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Everything posted by Adger

  1. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    A Short navigation training op.....over to Biggin Hill with Capt Triggers
  2. A few pics for you Stratos..SE5 ,SE5a and the Viper.......
  3. Mapping Project

    I know its going to be a labour of love for you Lou,its looking great Sir...i wish you all the very best with your project
  4. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    Yep i agree with above.....i own OFF that was great...WOFF blows it out of the water,i would have gladly paid another £10,i shall be getting the skins pack (all monies go to the skinners) and also any D.L.C that OBD release...it,s the finest ww1 aviation game on the market bar none,Devs are quick to correct any problems and are true ww1 fans.Your missing out Blackadder on a great sim all for the price difference of a Tenner
  5. *Sigh*

    Yeah ive asked the same question Ultimat.....no reply as yet
  6. *Sigh*

    I posted a load of info with screenshots here Ultimat....hope it helps you and others.............http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3879049/I_Hope_to_help_people_get_more#Post3879049
  7. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    I wonder if it,s a unbindable key? .... il be flying WOFF soon ,il have a look and give it a try
  8. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    HA ha me to Olham i pressed F12 ,could,nt find my shots,went into WOFF,s key chart and it was K......... lol
  9. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Thank you Olham ....New ones for WOFF sir?......to take them in WOFF its K on the keyboard,they get sent to documents\OBDWW1\Over Flanders \Fields
  10. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Il start with a couple of screenies gents.......First two showing fps on a lowish end system 10 plane Q.C 2nd two showing Landing with Flight Instructor Owen Triggers,at Sutton,s Farm...before being deployed
  11. *Sigh*

    Your setup seems to kick ass on mine Ultimat...i close down any unnecessary background apps before launching WOFF,my quad core processor i believe is slower (phenom 2 @ 3.5 ghz oc) only 4 gb of DDR2,and like i mentioned a 1GB 5770,im just wondering if there,s anything that may be eating at your system resources ,but if not it looks great with AF set to 8 and AA set to 8...do it all in Catalyst control centre Sir.Any info you require please dont hesitate to ask ......Regards, Adger
  12. *Sigh*

    What kind of FPS do you get on OFF Ultimat?and if you dont mind me asking whats your processor,memory,etc....my ATI card settings for Woff in CCC are here sir......hope it helps Anti-Aliasing Mode Override App settings Anti-Aliasing Samples 8x Filter Box Anti-Aliasing Method Multisampling Morpholological Filtering OFF TEXTURE FILTERING Anisotropic Filtering Override App Settings Anistoropic Filtering level 8x Texture Filtering Quality Standard Surface Format Opt ON Wait for vertical Refresh Off,unless App specifies OpenGL Triple Buffering Off Tessellation Mode Amd optimized Maximum Tessellation Amd Optimized Also Guys im using the AMD 13.11 Beta v6 drivers...getting great results on a lower end system
  13. *Sigh*

    Hi Ultimat,i can post a couple of screenies from WOFF,FPS on Woff im getting 20-30 on ground (depending on amount of craft etc) 40+ at times in the air......cant do a OFF comparison as ive uninstalled sorry,but IMHO WOFF seems....better optimized dont,know if any other members can testify to this...Same as OFF labels on decreases fps by about 5,same as bad weather,but all looks clearer and ive not had a single stutter ...Hope this helps Dont know what the 2081 and 2053 are by the GPU if its Gpu memory then im puzzled as my card is DEFINITELY only 1GB Regards, Adger .
  14. Hi guys really after some advice here.....just sent off for a ps3 eye camera and a Delanclip from ebay (similar to track clip pro)...How does freetrack or facetrack noir perform? is it easy to set up?i know Trackir is better but this time of year £140 is just not available ...any info will be greatly appreciated ...thanks guys
  15. Thanks for the feedback Tamper,just gotta wait a few days for my items to arrive as soon as im up and running (fingers crossed) il let you know how i got on Regards,Adger Ps just using the Hat switch on my joystick at the moment but i edited the Viewui.xml files to pan quicker,but i just wanted to take my immersion a step further by having head tracking,cheers for the in depth response to my Query sir.
  16. *Sigh*

    Hi Ultimat sorry ive only just seen your post..........ive got a Amd phenom 2 x4 955 processor,only 4 gb of ddr2 ram and a 1gb 5770........Woff runs perfect ,it seems better optimized than OFF,ive got it on 5,4,4,5,5 settings and the fps are more than adequate,ive not had one stutter or CTD,in your cards CCC set AA=8 and AF=8,any info you require just post mate or send me a PM
  17. New WOFF Forum

    C.A was the first forum i found when i first jumped into OFF,unbelievably great people who helped with all my newbie questions,i remember looking at Screenshots and Reports off Olham,and Lou amongst many others And also Hellshades brilliant video,s that quite often took me into the minds of the Brave Airmen of the Axis and Allies who flew these incredible machines,a great friendly forum but like Jim says WOFF has its own new page..i could,nt believe it when the change was announced that we were moving to sim Hq (bit premature) IMO...but has Pol posted C.A was down for a few days and i dont think the Devs were quite sure when (of if) it was ever gonna be back.I still pop on here every single day its a ritual,and i still pop over to sim HQ ,and now ive gotta pop over to WOFF,S new page and ......well you know the rest,i just bookmarked the pages at the top of My Google Chrome page and there all a click away,I just hope that once WOFF is released i can come Home (here at C.A)..and read some excellent reports from some great ,friendly,honest down to earth guys that frequent this wonderful Forum .
  18. A Link to Woff,s latest announcement.......http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3868698/WOFF_Release_Date#Post3868698
  19. Ha Ha ...a man after my own heart
  20. Ha ha absolutely true Robert...i get shot down enough times already as it is
  21. Ha ha i never joke where WOFF,s concerned just like im always deadly Serious when i get them Hun in my sights MWHHAHAHAHAHA
  22. Nice one Igor,hope all goes well.....dont put your terrain settings to more than 4,it just doesn,t look quite right,also i believe youll get hit with a fairly big f.p.s drop.Scenery settings on 5 may cause a small fps drop,just tinker and see
  23. Its a strange one for sure Igor....theres just got to be some incompatable driver? somewhere i reckon,mines running on win 7 64 bit sp1....antivirus software is usually the culprit,you might have to add cfs3.exe to exclusion lists sorry if you,ve already tried this,im sure it,s what i had to do when i first installed (it was a long time ago though )....good luck
  24. Hi Igor...i have Win 7 64 bit and have no problems at all getting OFF to run,heres a link to official page ....do the installation phase step by step.....hope it helps http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm also you could Try setting cfs3.exe Properties, Compatibilty, to 'run as administrator, and set compatibility mode to XP SP2 or 3

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