL&Whitecat Okinawa Japan & Korea -by FabianFred Pacific Islands -Ubisoft Pacific Islands2 -Ubisoft Pacific Islands(TAM) -Ubisoft&TAM Pacific Islands(BTM) -by Bombsaway Central Pacific (MiSP) -by MiSP Palau -Ubisoft Palau(redko) -by Redko Palembang 42(IJ) -by IJ Palembang 45(IJ) -by IJ Philippines -by DixieCapt Rabaul 1944 -by Bee Rennell Islands -by Lonestar67 Rennell Islands 1943 -by Lonestar67 Santa Cruz -by Lonestar67 Santa Cruz 1942 -by Lonestar67 Sakishima -by Prangster Singapore -Ubisoft Singapore 2 -Ubisoft Singapore(whc) -by Whitecat Solomon Islands Aug 1942 -Team Daidalos Solomon Islands Oct 1942 -Team Daidalos Solomon Islands Dec 1942 -Team Daidalos Solomon Islands Jul 1943 -Team Daidalos Solomon Islands Oct 1943 -Team Daidalos Solomon Islands Jan 1944 -Team Daidalos Tarawa -Ubisoft Tarawa Expanded -by DaveOD06 Thailand -by FabianFred Truk Lagoon -by Lonestar67 Truk Lagoon 2 (LS) -by Lonestar67 Truk Lagoon (BA) -by Bombsaway Wake Island -Ubisoft WaWake Island Retextured -by Whitecat Western Carolines Mid 1944 -by DaveOD06 Western Carolines Late 1944 -by DaveOD06 Woodlark Islands -by agracier South Vietnam -by MissionBug North Vietnam -by BB Viet Minh -by ag-cztx-PS Hanoi -by agracier Paraguay -by agracier Cuba -by agracier Honduras -by farang65 The Falkland Islands -by Bombsaway Ankoria & Pagadona -by farang65 Neuschwabenland -by farang65 WWI Belarus 1916 WWI The English Channel WWI Gallipoli Peninsula WWI The Italian Front WWI Megiddo and Palestine WWI The Somme Early WWI The Somme Late WWI The Somme Winter WWI The Western Front -by GilB&SAS~Boomer WWI The North Sea Early -RealDarko&Gillb57 WWI The North Sea Late -RealDarko&Gillb57 OTHER REGIONS Flight Test Centre The Grand Canyon -by viking4570 Pensacola NAS -by agracier Reno Nevada -by Tom2 Blumax Islands -by Blumax Online-Summer1 -Ubisoft Online-Summer2 -Ubisoft Online-Summer3 -Ubisoft Online-Summer4 -Ubisoft Online-Winter1 -Ubisoft Online-Winter2 -Ubisoft Online-mountains -Ubisoft Online-Islands1 -Ubisoft Online-Islands2 -Ubisoft Online-Islands3 -Ubisoft
  23. Farman F.40 WIP

    Great to see this - will fill one of the few remaining gaps in the FE planeset! Not many real gaps left now, except an AW FK8, a 1918 German 2-seater and a Dorand AR.
  24. See here, coming soon: http://graviteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=11793.0 There's a nice user-made intro video here, for those like me who have been slow to make the effort to get into SABOW, from an experienced Steel Beasts Pro PE player who also rates SABOW very highly as a tanksim (thanks to Murkz for posting a link on the Graviteam SABOW forum): Worth checking out!
  25. I'm like the Chinese premier reportedly asked by a US diplomat what he thought of the French Revolution and replied, 'Too soon to say'. I have only tried Quick Battles so far. Before watching Sim Deck's intro video (link in 1st post) I found it tedious and non-intuitive. Now I find it quite simple, as easy as starting an instant/quick mission in any other sim. Granted I'm not using the options in the deployment/orders screen (appears after you kick off your quick battle but before the sim goes into 3d). Campaign missions may be as easy to get into. But if you are compelled to play the wargamer role first, then it'll be necessary to learn what all those buttons in the deployment and ordsers screens do, before you can satrt the actual battle. In which case the ease of use or otherwise of the UI will become rather more important. I was once into wargaming with 1/300 miniatures but never interested in board wargaming so I'm hoping I can mostly skip that element in SABOW. If not, well it's all down to that U So far, still so good, but early days yet.

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