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Everything posted by Adger

  1. Tracknoir

    Thanks very much Lewie,im goin pick up ps3 eye webcam an take it from there, many thanks
  2. Tracknoir

    http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/ is the site for the product unc,might just grab a webcam an try it,nowt to lose reallyand i quick vid showing it using the ps3 eye camera hope me posting this vid is ok :wink2:
  3. Thanks Dej,you know i never thought about the library,il have a nosy now,thank you v much
  4. Agree totally lou "Sagittarius Rising" is indeed a really good read,take it everywhere with me (bout halfway thru) im interested in no parachute very pricy over her in blighty thou
  5. Were you Wing Commander or X-Wing?

    I have to agree with Hasse Wind ,Tie fighter was the best,X-wing was good ,but having secret missions given to you by the emperor pure class
  6. OT - Airplane Pics

    Thanks Jarhead cracking pictures,for anyone whos interested theres a website to the Wright Patterson AFB ,once there you can do a virtual tour which is very good and really clear theres some early birds there as well as training vids WW1 style ,it really is an excellent site
  7. Agree with you 100% parky DCS A10 is a great flight sim,constant updates keep it up to date as well,very steep learning curve,but has a really good workable training mode,the immense satisfaction you get when you actually hit something really does seem satisfying.lack of dynamic campaign eg:(freefalcon) only lets it down 2nd best sim i own (behind OFF of course)
  8. who remembers the microprose range for c64 ,gunship,massive manual (i miss them) and taking an hour to load only for it to crash at the last minute,ahh happy days
  9. Hi guys just to let u know ive just recieved my dvd,a lot quicker than i expected.il be about to install it soon,does the HITR UPDATE add a lot to the overall sim (is it worth the £12 gpb asking price).thanks guys i hope to post my initial reactions,and maybe 1st patrol info later on today il see you all up there in a bit ,Adger over and out.

    hi guys,thanks for feedback,been playing OFF for couple of hrs now,i did get HITR and so glad i did,one word sums this sim up INCREDIBLE!!! best bit of money ive ever spent,ive just been doing a bit of free flying for now,getting used to a couple of crates,landing,manuvers,simulated dives ps: SHILOH not to long now mate,itll defo be worth the wait,i guarantee it,like so many of you have said its not a game,it truely is a way of life, MANY ,MANY THANKS,to all you guys who have put me on the right track with this sim,especially OLHAM,UNCLEAL,POL,JAVITO,WIDOWMAKER,LOUVERT HELLSHADE and others who have all been equally understanding in all the questions ive asked.IM JUST COMING IN TO LAND ANYTIME SOON,IL MEET YOU ALL AT THE MESS,1ST ROUNDS ON ME ,ADGER.
  11. ok guys, sorry major rottenhead for upsetting the new rookies :grin:promise il behave from now on,cheers for feedback si,but relax and watch stoke city?them 2 words defo dont go in the same sentence :lol:cheers m8,hopefully not to long now then(fingers crossed)
  12. 1918(1) Mod

    thanks javito and bletchley,you guys have cleared everything up for me once again many thanks
  13. 1918(1) Mod

    Hi guys sorry for maybe a daft question,but like uncleal says if in doubt ask,my question is whats the difference between the quiet sector,and the active sector files in the mods,is it number of aircraft in the air,or missions available many thanks Adger over and out.
  14. still waiting ,hopefully not to long now boo hoo
  15. OT This guy is fantastic!

    brilliantly funny,excellent post cheers Widowmaker
  16. Hi guys,as most of you are aware by now im waiting for my copy of OFF 3 to come thru the post,while waiting ive been addicted to the forum it really is the best forum by a country mile that ive ever seen.ive been reading about some of the missions you guys have experienced along with screenshots. i was just wondering if most of you guys fly with stock OFF 3 aircraft,or use 3rd party skins ,thanks guys ps any reccomendations on skins would be most apprieciative, ive allready got my patch folder and couple of mod folders ready Adger over and out .
  17. yeah once it gets to britain its usually pretty quick then,sometimes depends on wether or not its posted 1st or 2nd class that can make a hugh difference,yet so little difference in price,if i say anything on play or amazon i always post 1st class any idea when REDDOT sent his order in anyone? cheers
  18. just had D.C.S A10 what a sim!! lacking good campaign thou ,IL2 with superpack STALKER CALL OF PRIPYAT- with COMPLETE MOD trying to play SMACKDOWN vs RAW on console,my 5 yr old lad kicks my ar*e thou im,not joking
  19. thanks guys thatd be my plan then 5 kills (i hope) then il treat myself,by the way i intend to play on full realistic settings i allways get more from a sim that way. Cannntt wait much Lonngeeeeerrrr AHHHHH!!!!!!
  20. thanks olham,once again for your help ,just had a nosy bloody hell where to start :nea:

    Agree totally Javito OMFG indeed,will P4 still use CFS3 as its base?cus if so any team that can produce them results out of CFS3, deserves a knighthood
  22. 1916(3) MOD

    thank you screenshots look incredible
  23. Hi guys,as some of you are aware ive recently purchased OFF and was wondering if theres any good stable mods for it. i have only purchesed BHAH for now,il have to aquire HITR at a l8r date,i was going to download some you see and get my pc all set up for when OFF comes in the post,any info and links would be greatly apprieciated many thanks Adger over and out.
  24. 1916(3) MOD

    fantastic work olham,really excellent stuff,i now really cant wait for OFF 3 to come in the post,im also getting quite addicted to this forum ps have u used creaghorns hdr and bloom at all,if so would you be so kind as to relay your thoughts thanks, Adger over and out. pps i really cant wait to start providing some stories of my own
  25. good mods out?

    has anyone tried creaghorns HDR and BLOOM mod out,ive just unpacked it while i wait for OFF 3 to come thru the post thanks

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