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Everything posted by Adger

  1. good mods out?

    thanks once again guys ,you really are the best in the buisness,Adger over and out.
  2. good mods out?

    Cheers Taillyho track ir is something im striving to purchase,while were on the subject would track ver 4 be fine or should i pay that bit extra for ver 5 thanks
  3. Hi guys,sorry hope i havent upset anyone with my topic title ,i ordered Off 3 couple of days ago and im now in process of playing the waiting game im new to the forum,but just wanted 2 say again,that ive never ever come across a more helpfull and interesting group of forum members anywhere just quick question guys,ive allready said in a previous article that i tried ROF demo and didnt enjoy it,do many of you guys play it ,and what do you members,think will happen when the campaign mode comes out (they reckon the next patch) thanks v much for reading my article and hopefully il see you all up there soon
  4. good mods out?

    thanks gaw much apprieciated
  5. Thanks, and a question

    Thanks RAF_LOUVERT ,only ever really played one ww1 flight sim,that was Knights,i seem to have missed the RED BARON games (dunno how i missed em) heard they were very good yeah the dynamic campaign is really what swung it.ive been playin a bit of OFF phase 2 and liked what i saw,ive been told that phase 3 is twice the game that phase 2 was,if thats true then i know im in for a treat thanks once again for your insight Adger over and out.
  6. Thanks, and a question

    Thanks to all that replied,ure all absolutely right,like i said i didnt want to stir anything up,i just wondered being a newbie if many of you tried ROF an what u thought i still believe ive made the right choice,the dynamic campaign is what sold OFF to me,as well as the idea of me actually getting some kind of idea of what it must have been like for them guys up there at that time (makes me shiver) the last truly great campaign was probably Falcon 4 (FREEFALCON} i recently purchased D.C.S A10 excellent flight sim, realistic,(maybe 2 realistic) but no dynamic campaign,its never been about fancy graphics for me (gunship,knights of sky,F19) but playability,i dont know what the campaign is like in OFF yet,but i know i wont be dissapointed,all being well i shall see you all up there soon, Adger over and out.
  7. thanks polovski for feedback,very much apprieciated,clears everything up,hoping to be in the air very soon
  8. hi ordered myself just waiting now,by the way anybody have any ideas how long i have 2 wait for reciept of order in my email i still havent had a payment reciept and detailed product licensing info in a seperate email despite paying for product over 4 hrs ago i sent payment at 16.25 greenwich mean time dont know if Avangate operates 24 hrs, thanks guys
  9. Hi guys,im a new forum member,so please excuse me if this has been written before,i have currently got phase 2 installed and ive recieved some excellent feedback about phase 3,i was wondering if theres anywhere where i can get phase 3 preowned ,at a reasonable price,i know you should allways support the developers,and i allways have,id never resort to piracy,i live in the united kingdom and Off phase 3 is goin 2 set me back £25 inc postage,any help would be much apprieciated,many,many thanks.
  10. Off phase 3 preowned

    thanks javito1986 for your feedback,ive put an order in for OFF phase 3 i,never played red baron,and i totally agree with you about il2,i tryed rise of flight only the demo mind,and didnt like it,i want to say a massive thanks to everybody who has awnsered any of my questions today,ive only been on this forum as of today,and i must say all you guys are the most frendliest people ive ever come across on any forum thank you all again,and il see you up there soon PS... BIG THANKS ALSO TO OLHAM AND UNCLEAL cheers guys
  11. Off phase 3 preowned

    thanks very much for your advice uncleal,i think il be ordering in the morning,just asking but how would you rate OFF P3 against other sims
  12. i wonder if nod,sandbagger,or polovski could help in getting me to buy a copy in the uk ive noticed on the forum map,that they are developers and appear to be residing in the united kingdom any info would be much apprieciated guys,by the way my turn to get the drinks in
  13. Hi guys hoping for a bit of advice,ive been wondering for a few days wether or not to purchase,off phase 3,ive got phase 2,and was wondering if there was substantial differences between the two,ive also noticed phase 4 is in development,would it be worth waiting for that instead,i live in the united kingdom,so i can pick up phase 3 for about £23 ,do you know off many shipments to the uk,and roughly average waiting time for delivery,thanks to anyone out there who can help me,great forum ,by the way,many many thanks
  14. phase 3 or wait for 4?

    i wonder if nod,sandbagger,or polovski could help in getting me to buy a copy in the uk ive noticed on the forum map,that they are developers and appear to be residing in the united kingdom any info would be much apprieciated guys,by the way my turn to get the drinks in
  15. phase 3 or wait for 4?

    Cheers Raf_Louvert and Parky ha ha i could do with something to get rid of the wife ,might be a cheap purchase after all
  16. phase 3 or wait for 4?

    ok thanks very much olham,ive had nosy at amazon.co.uk and amazon.com and nothing there,but thank you anyway
  17. phase 3 or wait for 4?

    thanks Hasse Wind your absolutely right,is there anywhere ,where i could maybe pick OFF p3 up 2nd hand,just to try and save a bit of money?
  18. phase 3 or wait for 4?

    Thanks olham,much apprieciated for your quick feedback,do you believe that phase 4 is still at least 12 months away? i am seriously considering getting OFF P3,by the way i live in stoke on trent,staffordshire,england thanks once again

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