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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Which game(FE1 or FE2) and what patch level?
  2. Time Out.....Lets All Relax a Bit

    Good Call,Dave! I get off the ground and to the target just fine. It's those DAMNED Mig-17's. Doesn't matter what I fly. I get my ass handed to me by those 17's.
  3. chemtrails

    Great explanation,FC. I would also mention that depending on the situation: if one wanted to be seen or not in a combat situation. One would adjust altitude or airspeed or throttle setting so that they were 'connin' or not.
  4. KERNEL32.dll is in the system 32 folder. I tried to delete it and install another,but windows automatically makes a new one. Yes,it runs fine after a reinstall-Feb2010 and Mar2010. When I patch May it doesn't run and I get the same error message.
  5. Happy Birthday Firehawkordy

    50!! I wish I was that YOUNG! Congrats and have a GREAT day!
  6. Game 1 Of the Stanely Cup Finals

    GO HAWKS!!! The Hawks and Flyers pounded the crap out of each other. The score doesn't tell what the game was really like.
  7. 1295 Should have been done a long time ago. This guy rates a ship named after him,unlike some of the politicians that are getting it.
  8. IYAOYAS & RIP Lt. Finn

    "Fair Winds and Following Seas,Lt."
  9. I dont often wish Death on people...but

    NK can threaten all they want. The US won't do anything major until Americans are attacked. If that guy in the North is psycho enough to use nukes,I believe that China will tell him that he's on his own. I don't think China will want to risk a large part of its economy(US exports) and it's standing in the world on supporting a nut job. We'll go in with surgical tactical nukes and when it's done NK won't have any government or military left.
  10. Do you have a CVN68 in groundobject folder? If you do: make sure that Folder and .ini file say the same thing. (eg. CVN68 folder and CVN68.ini) I sometimes have to swap AirUnits. Sometimes, the game engine seems to find the flyable AirUnits better if they are in the first 30 units. If you have several Air Force AirUnits that fly the same aircraft in the first 30 or so,I swap(cut and paste)one of them with the AirUnit that I want. Try changing NumSquadron=10 to NumSquadron=5 on CarrierUnit001 These are some things that I have had to do.
  11. 1 sound per aircraft engine(single engine). 2 sounds if you use the afterburner sound. I don't think that you can use afterburner on a piston engine. The game engine changes the speed of the sound(kbps) as you change the throttle setting. I find a sound that's OK at idle and see what it sounds like at full throttle. I use a sound editor (CoolEdit)to adjust the speed of the sound(kbps) so that it is OK for idle and full throttle. It won't be exact for all settings,but it will be close.
  12. First Eagles 2 scenery upgrade

    My Bad,Wing. It is the Saved Games folder(called Mod folder by modders). As Christian says: If the folder is not there just make it. In fact; whatever folders are not there,just make them. The game engine looks in those made(Mod) folders before going to the Program Files folders.
  13. We lose another air warrior

    A true American Hero! 'The Greatest Generation' gets smaller every year. Thank you for your service,Col. You were there when we really needed you.
  14. I am typing this....

    OOOOHRAAAAH,Kev! Does it have that "new car smell"? No doubt ,you'll have it blazing away in no time. Don't forget to play a while. It's built for 'gaming',so Game Away.
  15. First Eagles 2 scenery upgrade

    FE1 or FE2? There is a big difference where you put the files. In FE1 the files should go in C:/Program Files/Third Wire /First Eagles/Terrains. In FE2 they should go in Documents and Settings/Third Wire/FirstEagles2/Terrains if your running Windows XP. In FE2 they should go in Users/.../Third Wire/FirstEagles2/Terrains if your running Windows Vista or 7. Also,make sure that the folder says Terrains(With an S at the end.)
  16. If you're doing 'gaming',the more extra fans in the case the better. I have stock fans plus 2 extra 4 inch highspeed fans one in back and one inside of case. Yes,they get noisy,but I use stereo headphones so I don't wake up the missus and the neighbors when I'm hammering away at a bogie. Although,my wife wonders who I'm swearing at sometimes.
  17. Back To the USAF Museum

    GREAT SHOTS,Dave!! You gotta love digital cameras. They really make great pictures.
  18. Air power in 'Nam

    They weren't employed that much in the overall daily routine of the war. The major thing was that the THREAT of them being employed had to be dealt with. You had to be ready on every sortie in case they were used.
  19. Sf2 series demands a lot more from your Vid card than other sims.
  20. January 1972 about 10 o'clock at night(clear weather),150 miles south of Tokyo at 28,000 ft. I was heading south.(EA-6A) It stayed at my 2 o'clock,level about 3 miles away for about 10 minutes. ATC had it on Radar,but didn't know what it was. It finally accelerated out ahead of us about 10 miles and then appeared to go straight up out of site. ATC wanted to know if we wanted to file a UFO sighting. Me and 4 airline pilots who also saw it said "No Thank You"! Yes,They are real. Certainly not all,but some are.
  21. f-4 phantom II air intake

    Turbojet and turbofan engines cannot effectively use supersonic air. The front blades on the compressors set up shockwaves and the engines compressor stall or flameout. The air coming in the intake has to be slowed to subsonic speed for the engines to use it effectively. You will see that all supersonic capable aircraft have some sort of device in or near the intakes to slow or change the airflow. The devices on the F-4's were variable inlet doors. They would move the supersonic shockwave far enough out front of the intakes. They would also slow the air to subsonic speed. If you ever heard that high pitched whistling noise on an F-4 or any supersonic capable aircraft in the landing pattern,it's the variable inlet doors moving to disrupt the airflow for the engines to use the air more effectively.(It's the air molecules screaming in pain) At least that's what they taught me in F-4 NATOPS training.
  22. Don't fence me in

    Some UAV's with FLIR,TRAM and LGB's or JDAM's would negate the need of a "fence". Before some start screaming at me,I know it's not right or feasible. IMHO However,Our country is being "invaded". Just because it's not an organized army doesn't make any difference. That should be enough justification to send troops to the borders.
  23. File Name: Aircraft Pilot Bailout File Submitter: ezlead File Submitted: 10 May 2010 File Category: First Eagles Object Mods This is a mod from Stary's excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod. This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan. Be sure to read the Readme for install instructions. I haven't tested it yet,but it might also work with WW2 and Korea non-ejection seat aircraft. Click here to download this file
  24. File Name: Balloon Gunner Bailout File Submitter: ezlead File Submitted: 10 May 2010 File Category: First Eagles Object Mods This is a mod of Starys excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod. This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan. Make sure to read the Readme for install instructions. Click here to download this file
  25. FE2 - Clouds?

    Hey Quack: They all look TERRIFIC! Looks like I have to make some changes to my games. Thanks for the Heads Up.

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