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Everything posted by Adger

  1. OFF and Me

    im really sorry,didnt want to stir up a hornets nest on this one,just really wanted to know if any members kept up with UNC and if so hows he doin,i remember him being a bit surly when i was a newbie askin newbie questions,but i never felt offended in any way,but thanks SHRED for clearing a lot up,i totally agree with whats said,he had umpteen warnings,but it just wasnt goin to be .like HELLSHADE says it could have potentially put other people off OBD,S sim,especially if you were a bit shy or reserved in nature.luckily im a strong willed person so anything UNC said was taken with a pinch of salt.i think a lot of potential buyers look into this forum first before purchasing OFF,i know i certainly did,and i asked quite a few questions as well before i even purchased both OFF and HITR,luckily for me i was given every help possible from a lot of you guys.Unc just told me to read Hints and tips in one sentence!! at the time i found it quite harsh especially considering the help i got from the other guys,but i suppose thats his way,but the devs have, and still are working their nuts off to bring us THE best sim on the market.if UNC upset even one potential buyer,then its one to many......take care all ADGER
  2. just a quick question guys,i use sliders at 5,5,3,5,5 but what about Aircraft skins in workshop ,normal skins or hi res?, a daft question but does no vis damage actually mean just that,what skins do most of you use,thank you
  3. Sorry guys if this has been mentioned before but ive just seen Wings on steam for £2.49,could anybody give me some advice on the game,is it any good etc,any info would be greatly apprieciated,also is the expansion pack any good ,many thanks
  4. Wings of prey on steam

    Thanks widow,ive just started downloading,i think il grab the expansion at a later date.many thanks have a good christmas,just goin pop my local for a couple of pints of Abbots
  5. Wings of prey on steam

    any info on the expansion pack hellshade? is it worth a download mate cheers
  6. Wings of prey on steam

    thank you guys for your input,i think for the price its gotta be worth a download,merry christmas to you all ps thanks hellshade il defo take a look at your vids
  7. Merry Christmas

    Merry xmas to all fellow OFF flyers,and people all over the world,as previously said ive never come across a more helpfull,friendlier,bunch of people,greatest forum on the net. a prosperous new year to one and all
  8. Hi guys,i know a lot of you are dabbling in the world of skyrim at the moment,but id just thought id share this,whilst we wait for P4 http://www.gog.com/e...tima_7_complete i reckon the best Rpg series of them all
  9. totally agree olham stalker and the last one (call of pripyat) are indeed excellent games ,didnt like clear sky much though . daft question but have you got the stalker complete mods installed with them ,it makes them superb.there are some excellent skyrim Fxaa texture packs available for small drop in framerates, just head over to nexus skyrim or let me know,and i can hopefully put you on the right track sir
  10. fallout 1 and 2 are both very good,yeah forgot about baldurs gate true classic rpg,s
  11. The Aussie tourist board

    : brilliant Widowmaker and Taillyho
  12. Fifa ban Poppies? War veterans today condemned international football chiefs for refusing to allow the England team to wear poppies on their shirts when they play Spain next Saturday. now im sorry if i upset anybody,but what an absolute disgrace,football is arguably the most watched and played sport on earth,yet fifa bigwigs strike again .sorry guys rant over im seething :angry2:
  13. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    probably not patched a lot Olham,but there will be patches soon after release if my guessing is right.ive played all the elder scrolls games,and daggerfall,and the great morrowind are definitely the best oblivion is actually pretty poor in my opinion pre modded.but there are some great mods out there that turn it into a really good game.i dont want to sound negative and as allways il reserve judgement till ive read some reviews etc,but whilst im really looking forward to skyrim ive just got this niggling feeling about it not living up to expectations,i really hope im wrong cmon hellshade convince me
  14. With thanks...

    Yes i agree ,dont know if UNCLEAL can still read the forums but thank you sir,many thanks to LOUVE for taking the time out to post the tips i had a nose thru and didnt realise that i had my auto rudder set to on,ever likely my crate felt like i was flying a brick ,many many thanks
  15. Have a good trip OLHAM il keep your WARSTEINER PILs nice an cool in the mess till you get back
  16. I learned a bit of history today.

    Ha Ha brilliant Olham,Very Funny indeed
  17. Hi just thought id introduce myself,recently purchased SF2 vietnam,and added the excellent air and ground mod,i really love the sim very immersive,but i have one quick question if thats ok ive started a Linebacker campaign flying from USS SARATOGA in a A-6 B intruder ive had a couple of night missions but theres no runway lights etc on the carrier so very hard when landing,i dont know if this is the norm and im sorry if this question has been asked before p.s excellent forum by the way ,many many thanks for anybodys help
  18. Thanks migbuster much apprieciated cheers
  19. That was intense

    great story ultamat,i tottally agree OFF is THE most immersive sim anywhere on the market,you actually start caring for your wingmen, and others in your flight ive sweated and screeched on more than one occasion (ive had the missus runnin out of the bedroom to see whats going on) Ha Ha
  20. I truly love OFF i really do but i have to agree with some points made,the campaign mode in OFF is second to none,its probably the most immersive world in any sim that ive played however i do like the flying aspect of ROF,somehow it just feels right.the graphics are great,sound is excellent,and the frame rates you get are actually more than double of what i get in OFF. (CFS3) engine maybe someone could put me right on that.However i still spend more time on OFF than any other sim.The campaign mode on ROF is a joke compared to OFF,there also asking you for more money for each aircraft you buy,and field mods!!! Whats that all about.theve both got good and bad points,why not get both and try em,but if i had one choice only it would be OFF every single time ADGER OVER AND OUT.
  21. OT This might be fun :)

    looks really good Widow,i know bit composer games published stalker call of pripyat,im hoping its more sim than arcade,but seeing as its also coming for 360 and ps3 i very much doubt it will be ,great vid though,many thanks,one to keep an eye out for
  22. Hi hope im not being disrespectful with this post,just thought id let you guys know about my other passion at the moment (besides OFF) its il2 with the new ultrapack 3 and 1.10.1 patch the mod guys really have done a fantastic job,big mod though 6gig,anyone else out playing both sims aswell?
  23. OT Info for Olham

    Hi Olham T&L is textures and lighting,i too have CFS2 working in win 7,i didnt put it in usual place (e.g c:\program filesx86 \microsoft\cfs2) but just c:\games\cfs2 instead and also ran it with admin status on,hope that helps Adger
  24. Flys like me

    Fantastic skills,love to see him do it in a nice bristol scout or even a DH2,now that would impress me joking aside though fantastic work.
  25. Thanks Olham,has a newbie didnt know this existed,fantastic site,before i came onto this forum and purchased phase 3,and H.I.T.R i never really thought about the guys and gals in the WW1 era it was allways WW2 sims and history that was my 1st port of call,but since owning this incredible sim ive been WW1 mad already purchased and read in 2 days!! Sagittarius Rising brilliant book so thank you 2 all who put me on the right path

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