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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    I heard that we are also sending a Marine Battalion Landing Team for manpower. We are also sending a carrier battle group for hospital space and fresh water supplying. A carrier and its support ships can make thousands of gallons of fresh water daily. Plus the messhalls can feed thousands. As for Rush,IMHO he should have been put in a straight jacket a long time ago.
  2. combat ace history any1

    I got Biohaz's web address from a computer magazine article about flight sims waaaaayy back a long time ago. I came as a visitor at first and finally joined. I must say that you have come a long long way from the original. You have done very very well.
  3. I am trying to bring a WOV WOE F-4B over to SFP2E. I can get the aircraft over fine. However,No decals. In the KB it says to list the skins(USNGrey1)plus the d file in the Mod Decals folder. Problem is,no d file. Do I have to bring the entire decals folder over with it? The decal.ini folder reads like this: [Decal001] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Insignia----(Path???) Position=4.63,-0.167 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.85 DecalMaxLOD=3 As we used to say in the Marines: Could someone do a "By The Numbers" decal tutorial? I mean assuming that the readers "Know Nothing". I haven't flown Sim with modern aircraft in long time(Prophead) ,so I'm starting to get used to Mig-17's kicking my A--. Oh,I'm not a rivet counter,would just like some decals.
  4. Never: Sometimes the answer is so close you don't see it. Thanks a ton!! I'm off to d/l an airplane.
  5. Not a bad idea,USAF. I am just very frustrated with the new format. I spent almost a whole day trying to get decals to work. I'll ignore it for a few days and then get back into it. I had to do the same thing when I first started modding SFP1,WOV and WOE. I'll d/l an aircraft for 2ndgen and see what the procedures look like. I'm also very frustrated at getting my a-- shot off by those @#$%%&*&&^$# Migs! The new AI is very dangerous,I just have to learn how to fly and win in the new sim. Many thanks to you and killerbee.
  6. Well: I've tried everything that you guys recommended and No Joy! I'll just fly bare Navy and Marine aircraft. I got this game to fly,not to be a computer programmer.
  7. I went to Thirdwire's site and got this link. http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ You are correct,his F8f Bearcat and F7F Tigercat are awesome. :yes:
  8. Daddy: Check the "stickies" in the Propheads section. It gives some usefull info for using "props" in Gen2 series.
  9. "You're not cool!" blog

    Old attack pilot saying:"You can always tell a fighter pilot,but you can't tell him much! The "can" in the old C-117 (military version Super DC-3) was clear in the tail. I got blessed to fly it after my return from WesPac. I had a ball!! The PIC would usually try to float you off your feet(slight negative "G") while you were trying to relieve yourself. One hand on your equipment,the other on the roof of the aircraft to keep you in place. I would have went in my flight suit before I would have to "sit down". Fortunately that did not happen.
  10. OK!! Peter:Your "Mods" folders will look like this: Directory=C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Campaigns (No Mods folder) C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Effects C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight C:\..................\Menu C:\..................\Objects\Aircraft\F-4b C:\..................\Objects\Aircraft\F-8e etc. C:\..................\Objects\Decals C:\..................\Objects\GroundObject etc. The file structure will be the same as the old ThirdWire series games.They will just be in a different place. Think of it this way: The files in the users directories (mods)are sitting on the top of your desk. The files in the Program Files directory (Game files)are in the drawers of your desk. The game engine(.exe) file will look for whatever it needs to run the game on top of your desk first. Whatever else it needs it will then look in the drawers of your desk. When it has everything it needs,it then runs the game. I hope this helps. Oh,and thanks for the info on DirectX. I learned something new today. I have NVidia card also. I learned the hard way,same as you about drivers.
  11. Peter: Go to knowledge base and read EVERYTHING about modding number 2 series. This will give you an idea of the basics. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44026-converting-older-planes-to-work-in-sf2-a-basic-guide-by-migbuster/ I believe that folders should be: Directory=C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mods\Campaigns C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mods\Effects C:\Users\Peter Bezemer\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mods\Flight C:\..................\Menu C:\..................\Objects\Aircraft\F-4b C:\..................\Objects\Aircraft\F-8e etc. C:\..................\Objects\Decals C:\..................\Objects\GroundObject etc. Whatever folders you are modding for the sim you want to run:SFP2,SFP2V,SFP2E etc.,you have to make the folders for mods. If I am wrong,someone please correct us. I also noticed that you have DirectX 11. Can someone tell us if this has been tested with new series. I just D/L'ed SFP2E before Xmas and I am experimenting myself.
  12. Try banning the flintstones?

