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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. FE 1& 2 Scenery & Terrain

    I am using them in FE2 and they are FANTASTIC!!
  2. Sounds like he and Gen. Peter Pace were in the same class at National War College. Good thing he is retiring. Pete Pace got canned from Chairman of Joint Chiefs because of shooting his mouth off about gays in the military. It is typical "General" rhetoric. They don't send in enough troops or don't give the one's that are there enough support and it is someone else's fault.
  3. 3-23-72

    I got there about one month later. Every Memorial Day,I have a drink for:Dave,Joe,Johnny,Rob and all the others. I'll add him to the list and include him in my prayers. :salute:
  4. Has Anyone seen this story...?

    "If you have freedom of speech,don't thank an orator or speechmaker,Thank a Soldier." If it wasn't for the military,he would be speaking Japanese or German. He makes a blanket statement and proves to everyone that he discriminates against the military and their personnel. A couple of former military personnel should apply for a job at his company. When they get turned down,Sue the B@#tard out of business for discrimination. It's a matter of public record now. That guys a major J Off.
  5. From a quick scan of what is here: It seems like the UnitID=? in the campaign.ini file and the [AirUnit00?] numbers in the campaign_data file are not matching up. They have to be the same. eg; UnitID=9 and [AirUnit009] You also have to have a modded Campaigns folder up in Documents(XP) or Users(Vista or 7).
  6. Finally

    Cumulus Aluminus in the air. But more so Aluminus Granitus the last few years.
  7. PSA

    Sounds to me that he is trying to get back on,just to start a Sh&% fight. If he was that big a Thirdwire fan,he'd keep his 'stuff' to himself and get what he needed from here to enjoy the games. There are far to many GOOD people here to have to put up with a few 'flamers' spoiling it for everyone. As far as he is concerned,Dave: use your finger to push down on the handle.(sound of toilet flushing)
  8. Charlie Foxtrot with my pay raise

    You should have taken the E-6 pay. You'll probably be eligible for it before they get it squared away.
  9. Thanks Dave: I have a back up HD. But it is time to burn all my s##t on to disks. I haven't done it in 6 months. Well,off to fire up the ol' CD burner. Oh,DW,the Smokey Bear is fantastic!!
  10. The edited files go up in Users/........Thirdwire/Strike Fighters2/Objects/whatever the file is. If it is an aircraft file it goes in the aircraft folder. If it is something else it goes in the appropriate folder. If the folder you need is not there,simply make the folder and put the edited file into it.
  11. Stingray: DaveJS's way works just as well. As you can see,there are several different ways to do the same thing. Look thru the recommendations and find the one that is the best and EASIEST for you to do. We don't care how you do it,just that you have success. I don't fly SF2 Vietnam much. I didn't know about the 'Tree effects'.
  12. FE2

    Don: FE2 has a lot of new features that most people like. The graphics are much better and the AI is a lot more aggressive just for a couple to mention. You can use most of your mods on the new game. Plus,there are a lot of new mods for it. I think it is well worth the investment. Hours of enjoyment for only 20 bucks. I'm running it on XP with DX9 with no problems. The format is a little different,but once you get the hang of it,it's great.
  13. copy; StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.exe file and StrikeFighters2 Vietnam configuration file to somewhere else. Rename .Exe file and configuration file to the same name of your choosing. Then put them back in 'core files' folder. Run game,escape out,then look for 'mod folders'. You should have a new mod folder with the new name on it. This is for XP. For Vista,I think you have to turn something off. I am currently running 5 different games on 1 merged install of SF2V/SF2E. 5 different 'mod folders'.
  14. Burn Notice

    I never miss an episode. I even watch the reruns whenever they are on. Fiona is hot!! Besides,who could not love a woman who is expert in heavy weapons and explosives!
  15. FE2 running on WinXPx32

