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Everything posted by Adger

  1. WOTR

  2. WOTR

  3. WOTR

  4. WOTR

  5. WOTR

  6. WOTR

  7. Thanks Erik, everything looks so much more professional over here, thanks for welcoming us home.
  8. Welcome!

    It’s great that see some new faces here, welcome to our New (old) home. ..Man it’s good to be finally back
  9. Absolutely stunning Hellshade, hopefully not long now before we can fly ourselves
  10. Welcome!

    It's good to finally be back home Erik, the site looks fantastic btw, and with BHaH II on the horizon the'll be more of us dropping by in the weeks/months to come. Thank you again stay safe
  11. Welcome!

    Brilliant WM, absolutely brilliant Best wishes and all the best with BHAH II you guys deserve every success.
  12. Welcome!

    I’m here also,it’s been far too long (Had to change my password I’d forgotten it ..I hope we’re coming home I really do. Thanks Hellshade,Creaghorn for the pics and vids, absolute quality don’t know if it’s just me but the images always seem better here on CA. Big thanks has always to Pol,and Winding man for your tireless work in continuing to bring us what is arguably going to be OBD,s best work to date, I look forwards to flying with you for many years too come
  13. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Yep i agree with you 100% Olham..and im really looking forward to what OBD can do with WOTR. Im getting my WW2 fix with IL-2 1946+ BAT at the minute. They,ve done a brilliant job. Anyways back to WW1. Christmas Eve 1916,what a vile day to fly in.
  14. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    You along with UncleAl and Hellshade were some of the 1st members that i had advice from on this forum Olham. Without guys like you i wouldnt have gotten into OFF and then WOFF. Your sound advice,reports and screenshots will always be fondly remembered. I too go away for a while but this sim has that "something" that drags me back. I hope your enjoying IL2 is it the Battle of Stalingrad? how you finding it? Take care pal,and hopefully we will see you in the air above Flanders soon
  15. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Thanks Olham..i hope your well mate. Its been a while since ive been over here I still miss Combat Ace for all our OFF/WOFF postings Ah well. Take care Pal A few more. Fictional skin i believe by Raf Louvert. Thanks Lou
  16. Thanks mate,yep all good here. All of us have had the "Flu" virus that hit the uk (put me out for 10 days). Hope your enjoying flying Keith and im looking forward to OBD,s next project WOTR. Take care pal Best Regards
  17. Good to still see some comments over here. I too have been away for a while RL keeping me busy. I try and find time to fly at least once or more a week,still amazed at some of the things i continue to see in the sim. Also the great mods that keep coming and coming (love JJJ,s mission editor) keep me entertained. Good to see that your well Olham..and also to Keith (Hood) glad your well sir,my very best regards to yourself and your family. Take care all
  18. Andy im sure if you get in touch with support and give them your order number (should be in your email) then the guys at OBD (possibly for a small fee) could create a download link for you. Might be worth a try pal
  19. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Hi Olham..thanks So far its not running too bad,ive yet to do a big 1918 campaign and yes it does slow down to about 30fps over airfields. ive took the shadow detail down a notch aircraft shadow at 4,terrain shadow 2. ive had a couple of random crashes to desktop that im going to keep my eyes on though,and also a few times it ends my missions prematurely which im also going to keep my eye on.
  20. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    The SE5a Viper..(SweetFX)
  21. All the details here..... http://www.overflandersfields.com/
  22. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Great news im so glad its working so well for you..and fantastic shots pal

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