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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Royal Marines dissmised for striking a bomber...

    One thing that most people don't think about is: What is going to happen to the future prisoners that the Marines might capture? IMHO,a bullet is a lot less hassle than a court martial. The 'brass' were not thinking about the future. The gal MP that testified against them might as well quit now. No military personnel will ever trust her again. I know it's not right,but it is a war and "political correctness" has no place in it. :angry2: The enemy will just use it to exploit their brand of propaganda.
  2. Runway 36

    No zero zero runway headings or vectors. With radio communications sometimes getting garbled or 'walked on',it could be confused with say three zero or two zero which some airfields could have both runways. Three six leaves no doubt. The runway number is closest to magnetic take off heading. There are many runways in the world being renumbered right now because of magnetic north drifting over the last many years. Runway 36 in Panama is closer to true north than say runway 36 in Alaska. If possible most airfields try to point runways toward prevailing winds. Runway 31/13 for winter and 1/19 or 36/18 for summer. As far as games go,it's easier for the computer people to orient the airfields N/S or E/W when making the terrains.
  3. Wikileak Apache video

    It's pretty clear what Wikileaks wants everyone to believe. If they want to be the Hot Shot whistle blowers that they preach,put it on the air without the editing and captions and let us make our own decision. That Apache crew was in Close Air Support of US units that were only a few blocks away. Apparently the ground forces had been fired upon. That crew thought they saw Bad Guys. They called back to request permission to engage(how many times?)SEVERAL! They told the Coordinating Facility what their position was. They received permission to engage from higher authority. The Rules of Engagement could not have been followed more closely. If the coordinating facility had been aware of a news crew in the area,don't you think that the Apache crew would have been told about it? It's a shame that this news crew got killed,but they could have made a 2 minute cell phone call to the support center and told them where they were going to be before they got there. You comment about the laughter on the video. This crew thought that they just shot up a bunch of Bad Guys before the Bad Guys shot up our people. They had about 30 seconds to see what was going on and react.(That's their job!!) It's War,Sh&t Happens. I don't blame DoD for not wanting to release this video. Look what has been done to it.
  4. OMG........It's

    You Da Man!! Have a great day!!
  5. Anyone interested in WW1 flying. http://www.theaerodrome.com/
  6. Nice new rig! What system are you running? XP,Vista,7 or what. If your interested Thirdwire has the new FirstEagles2 available for purchase. It is made for Vista and 7,but it works great on my XP system. It is a little different format,but much more in gameplay. AI will have you for lunch until you get pretty good. I recommend SPAD XIII,Camel or SE5 for Allies. Albatross or Fokker D7 for Axis. Until you get used to the game. Putting aircraft settings on hard should give you everything you can handle. I am running Saitek Cyborg EVO and Hat switch is on snapview settings. I highlight what direction I want to look with the mouse(in the control section of Options) and then click the hat switch that direction. I usually have to do this several times before it takes the command. Make sure to check out the Knowledge Bases here(CombatAce) for more info. Be sure to check out all the new mods for the game. They are AWESOME!!
  7. Did it all 2 weeks ago. I just RAR it up and burn it to CD's. I got about 10 CD's full. Whatever I don't have is what is here from last 2 weeks.
  8. Each 'Mods' folder in Docs and Settings is just like a separate game. If you want add-on Effects,Sounds, etc in each game they have to be added,otherwise the game uses the defaults. The aircraft can more or less be controlled by the new UserList. I am running merged install of SF2V and SF2E. I have 5 different 'Mods' folders in Docs and Settings. One is Vietnam one is Europe. The other 3 are WW2. The game engine reads the 'Mods' folders first. Whatever else it needs it gets from C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Europe. I call these the 'Core Files'. The new format is different from before,but once you get used to it,the games become so much more 'modifiable'. You save a lot of disk space by only having one 'core' install. TK and his crew made the game so much more User Friendly.
  9. Phlipping heck !

    Hey Slarti: Get with the program it's Phantom Phreak. Like Phantom Phlyer,Phantom Phixer,Phantom Pherret, etc. Anybody with that many Pubs on one airplane unless he is an engineer designing it has a serious Phetish. All I had was the NATOPS manual! I wish I would have saved one.
  10. FE2 duel installs

    Don and anyone else wanting to do multiple installs. Go to C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/First Eagles2. Copy FirstEagles2.exe and FirstEagles2.ini to somewhere else. Rename them: FirstEagles2 West or whatever. Rename the .exe and the.ini the same. Put them in C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/First Eagles2 besides the original .exe and .ini. That will give you 2 .exe's and 2 .ini's in that folder. Run the game once from that folder. The game engine will make a new Mods folder with the same name as your new .exe and .ini. Put a new shortcut to it and you have dual installs all running off the original "Core Files". I have 5 separate Strike Fighters2 games with 5 separate 'Mods' folders all running off of one "Core Files" install. If you have a problem PM me here and I'll try to help.
  11. air forces of the world beware!