    OK,By the numbers: For those using XP. Up in My documents folder. For Vista and Win7 it is in Users ThirdWire FirstEagles2 Campaigns (All modified campaigns) Controls Effects (All mod effects you want to add) Flight (Any flight files you want to mod) Menu (Any menu files you want to add:Mainscreens etc.) Missions (All modified missions) Objects Aircraft(All default and mod aircraft in their own folders) Decals(See tutorial in KB) GroundObject (All groundobjects in their own folders) Guns (Any gun mods you make go in here) Pilots (All pilots and seats go in here) Weapons (Any weapons or weapon addons using the new folder format)See Killerbee's,it's GREAT! PilotData Screenshots Sounds (All your sound mods) Terrains (All the great terrain mods go here,in their own folders) If you are familiar with Thirdwire games you will notice the format is just like the old games with a few additions. The difference is,it is up in My Documents folder. When you run the game the first time it will make some of the folders up there. The rest you make yourself. The only thing you need down in Program Files is what is called the Core files that are put there on the install. All modified files and folders go up in My Documents area. It's just like modifying the old game,just in a different place. The game engine looks up in My documents first. Whatever else it needs it gets from Core files. Whenever anyone is talking about the "Mod Folder" it is the one in My Documents. Good Luck. It's really a lot better when you get the hang of it. :yes:
  16. World War 2 Database...

    Looks like a good site for us Propheads!
  17. I'm with Dave. Just turn him over to CIA or Homeland Security and just make him disappear. No headlines or media attention. Let everyone(if anyone cares)wonder what happened to him.
  18. A sad day.... Aviation is no longer fun...

    Grinch: No one is questioning controllers professionalism. Although,as a former professional pilot,I have heard a lot of BS over the air between pilots and controllers. You want to get a pilot's attention,change the voice over the mike. Why are warning horns now warning voices. I'll bet the people in those cockpits took notice real quick when the kid came up on the mike. I know it was not the time or place,but the kid will never forget it. As for the controller and his supervisor,IMHO give them a slap on the wrist and send them back to work. A lot worse things have been done by ATC over the years. People make mistakes,the ATC profession will survive this little encounter.
  19. BoB Veteran dies.

    He was on the History Channel about Spitfires. Very unassuming looking man. He loved the Spit. "RTB,Wing Commander,it's CAVU all the way.
  20. Frank Feldman (what a Guy!)

  21. I lost most of my F-4's with the Dec 2009 patch also. That is SF2V/SF2E merged install. TK said there was a problem with the Dec 2009 patch. Do the merge,but don't patch with Dec 2009 patch. Download Feb 2010 patch and run on merge. I did it a couple days ago and it works great. I have lots of F-4's and Migs now.
  22. The Winter Games

    The IOC needs to get a reality check. They have professional athletes competing against amatuers. Just take hockey: half or more of the players ,play for the NHL or some Pro team overseas. I'm sure that the IOC is receiving millions of dollars in tv and advertising money. If they didn't have these kids giving up 4 or more years of their lives to compete,the IOC wouldn't have a job. The kids I feel sorry for,are the ones 15 or more years ago that couldn't compete because they were considered Pro's.
  23. We used to call it "thousand mile 'n hour" tape in the Corps. You could get it in silver,brown or green. If you taped over the double or triple rivet seams on an F-4 wing,it would increase your speed from 900 something to at least "thousand miles 'n hour". Someone once said jokingly that they might have saved the Titanic if they would have had duct tape. Using duct tape on little airplanes has fixed a lot of things. This is about as major a fix as any I have seen.
  24. An Interview with Capt Robert Ward

    Bob: Welcome aboard! It's great to have another Vietnam vet here. There are quite a few from our Era here at CA. You'll find that the 'younger generations' have the same kick-a$$ attitude that we have. I got the chance to talk to some "Hun" drivers when I was flying in Nebraska back in the 70's. They were from the South Dakota ANG. They simply loved the airplane. I was a former Marine Naval Aviator so I didn't get much grief from them. The F-4 drivers from the Nebraska ANG got all kinds of it. Single seat "Gunfighters" were the best in their book. Thank you for your service to our country and good luck in all you endeavors.
  25. I have purchased a few things payware and have been very satisfied with what I got. As someone said:"Modders are artists". If they want,they should be paid for their "stuff". Although,The best comment is the 'get bent' comment from FastCargo. I almost hacked all my coffee all over the monitor.

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