    Sick Dino on 'em
  13. My X-Mas gift to ya'll, a Mistress for Christmas

    GREAT SONG!!! AC/DC is one of my favorite bands of all time!!
  14. Typhoid and anyone else who flew with a tailhook or anybody interested: I was looking at Tailhook Mag online an I found these pictures. This is from CVN-70 USS Abe Lincoln You have to see 2nd pic to see it clearly.
  15. MIG-21

    I was looking for something to do earlier today and realized that I hadn't been out to the airport in quite a while. Airport being Dekalb Municipal Dekalb,Illinois. I stopped in and they were having an open house for some boyscouts(everyone invited). I went into the main hangar and there was that MIG-21 UM sitting there. I went over and started walking around it. The owner(a United Airlines captain)was there so I walked up and started talking to him. He told me all about the aircraft and what it was like to fly. He said it is a HOT (fast) aircraft to fly. He said it would be like flying an F-104 if anyone has flown them. I told him I had some F-4 Phantom time and he said it would be a lot like flying one of them,with a lot less power. It accelerates fast and flys fast. He said that low and slow(gear down,flaps down) it is a little hairy. He made my day when he asked if I would like to set in the cockpit. I climbed up the ladder and got in. He has had most all the instruments and radios "Americanized". The thing that impressed me the most was how tight the cockpit was. It reminded me of the A-4's cockpit. It is truly an airplane that you "strap on". It is for sale,if anyone is interested. Less than $400,000. Burns fuel like crazy,though. With a centerline droptank and full fuel it has about 400 miles range. Here is a link to see what it looks like. http://www.planecheck.com/aspdet.asp?nr=10578
  16. Malibu: Now I understand. In campaign_data.ini you can change force listings as you add squadrons. To get the correct unit ID you must count down how many units are designated force 1 or force 2 and that is the ID number. I thought that they had to be in numerical order. All force 1 units and then all force 2 units etc. His unitID=55 is the 55th unit in the data.ini,but it may only be the 33rd unit for force1. Does anyone know how many total units game engine will read? I learn something new about this sim almost everyday. Thanks!!
  17. 1970 solo cross country out of NAS Kingsville,Texas,in TA-4J. 400 knts IAS(good maneuvering speed). I wasn't as low as they were,but I did look up at a couple of viewing platforms with people on them. Radar "floor" was a lot higher back then. I as nervous for several weeks after,but no one reported it.
  18. I always try to keep my flyable units in the first 25 units. I have had problems like you are having if I put them farther down the list. Take a squadron you do not want to fly and cut and paste it down to 55. Take your squadron and cut and paste it up to where that squadron was. Change numbers(keep them in numerical order)and give it a try. I'm not sure how far down the game engine reads for flyable units. Maybe someone who knows could tell us.
  19. Read This BS.......

    It is a housing authority not the freakin' housing police. Just because it is a rule doesn't make it legal. Your right,Dave. It took longer to type than what should have been done in the first place. As for the Hue incident,I would have told them that neither was Guadalcanal,Tinian,Saipan,Tarawa,Iwo Jima or Okinawa.
  20. Sorry about that,Fatman. I renamed the Formidable(ground object) to make the other carriers. I also had problems flying off of the others. The Formidable was the one that I had the least problems with. As for getting shot at. Back up Wrench's Okinawa_targets file and his Okinawa_movements file,then put mine in the Okinawa terrain folder. If you are on the wrong side of the red line on the map the ships will fire at you. If you need to,private message me here and I will try to walk you through it. I check in here everyday. Wrench is right about 06 level patch,I forgot to mention that.Props don't fly to well with 08 patch.
  21. Wooj: You want to have fun? Put some Mig-29's or SU's loaded with Archers and Adders in the mission. I could never live past the 2nd mission. It was always flaming composite falling out of the sky.
  22. I'm not sure how involved you want to get,but in the 70's the Marines would send us(EA-6a's)to Fallon for practice. They had Soviet SAM sites(SA-2),Early warning and AAA radars there. We would also get a few missions against the Aggressors to practice Air to Air Jamming. I walked a couple of Navy F-4's right up on top a couple of Red Flag T-38's. We then shut off the jammers,and then the fun began. We hit the deck and ran for home while the F-4's tangled with the 38's. :yes: You could use the same scenario with EA-6b's and F-18 Growlers
  23. Navy SEALS Charged for Asault?

    Makes me wonder what the details of the capture were? I doubt they picked him up walking out of the local 7/11. They're SEALS,that means more than likely black ops. He's lucky they didn't just Cap him and bring in the body. "We tried Sir,he wanted to fight it out."---end of story.
  24. Caption This

    OH Sh$$,I forgot to throw the damn ball!!
  25. Marine Stake-out in Afghanistan

    OOOHRAAAH jarheads,Tell it like it is. I have a feeling that the Silent Majority is not going to be silent much longer. We have had 2 violent revolutions in the history of this country. We have had hundreds in the voting booth.

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