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Everything posted by Adger

  1. Guess the Height Contest

    Im going for 8 Olham
  2. Guess the Height Contest

    Ha ha nice one Widowmaker....6585 ft
  3. Thank you Keith,its a great prize,just as i was about to start saving for the 2 packs...my lad needed new Footy boots....bloody kids ,so to win them was brilliant.
  4. Agree with you 100 % Olham..lets get some reports and screenshots up,lets get this forum as busy as Sim Hq,s,we can still ask questions here to each other,im sure many of us frequent both forums anyway. Ive said before this was my first home before purchasing OFF and HITR,i saw videos from Hellshade,Reports from Olham,Raf Louvert,Shiloh,Elephant,Uk Widowmaker,Dej,Capt Sopwith and many others,great times..lets not let this forum fizzle out and disappear guys .I love Combat Ace,s interface,full screen shots etc...Im not knocking Sim hq .i just would have preferred to stay here but thats for another day..we all need to keep it alive chaps .
  5. Thanks Tranquillo...and definitely mate its a great prize from Erik.
  6. Cheers Jim,thanks very much ,its a great prize.
  7. I received an Email from Erik about 30 mins ago.He very Kindly gifted me both the Fokker scourge add on ,and the Skins pack for winning the WOFF pool,and to top it off i received a 12mth subscription as a Premier member of Combat Ace.I downloaded both packs with absolutely no trouble whatsoever.Id like to say a massive thank you to him for these prizes he did,nt have to gift me the Add ons he could have just gifted me WOFF (which he knew i had),so for him to do that im extremely grateful Anyway...im WOFF to go and install the 2 packs ive won.Massive Kudos to Erik for this prize,all the very best to you and your family. kindest regards:Adger
  8. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Fantastic shot Corsaire,love the new damage model
  9. Hi Erik Many thanks ive sent you a PM ..I dont mind either way Bud.If you reimburse il grab the packs directly,if you manage to sort out the Email then thats fine aswell.I belive the packs can be Gifted? not 100% sure how that works though, Would contacting Polovski or Winding Man,or Sandbagger help at all? just a thought mate.Thank you very much for the prize and for my CA subscription Best Regards: Adger
  10. Bueller?....Bueller? Haha laughed at that one Jim,great film,but in all seriousness your right bud.
  11. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Great pics as always Corsaire..
  12. Where is everybody ?

    I still check in every day but it is quiet...I think that because we,ve Officially moved over to SIM HQ the OBD Devs are there 99% of the time.All things relating to WOFF are dealt with there. Ive put screenies up on here and as ive mentioned before i was a late comer to OFF ,but CA forums was my first home.I love Combat ACE,s Layout,the medals,the full screen screenshots,and overall its just a friendly place to be. I just think that new buyers to WOFF dont really know about this forum...and thats a real shame,i hope and pray that this forum does,nt wither out and eventually disappear...i for one would be gutted
  13. Any New developments ERIK? Have the winners been notified at all Bud
  14. My first skin...

    If I saw that bearing down on me id be screaming for my mum ,i agree with Olham...beautiful but bloody frightening,very nice Hauksbee
  15. Thank you VonBaur...i didnt want to mention it and seem like i was being a bit picky,but like you said i was the only person who guessed the number of days ...Ive already mentioned to ERIK that i own WOFF but any of the addons (if i have won) would be extremely appreciated ..Anyway if i have won something then great,if not then i hope who has enjoys WOFF,if any of you are thinking about getting it do so,it really is an incredible sim.Thanks to ERIK aswell for donating the prizes to the lucky winners..
  16. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Few More shots......
  17. At Last..my personal Snipe

    Great shot,and a fantastic skin Widow
  18. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Long Range Bombing mission.. . DH2,s from RFC 29 provided top cover And escorted us all the way back to base,mission a success,enemy airfield bombed Where we landed safely thanks to the guys from RFC 29,we owe you each a beer guys
  19. Just to add I Had an Email sent from Erik,who definitely is going to chase this up...Many thanks Sir
  20. Hi Guys i believe it was ERIK...site owner im absolutely sure it was ........Ive PM,d Erik,just waiting for a reply
  21. Cheers Hellshade i forgot all about this Im not sure if i won or not but i already purchased WOFF as a day 1 purchase...If your about though ERIK i dont have The skin pack or Fokker scourge pack. Money being tight just after Christmas (2 young kids) an all that id be more than Happy to receive The Skin pack and/or Scourge pack (thats if ive won)...Many thanks Hellshade and also to ERIK for the WOFF prizes
  22. No fps loss on my system Duke,thats with Aris clouds mod and sweetfx running
  23. I Agree Mate...ive posted 2 screenshots in the WOFF screenshots thread above...bloody great Mods
  24. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    2 screenshots showing WOFF with Aris cloud mod,and Sweetfx..using Broadsides fx settings...these shots have not been modified in anyway guys....Mods available at sim hq

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