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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Plane Parachutes do work...

    The old "Nylon Letdown to a full stop". Terrific system for aerobatic aircraft.
  2. Woods to Divorce

    Going to be a lot of guys sniffing around that gal. GOOD looking Swedish model,worth anywhere from 100-300 million dollars. I wish I was 30 years younger.
  3. Welcoming home the Boys and Girls

    Brought back some GREAT memories. THANKS for posting. You weren't kidding about the Kleenex.
  4. A-4E and F-8 landings...

    If you look closely,you'll notice that the 'Scooters' nosewheel casters around backwards after it stops and starts to roll backwards to release the arresting wire. The ground man is there to assist the pilot in turning the aircraft in case the brakes fail(differential braking for steering) or the pilot has trouble getting the nosewheel to turn back around forward. Later model 'Scooters' had nosewheel steering.
  5. Private Pilot's License

    OOOHHHRRRAAAHHH Malibu!!! Way to go!! As a former flight instructor;I'll tell you what I told all my students. A Private Pilots License is a license to learn. Don't let other people talk you into doing something stupid(buzzing,flat-hatting,flying in bad weather,etc. You will have some that will try. It's your license and your life on the line,not theirs.
  6. Who's the boss?

    She could lead me anywhere. I wonder how many of her wingmen have 'hit' on her. Seriously,She must be DAMN GOOD to lead an aerobatic team.
  7. What's wrong with women these days?

    I've got a couple of good comments,but I'm not touchin' this one.
  8. A Moment If I Could

    If the Army and the Navy...................,they will find the streets are guarded by PFC. Juan Garza on patrol. SEMPER FI,MARINE!!!
  9. The UK Military to face large cuts...

    Typical political response,when times are tight,cut military spending. It makes it easier to raise taxes when more money is needed from the people.
  10. 65 years ago

    At the time,most Americans hated the Japanese and the Germans. Harry Truman was told it could save a million American lives. Easy answer,kill the enemy,save American lives. Nuke 'Em. Harsh outcome,but reality for that time in history. Just be glad that we had it first,not the Germans,Japanese or the Soviets. History would be a lot different otherwise.
  11. Veltro: Try starting here. I don't know if it will help. There are 12 or 13 tutorials for GMax. http://combatace.com/files/file/5055-mustang-tutorial-12-converting-gmax-models/
  12. My 2 cents: Nixon got what he deserved. It's too bad the rest of the Nixon White House advisers and staff don't also get what they deserved. It's just too bad that General Lavelle isn't alive to personally 'flip them off!!. I was over there during this and you wouldn't believe all the 'brass hats' pointing fingers looking to blame someone else. Lavelle was Nixon's Ollie North. I say OOOHRRRAAAHH to the Air Force and the others that are making this right.
  13. No tail hook,different airplane and colors,SAME COOL SH&T!!! Like "The Blues",they are totally AWESOME!!!
  14. Have you checked out this website? It has all the info on the "Last of the Gunfighters". It also has lots of links to other sites. www.cloudnet.com/~djohnson/index.html
  15. Quick! what do you do?

    Yah FC: The T-2a,T-2b and T-2c(straight wing jets,just like the Tweet) you could almost pick a compass heading and stop the spin right there. If you held in the spin controls it was almost like a roller coaster. Great Fun!!!
  16. You could try 8 bit mono,but I think it is too big.
  17. Quick! what do you do?

    Sometimes a pilot mistakes a "Post Stall Gyration" for a spin. OR: Sometimes the pilot inadvertently puts in the control inputs for a spin without really realizing it. Taking hands and feet off of the controls will allow the aircraft to correct itself. If it does not stop spinning,then use Spin Recovery Technique for that particular aircraft(It will be published in the Flight Manual)
  18. Quick! what do you do?

    1. Neutralize all controls(Some flight manuals recommend taking hands and feet off of all controls) 2. See if aircraft stops spinning 3. If aircraft is still spinning,check Turn Needle for direction of spin. 4. Hold full opposite rudder to direction of spin 5. Neutral stick(for most aircraft) 6. When spin stops,keep nose down until safe flying speed is attained. 7. If inverted,roll over to normal upright position. 8. Pull back on stick to regain normal flight(BE CAREFUL,the natural tendency is to over "G" the aircraft) 9. Some aircraft(swept back wings) require 2 or 3 turns in spin for rotation to stop. 2500 feet is plenty of room,if recovery is almost finished. Navy Primary flight instructors used to be required to do many inverted spins to qualify for the job. Trivia fact: Chuck Yeager is one of the only pilots to successfully spin and recover a Mig-15. The flight manual for the Mig recommended to eject.
  19. This month has really sucked

    Hang Tough,server. The Big Guy only gives us what he knows we can handle. Better days are ahead. Sorry to hear about your friends.
  20. Dedicated F-4 Sites?

    Here is a couple: www(dot)f-4(dot)nl www(dot)f4phantom(dot)com I put them in this way to discourage spammers. They sometimes use links to spam blast a site.
  21. All I can say is: OOOOOHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH !!!!! :clapping: :clapping:
  22. 30 Years of CaddyShack

    One of Bill Murray's greatest. "It's in the hole!!" Where can you get that 'special' "greens" grass that he was cultivating? All the caddies would be fighting over the grass clippings bags.
  23. Story of A Woman Marine Pilot

  24. Top Gun: The Deoderant?

    Freakin' Great!!!

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