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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Happy Birthday Ezlead and Typhoid

    Went over to son-in-laws and he cooked steaks on the grill. I had a big T-bone. They were FANTASTIC!! That and a couple of cold ones made my day. Thanks to all of you for your best wishes. PS: Happy Birthday,Typhoid!(A day late)
  2. Match Up

    It's called tactics. You learn to fly or fight or drive the best you have at the time. You don't fly or fight the enemies fight,you make him fly or fight yours. You don't drive the other guys race,you drive your own. Tactics=Skill.
  3. Match Up

    I think our equipment is is probably equal to theirs until you get to the F-22. There we have the edge. Rookie pilot vs 2 aces=Rookie gets his A%% handed to him. 95% skill/ 5% equipment.
  4. I usually try to pick a specific target(usually the primary target) and order my wingman to attack it. Then order the flight or flights to attack something else. If you have a 4-ship formation: You:1-1 Wingman:1-2 2nd Section: 1-3 and 1-4(first flight) If you have more than 1 flight: Second flight:2-1,2-2,2-3 and 2-4 Third flight: 3-1,3-2,3-3 and 3-4 etc.
  5. I just upgraded my FE2 with the Jun2010 patch. After the upgrade my Flanders terrain would not work. After a couple of days messing around changing things,I thought that maybe if I extracted the wwiverdun.cat and installed it in the Flanders folder it might work. The wwiverdun.cat would not extract using the Cat extractor(Tried both extractors-neither would work). I kept a copy of the old wwiverdun.cat(Feb2010). I extracted it and copied it into a Flanders folder in the "mod" folder. I then reinstalled the Flanders terrain into this folder overwriting the verdun files when necessary. It worked great. I suggest keeping a copy of the old wwiverdun.cat before doing the install of the new patch in case you have the same problem. I already posted this at Thirdwire.
  6. I think it applies to any of the terrains that the cat pointer line points to the wwiverdun.cat(Jun2010). There is a glitch in the wwiverdun.cat(Jun2010). I posted this on Thirdwire and TK said he will look into it.
  7. Re: Glitch in Jun 2010 upgrade Yes,that is message. I renamed wwiverdun.cat(Feb2010 or May2010) wwiverdunx.cat.(note the x) I put it in Program Files\Thirdwire\Firsteagles2\Terrains folder. That folder then contained wwiverdun.cat(Jun 2010) wwicambrai.cat(Jun2010) and wwiverdunx.cat. Then go to Flanders folder in "Mods" terrains folder,open Flanders.ini file,scroll down to cat pointer line. CatFile=..\wwiverdun\wwiverdun.cat change to:CatFile=..\wwiverdun\wwiverdunx.cat(note the x) and save. Flanders terrain should work.
  8. What is latest patch installed? Do you have addons/mods installed? What does error message say?(click where it says click here) A certain .dll is causing the crash. The GFX drivers should not be the problem. If they worked before,they should work now. Simply rolling back the patches may not get rid of the problem. You may have to do a uninstall/reinstall and then patch it to get it to work.
  9. What model F-18's are the Blues' currently flying? Are they older Hornets or have they moved up to Rhinos? Trivia question: What aircraft has the Blue Angels flown the longest in the history of the team? I guessed F11 Tigers. Blew my mind when I found out. F-18 Hornets (over 20 years)
  10. B-1 retirement?

    Hate to see it go,but probably will happen with budget cuts. The politicians have already shown that they don't care what's good for the troops. Hey,If the Chinese take us over,then we can move our manufacturing facilities back here.(Lots more jobs) :yes: Walmart can start advertising "Made in America" again.
  11. The guy that did this,did it for 50 years. It is all about Naval Aviation accidents and incidents. Read about how the Navy and Marine "Pro's" screwed things up. It has a lot of good advice from Grampaw. http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/gramps/grampshome.htm
  12. Levert: If you look at most skin paint jobs,you will find out that when you get down to the pixel size,there are several different shades of the same color used to get the desired color result.
  13. Iphone 4

    What is an iPhone4? I just got my first cellphone a month ago. A TracFone. Yah,I know.
  14. Why me?

    Hey Server: Chasing that would be like picking up a new Glock and looking down the barrel while squeezing the trigger to see if it is loaded. Somewhere in all her tats it says "Run Like Hell"!
  15. Happy Father's Day

    I just got back from 8 hour drive to pick up one of my granddaughters. She's going to be staying with us for a while,so GrandMa's in hog heaven. Grandma really surprised me with her gift. She got me Avatar for GrandDad's day. I just love all the CGI. Happy Dad and Granddad's day to all you guys out there!! Dave:Chops sound great!
  16. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    I had Yeager:played it all the time. I used to love the "Scrambles" I never had C64. My first machine was 386/16. Had 2 HD's,a 20 meg and a 40 meg. Ran DOS 5 point something. The Aces over games got me started. I used to play them for several hours a day.
  17. Back to the world

    Welcome Home,STORM!!! Congrats on the promotion and all the success on the missions. As a former fixed wing fast mover driver,I can say that it was always a great sight to see the "gas station" up ahead when you only had a couple thousand pounds of fuel left. WELL DONE!!!
  18. New Rule

    Hey Dave! You better get some airport security around here. You get more stuff HIJACKED than anyone I know. Maybe giving them a body cavity search with a cattle prod would help.
  19. Went to see it

    Sounds like a good ol' GUY flick. Lots of shoot'em up and crash bang. And an added plus of a Hot Babe! My kind of movie! I'll wait and rent the dvd,though. As for the popcorn: I'll just nuke some in the old microwave and put a ton of butter,melted cheese and salt on it. That's called: "Doing It My Way"
  20. 80 years ago this week: Alive !

    He died as he lived:pressing on to complete the mission. One heroic man.
  21. Three Years Ago Today

    Hopefully,some of the men he commanded at 'triple nickle' and the academy are using his style of LEADERSHIP to teach the young fighter pilots of today. RIP,General. You are truly missed.
  22. If anyone can help; FE2 Feb 2010 runs fine,FE2 Mar 2010 runs fine. When I patch to May 2010-B ,the game won't run and I get this error message. The procedure entry point DecodePointer could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.DLL. I've tried several times,even reinstalling and then patching. Pentium 4 3.0g processor 1.5 gig RAM 120 gig Scsi HD Geforce 5300 Vid card 128 mg on card XP Pro SP2 DX 9.0C Nov 2009 I've already posted on ThirdWire.
  23. Hey everybody that helped: TK suggested that I install latest directx and XP SP2 and SP3. FYI for all: installed latest directx and no joy. Installed XP SP2,reinstalled FE2 and then patched May 2010b patch. It now runs like a swiss watch. THANKS everyone for the help!!
  24. Hawks Win!

    OOOHRAAAH Hawks Win!!! The only guy in the house that new he made the goal was Pat Kane. Until the ref went over and looked in the net.
  25. I got this email link from old pilot friend of mine. I figured some would find it interesting. http://www.youtube.c.../MsPolleyVision

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