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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Before you do the patch!! Go up to the "mods" folder: Documents and settings ....... ....... Thirdwire StrikeFighters2 Europe(or whatever it is). rename it:StrikeFighters2 EuropeX. Do the patch. Run the game once and exit out. It will write a new "mods" folder. Now delete the Aircraft and Groundobject folders from the new mods folder. Move all of your mods from the X named folder over to the new folder and it works GREAT. Then after everything is moved to the new folder just delete the X named folder. It will write over some of your mods unless you do. I am running 4 different StrikeFighters games from one core file install. :yes:
  2. They are great for some. But,did you ever try to get one to buy you a tall cold brewski at the club after a tough mission. You can't beat the "sweatin' your a%% off,scared to death,master arm on,gut wrenchin' high "g" roll in,"ones in hot" of the real thing.
  3. Quick question to any locksmith/former burglar here...

    Server: I got your PM's. I'd say the deadbolt was messed with. The door lock was not. I'd also say that your about as secure as you can be. Remember what our local Lock and Key guy says:"Locks only keep honest people out." Good luck.
  4. Happy Birthday Jug

    Have a GREAT day,Jug!!!
  5. Hell yeah, i'm happy

    Welcome to the world. It happens here in the States all the time. It is well known that;"We Have The Best Politicians That Money Can Buy" Although,here in Illinois it happens more than most.
  6. June 1972: Danang Airbase One of our combat loads on the A-6A Intruder: 14 Mk 82 snakeyes and 14 500 lb napalm snakeyes. Set up stations for ripple 1/2salvo and drop half on first pass and the other half on second pass,unless the FAC wants them all. 400+ knts and around 500 ft AGL,as level as possible,jinking going in and going out of run. If you had flares and chaff,pop some on the way in and on the way out of run. More than 2 passes and you were really pushing your luck. Be prepared for a lot of orange tennis ball sized fire coming your way.
  7. Go See Your Doctor

    GREAT Advice!! Also,don't forget to get ultrasounds on carotid artery and jugular vein. If you have blockages there,it could cause a stroke. If blockages are there are bad enough(60-90 percent) get heart checked. If you have blockages in your neck,you will also have them in your heart. A fantastic cardiac doctor was giving my wife a routine exam and found blockages in her neck. After several more tests she had to have a quadrupal bypass on her heart. She was 55 at the time. It saved her life.
  8. I am using an older Nvidia card and when I play WOV,I always get a big FPS hit over the North. I just have to turn down the graphics settings. IN all the other sims that I have:SFP1,WOE,WOI,SF2V and SF2E,I can turn the settings back up and they work fine. I have also experimented with 4 different Nvidia driver sets and found the best for my card. The latest don't always work the best. If you are computer savvy,give that a try. I have had computers since the old DOS days,so I do a lot more with them than most people.
  9. Stingray: Wrench is definitely THE Screen Ace. I also have over 100 different screens on my backup HD. Many that I made myself. I use them in many different types of installs. (WW2,Korea,WOE,WOV,etc.) Loading screens go into each aircrafts individual folder. You can name them whatever you like as long as you have it noted in the aircraft.ini file. (LoadingScreen="whatever".bmp or .jpg) Here s F-4C.ini from SF2E for instance: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-4C Phantom II AircraftShortName=F-4 AircraftDataFile=F-4C_data.ini LoadoutFile=F-4C_loadout.ini UserList=F-4C_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-4C_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=F-4C_loadout.tga HangarScreen=F-4C_hangar.JPG LoadingScreen=F-4C_Loading.JPG (also can be .BMP) AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4C_avionics.ini If your screen doesn't come up,something is wrong with it,and the game uses the default.
  10. More Dumb School News

    I don't mean too offend anyone here but: In my opinion: When I was 20 years old,I gave the United States of America a blank check for the amount of "Up to and including my life" for 6 years. I have paid my dues. Unless someone has done the same,they don't need to talk to me about being politically correct. If they have done the same,then we can sit down and discuss it. I know a man who was a school superintendent for 25 years. He told me that the last 10 years of his tenure,he spent more time in court,testifying because parents do not raise their kids anymore,they expect the schools to do it. And when little Johnny gets into trouble,the parents Sue the school district,because "My little Johnny wouldn't do that" Rather than exposing the school district to unwanted media attention,the district usually settles out of court. It is a shame,but the principal or superintendent was just, "Covering their(the school district's)A**. That's what they get paid to do ,anymore. Political Correctness is wrecking this country. If you teach your kids to be polite and respect all other people,you don't need political correctness. OK,my rant is over.
  11. During Vietnam era if you had them on you kept them on unless an emergency procedure recommended to jettison external stores. During a mission the drops usually were empty first,so the extra weight didn't mean much. It was recommended that in the case of a landing gear emergency you kept them on,raised the operable gear,if possible, and land on the drops. There have been many Navy/Marine aircraft saved that way. :yes:
  12. Lee Archer Dies

