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Everything posted by Adger

  1. The Quirky Quiz

    Corsaire after MUCH digging around i think ive cracked it...Your man is Louis Schreck (is that spelt correct) is company was the Franco British aviation FBA The plane that he designed was the Schreck eindecker Diapason II His seaplanes wer built by the Viking Sea Boat company And lastly was he selling cars? I think im pretty sure on everything barring the last answer..if someone else would like a go (if ive got it right) be my guest...cheers Corsaire you,ve burnt my head out ha ha ..great questions BTW
  2. WOFF FM Thread

    Just wanted to add that ive done 5 campaign missions using Gav,s FM and everything's running how it should,Takeoffs and landings are fine,AI seems fine...Have you thought of approaching Pol,or Winder Gav? and seeing if you can put a JSGME version of your FM,s over at Sim hq? I cant see this being a problem as there are other mods that change the sim (Aris clouds mod,77-scouts news mod Etc) then people can choose to use or not use them.Just a thought Bud.You could add them here aswell the only reason i mentioned Sim hq is because i believe that there are people over there that dont know about Combat aces OFF\WOFF forum and so would miss out.
  3. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    It is indeed a beautiful area to fly in..The Devs have done a tremendous job on the terrain and scenery,and im never to far from a field WHEN i get hit
  4. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    They are beautiful skins indeed Olham ..Alsace if im not mistaken based at Buhl Lorraine.
  5. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Jasta 70 Morning Patrol. I came across a Lone strutt but the Gunner was a Marksman,i got hit several times Luckily there was a nearby Friendly field ..i managed to land but was hospitalized for 2 Weeks
  6. The Quirky Quiz

    Im going to take a guess Here Lou.I Think the flyers name is Charles NunGesser..Esc 65 he achieved 43 victorys..What he had in common im not sure off...was he an excellent Racing driver,and he had a skull and crossbones a coffin and some candles has his emblem? after all this im probably miles away Lou Did they both win the French Croix de Guerre?
  7. WOFF FM Thread

    Just thought id Add that Pol has mentioned That they are looking at the Alb FM,s..."No promises but we are looking into the Albatros FM to see if there are other areas we can improve." to quote Pol directly. THATS why OBD deserve all the credit they receive IMO,they DO listen to us and any improvements that need to be made will be...Just to add from above postings GAV,s Fm must have been put in the right place by me.Because I noticed a significant difference in flight. Nice one..Glad your Back Bucksnortt,i used it aswell and i have to admit i really like Gavs FM...Get your Other FM,s posted Gav
  8. The Quirky Quiz

    RAF Louverts the Man..spot on So how did the "16" incorrect credited victories appear Lou?Was it made up ,bad claiming or something else.Id love to know
  9. WOFF FM Thread

    Your welcome Gav,thank you for your FM file,ive just used it to freeflight around my airfield..i felt so in control just to add,Ive noticed (at least on my system) that if i click on the x in the top corner of JSGME my Mods still load..if i click on the close button on JSGME yes they still load BUT i have a 15-18 FPS drop..i tried this 4 times to be sure and everytime it dropped my FPS.So i just click the x and everythings spot on..thank you once again Gavagai
  10. WOFF FM Thread

    Hi Robert..TBH i cannot nail down what the difference was,for me it just felt right, it felt like my hand fitting comfortably in a glove rather than me squeezing it in..BTW in no way im a dismissing WOFFs FM,s ,i just like what Gav,s achieved The rudder issue that Gav mentions is a definite difference.But as in my above post JSGME at this moment is killing my FPS,so until i cure that little problem im going to fly with WOFF,s stock DVa Fm...cheers
  11. WOFF FM Thread

    One thing i have noticed at least on my system is a big drop in Fps whilst using JSGME i only noticed because i used JSGME for your FM Gav...i use Ankors new shadowing mod aswell as Arisfusers clouds mod....1st pic is with JSGME off..2nd with it On..fair drop indeed,both taken with just my craft on the grass,Mods on on both shots.same airfield same time of day.so to me at least at the moment anything to do with JSGME is a no show.
  12. WOFF FM Thread