    Any fixed-wing pilot knows that helicopters do not fly. They get vibrating fast enough and just leave the ground. As for the ground pounders,that is our problem in the middle east. We need to get enough Guitar Hero games over there and whup their A$$es.
  12. What if ?

    FC,the former BONE driver,speaks words of great wisdom. Hey FC can you imagine going vertical and ballistic to out maneuver a Mig in the BONE. Gives the phrase "Check Your Six" a whole new meaning.
  13. Army News: Army looks to relocate Pentagon

    Asking the Navy for advice!! I didn't think they were even talking to each other. I know the Marines try to ignore the Navy as much as possible. I wonder how tall it would be with all the sub-basements above ground. :rofl:
  14. Toxic NVIDIA drivers 196.75

    I got this at SimHQ website: I figured this was a good place to put it so everyone would see it. Hi All - Just got this from ZDNet tech site: WARNING! NVIDIA 196.75 drivers can kill your graphics card. They will slow down or shut off your graphics card cooling fan. Hope no one has a problem, but better safe than sorry. If you recently updated drivers for NVIDIA, check it out. Apparently,NVIDIA has pulled them to fix them. I went to NVIDIA's site and they have WARNING also! http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=7551
  15. Help with installing mods

    VFC: You done broke the code!! Any modified(Mods)files go in the Documents and Settings/Thirdwire/FirstEagles2 folders. If the folder you need is not there(Effects,Sounds or Whatever),just add it. You should not need to add anything down in C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/FirstEagles2. I call these the 'Core Files'. The new game 'engine' looks in Docs and Settings/Thirdwire folders first,then whatever else it needs to run it gets from 'core files'. PS: JanTuma has terrific new terrains in the FirstEagles2 D/L section and Peter01 has reworked most all aircraft flight models in the Flight Models section. If you use Peter01's FM's be prepared to get 'hosed' at first. They work really well. The enemy aircraft turn out to be real "Fokkers" if you get my meaning. ENJOY!!!
  16. Spike: What usafmtl recommended are great add-ons. Any 2nd Gen game will work very well on your system. The format for the games are a little different,but once used to it ,they are great. Basically,unlike a lot of Sims,It is your choice! Read the Knowledge bases for the Pro's and Con's of each series. There are Hundreds of mods and add-ons in the Download section for each series. Welcome Aboard and enjoy the Fun!!!
  17. XP setup

    76: I have a C and D drive. I move most of my "storage" stuff to my D drive. That always leaves me enough room to operate the "Microsoft Way" on my C drive. Just a suggestion if you can do it that way.
  18. Does FE2 support Y key and CTRL-Y key to point out friendly aircraft?
  19. Friendly aircraft?

    I got Mar2010 patch and all is well. Thanks TK!!
  20. Veltro you are a well respected member of this community. If someone from here is shooting their mouth off somewhere else,let Dave,FC or one of the other moderators know. They will take care of the problem. Please,don't pull your stuff. As with all the other 'modders' here ,you are an ARTIST and greatly appreciated by all of us.
  21. If you want a true F-4 feel with the joystick you have to change the joystick sensitivity and null zone. For real: an F-4 fight started at 450 kts or above would slow to about 300-350 kts with the stick in your gut at max AB. A Mig would still outturn you if you stayed fairly level. If you pulled it out of AB,you would fall out of the sky. Therefore,keep the speed high and run away for a ways and turn back in for an AIM-7 shot or go vertical. The F-8's and F-4's were the first Navy and Marine fighters where you had enough power available to truly go vertical. In the fight that Randy Cunningham had with the mythical Col Toon it really surprised him to see the Mig go into the vertical along with him. Most of the North Vietnamese,Chinese and Soviet pilots flying in Vietnam would fight fairly level turns. If you went vertical they would break off and run for home. Today all good fighter pilots use the vertical. A turn in the vertical is still a turn. With the thrust to weight ratios getting close or at 1to1,you can go straight up accelerating clear to forever. If someone figures out how to get the AI in the game to start using the vertical most of the time we will have a GREAT DEAL more difficulty completing missions.
  22. We've lost another great artist...

    Apparently,the script for I Spy was mostly a basic script. He and Cosby would adlib most of the dialogue. He was also a great comedian and practical joker. They would have to do several takes no matter what show or movie he was doing because he would get everyone laughing.
  23. Captain Owers...what a guy!

    When this guy walks by,you can here his (you know whats) clank. EOD people have my greatest respect.
  24. Holy s**t....

    I see your using usafmtl today. Anyway,have a GREAT day. Hoist a few flagons of mead in celebration. I see by your age that your not a kid anymore,but getting quite close to the dreaded Middle-Aged.
  25. FE 1& 2 Scenery & Terrain

    I'm running XP on older machine. As far as I know you should have no trouble with 7 64 bit. I'm not sure about SLI. I had FE1 and really liked it. FE2 is tremendously better. Check out the SF2 and FE2 knowledge bases to answer your specific questions. There is a lot of info in them. Some of it is hard to find,but keep searching in them. I'm former Marine 1967-1973,Vietnam vet. A-6 (mostly)and F-4 driver plus some time with the Grunts(FAC).

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