    Another legend is gone. RIP Colonel!! http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2010/01/30/2010-01-30_an_ace_in_the_sky.html
  13. Mikey: Like Wrench said,you could adapt some other tank. I found this photo if it helps
  14. Usually Mirage Factory builds its aircraft differently from Thirdwire. The model .lods are constructed differently. The aircraft skins go according to the .lods. In order for a Mirage Factory skin to work,you have to use their aircraft. The skins usually will not crossover. However,the good part is,Mirage Factory makes awesome 3rd party aircraft. Go to their site and download their aircraft and add it to your sim.
  15. Negative G

    I'll bet he didn't get any (you know what) for quite a while. I always carried barf bag in "G" suit pocket or under pilot seat in civilian airplane. I needed it several times. Once for me,several others for passengers. You never forget it once you have to clean up airplane yourself(Gag,choke,puke).
  16. Boy do I feel dumb!! I was using old A-4's from WOV. They worked for hump. I took a look at new A-4C_65,A-4E_65,A-4E_67,and A-4F and they have hump built in. All I have to do is add ECM if I want. That's what I get for thinking too much Thanks for the help anyway!!!
  17. Hey Wrench: Check your PM. I found it in KB. It's easier when you know where to look. Scooter bits are in objectdata003.cat. This is with Killerbee's weapons pack. This is what I did: This is A-4F in game: A-4F_data.ini [fuselage] ..... ...... SystemName[009]=ALQ100 (change to)SystemName[009]=A4K //Weapon Stations------- ....... ....... [ALQ100] SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=DECEPTIVE_JAMMER JammerStrength=35.0 MinFreq=2.0 MaxFreq=6.0 CanJamCW=FALSE (Change to) //Weapon Stations------- ....... ...... [A4K] SystemType=ECM_JAMMER JammerType=DECEPTIVE_JAMMER JammerStrength=35.0 MinFreq=2.0 MaxFreq=6.0 CanJamCW=FALSE AttachmentPosition=0.00,0.00,0.90 I did this and I now have A-4 hump plus ALQ-100 jammer. I can edit A-4F to make A-4L and A-4M. A big old "Thank You" for pointing me in the right direction. ezlead
  18. I'll bet this got someone's attention. Apparently while in Beirut,this aircraft got a fuel bladder punctured during cleaning. It was put on a barge and floated out to the carrier. The carrier then transported it to Crete to be repaired. I'll bet the satellite watchers were buzzing about this one.
  19. ALS... Passed!

    Staff NCO's run the military(all branches). They just let the officers think that THEY(the officers) do. In my 6 years in the Corps,I met and served with some of the finest people in the world(all SNCO's). Bravo Zulu on passing the test. :yes: Here is a punch from me when you pin them on.
  20. The Economy

  21. The A-7 was a shortened up lighter weight F-8 with a fan engine. It was a hotrod with very good inflight manuevering . The guys that I knew that flew it,loved it. It was designed to replace the A-4 with the Navy and a couple of aircraft for the Air Force. It did both very well.
  22. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    Rush and Pat Robertson are noted for opening their mouth and inserting their foot. Rush thinks everything is the Democrats fault. Pat thinks that everybody pi--ed off God. I don't believe that they have enough following to even make a difference. They kicked Don Imus off the air for what he said. I guess there wasn't enough outrage at Rush and Pat. As for the Prez: it doesn't matter who it is. The Media loves misery,so the Prez gets free media coverage while he sends relief efforts to Haiti. Just remember:The Whole World is Watching,if they weren't,things would be different no matter who was Prez. As for the people here in this country that need help,it's not good media ,so it doesn't get done. President's have been actors long before Reagan came along. Whatever is a good Photo Op. OK,my rant is over.
  23. SF2 Europe

    I'm currently flying SF2Europe. The graphics are much better and I'm running an older machine. Be sure to get Stary's new terrain. It is really great. The biggest thing that I have found is that the AI is a lot better. Those Blankety blank Migs will have you for lunch damn near every time. Keep your speed up and be ready to run for home.
  24. January?

    You're finally getting a little of that Global Warming that Al Gore has been forecasting for years now. Down here in the lower 48 it is still CHILLY!
  25. TRUE or FALSE

    That was no Aston-Martin he was driving either. Good Question!

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