    Yep just tried 4 QC flights on stock WOFF fm and there seems a difference to me,especially the rudder..Like you say Robert it coud be that you free flew and i Did i QC who knows ..Gavs FM seems easier to fly to me aswell i felt able to control My Alb better,it felt more responsive..Thats the truth of what i found (or seemed to find) .like you said Robert hopefully more people will respond and post their findings Bud.
  13. WOFF FM Thread

    Yep im gonna try very soon Robert and Gav..hopefully within the next hr..And i Do appreciate everything your doing Gav,just havent had the time to fully test yet Bud.Hopefully Olham who knows these craft inside out can maybe give us a heads up when Possible.
  14. The Quirky Quiz

    ok guys 1st of all i want his Full name including "nickname" 2nd,i want his squadron and lastly the plane type ..ther,es been discussions regarding this guys "Ace" status,he,d actually been incorrectly credited with 16 victories How many did he actually shoot down?
  15. The Quirky Quiz

    Is it because he came from a long line of family that had a lot to do with Milk?His Grandfather i think.. Dairy farmers? milk producers something like that Olham...Maybe ?
  16. WOFF FM Thread

    I was hoping for your response Olham..as far as im concerned your the Alb Man and i trust your judgement regarding Alb,s 100%,Thats not a slur in any way on Gav,Elephant or anyone else who flys the Alb,s i just know that their Olhams plane of choice and he knows them inside out.On a different note ive received an Email from Bucksnort,i wont reveal its contents as its a private PM,ive replied and hope everything gets sorted out,if it hasn,t already .
  17. WOFF FM Thread

    Yep i agree with Olham Gav,I just wanted to add that I admire all your work youv,e done in ROF,the thing is is that this is not the busiest of forums anymore aswell unfortunately.Since we moved to simhq and that being our Official home so to speak, most people are more frequent users over there.I reckon that 90% of players who have purchased WOFF and never flown OFF p3 dont even know that this forum exists..sad but true.Are you a member of Sim hq Gav?..im sure that as long as we all behave like the grown ups we are then posting regarding WOFF,s FM,s would be absolutely fine..I think what grates the DEVS and tbh it would me also is when we start saying things like "IM Right,your wrong " and being OVER critical of the FM that it starts maybe feeling personal to them.I read somewhere that they,d spent upto 18hrs a day sometimes 7 days a week for 4 years to get WOFF to us...its gonna feel personal to them...I for one would be absolutely delighted to try anything that i believe will expand the Historical accuracy in this Fantastic sim.Gav and the more aircraft you work on then that,d be absolutely brilliant.If they were set up using JSGME then we would have the easy choice to use them or not . .get your postings and FM downloads over at SIM HQ aswell chaps and let more people have there say..cheers for reading,and always my best regards: Adger
  18. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    ...A freezing cold winters morning patrol... Out of nowhere came 8 Alb,s we were completely outnumbered I turned sharply and dived for the deck..I didn,t even see the Alb that crashed into me...we both went down in flames and i was posthumously given the Military cross
  19. Guess the 3 things Gents,1,Aircraft,2,which Jasta and 3,the pilot please (Olham,Elephant,JfM,Hasse) i reckon you know right away ) so please give the others a quick chance first ha ha
  20. Not sure Hauksbee,whilst flying i did,nt notice anything extraordinary,maybe i entered.............. The Twilight Zone ha ha
  21. Ok Pips it was indeed Kurt Monnington,your spot on with the Alb D.II,now the Jasta..i was surprised (i did,nt know Kurt flew from this Jasta,but he most definitely did)..its not 15.
  22. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Great shots again Olham.Them clouds look so lifelike. 2 screenshots taken on a Ati system,using SweetFx,Aris clouds mod,and the brilliant AnKors new beta shadowing,lighting Mod..I had a small fps Increase.
  23. Guess the Height Contest

    Hi Olham no i did,nt count your craft.pal...i had a mark on my monitor... cleaned it and saw 7 ha ha ,Great shot BTW .

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