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Everything posted by Adger

  1. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3654601/31/WOFF_NEW_DEV_SCREENSHOTS
  2. She really does look amazing i agree Widow.......the landscape also looks great
  3. A link to a few more Woff screenshots........http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3654601/28
  4. And three more....at bottom of the page folks......http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3854200/Re_WOFF_NEW_DEV_SCREENSHOTS#Post3854200
  5. Hi Ulfur ,i live in the UK i had to wait a couple of weeks but it seems like you have been waiting a while ,i would suggest maybe giving one of the devs a PM and inquiring.Polovski may be able to help ,click on his name on the right hand side above this thread to see his profile ,and then send him a message hope this helps
  6. Hi fellas,just picking up on a comment made by pol about tracknoir,has anybody used tracknoir with off?ive been looking at different sites which claim that a ps3 eye camera will yield exceptional results,i really want to be able to play this incredible sim at full realism,but trackir is a bit out of my price range at the moment so im just asking if anybody has used tracknoir with ps3 eye and if so is it recommended many many thanks guys
  7. Some new screenies over on SIM HQ guys.................http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3654601/26 Hope its ok to put links on here DEVs ?
  8. For Olham: A Glimpse at RB3D

    I too missed out on RB3D but like you widowmaker i loved wings....in fact i loved everything cinemaware did,those guys were head and shoulders above most programmers at the time. Defender of the crown,it came from the desert,and my favourite Rocket Ranger,brilliant times.
  9. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    Im with most of you Guys this site was where i first found OFF but as Pol has said our official home is on "The other site",i also registered and look in regularly,but i believe that Combat Ace is where my heart lies. To be fair though it really is easy to flick between the two anyway so it should,nt be a problem.Id also love to see some upto date screenies or perhaps a new video of WOFF,it wouldnt spoil my enjoyment of playing one little bit, and if people dont want screenies or vids to be posted then dont look at them....It really is that simple
  10. Thank you...I knew you were the man to ask,yeah they put up a damn good fight,god help me if they had a 2 on 1
  11. Love flying her Olham......the local Neiuports give me a rough time at times though,any tips on flying the Alb? i seem to lose a lot of speed in the turn.Thank you
  12. Few more Screenies..........................
  13. Thanks Robert it really does amaze me what OBD have done with an old cfs3 engine,really cant wait to see what they do with WOFF Mudwasp,honestly mate posting screenies is really very very easy.First grab irfanview its a free photo editing software(thats only if you want to touch up photos etc) whilst in flight press the CTRL key with ; at same time and it captures a shot,I think it puts the file in documents CFSWW1 Overflanders fields folder,then open the picture with irfanview and I then get right colors etc and save it as a jpg the reason to save as a jpg is its a lot smaller file compared to a bitmap (combat ace max file is 2mb) then when you go to post on here go to more reply options and choose file to attach,down in the bottom left corner find your picture and click on it then click on Attach this file down bottom left.I then preview post to see what it looks like then when happy click on add reply and Voila.....sounds a bit tricky i agree but honestly its not.....try it mate you wont break anything,hope this has been helpful
  14. Nice find Olham...ive got these from there aswell last one i think was taken at an open day
  15. Thank you Robert and also to Olham,i will definitely have some fun with the skinning this weekend .
  16. Thank you for your time Olham,ive got a bit of spare time this weekend so im going to have a play around
  17. Couple more pictures...Dawn Patrol 28/12/1916,lots of low mist and ground smoke.Had my Engine shot up by passing Alb,I managed to down him,but had to quickly hit the deck crashland my Crate and walk a long way home..
  18. No Not at all my friend,......no the entire skin is in the downloads section,http://combatace.com/files/file/10536-nieuport-17-mathilde/ P.s id love to make a skin,how difficult on a scale of 1 to 10 would it be Olham? Many thanks
  19. Ha ha a very close call Robert,yes Olham Its my Esc La Fayette pilot flying from Cachy,Just under 14 hrs,flying time 15 missions 7 confirmed kills,no guys its not my skin " The original Nieuport 17 skin was made by Rabu. it's the Escadrille 65 stock skin.the heart was borrowed from OBD skin for Werner Voss (D.III), which I believe was done by Paarma" By: Waldemar Kurtz
  20. Great shots Robert,ive got a couple using same settings.....ps i love your second shot
  21. To Robert:Great skin i have been flying aircraft in the past with both Olham and Louverts skins,excellent skins they are too,great bit of history with your wing serial your fathers dog tags....brilliant To Olham:yes i too have set my terrain on 3,im gonna try a 4 and have a look at frame rates and graininess etc....
  22. Great shots Robert,Im with Olham 5 on terrain is grainy try a 4 or even a 3,though your shots are really well done. Really like the Maple leaf Skin aswell is it a custom skin? Using your AF and AA settings aswell Olham and it looks really good,with a good framerate are you using 5,3,4,5,5 as well sir?
  23. No problem at all RS,hope it works really well for you
  24. Summer Update?

    Hello Capt....2 many games so little time,Still flying OFF,but got the new Tomb Raider (excellent game),Skyrim,L.A Noire,and Fifa .....Just waiting now for WOFF

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