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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. P-51B-10-NA Mustang

    Not quite as pretty as the 'D' model,but still performed the same. "NICE RIDE!!!" A beautiful machine! I prefer the bare metal look versus the green paint.

    Hey Dave: As they say "on any Sunday". Rozelle wanted parity in the NFL. He sure got it. From the best team to the worst is only about 3-4 players difference. Detroit has their work cut out for them. The old "Black and Blue" division is going to be just that this year. The toughest games they will have are right in their own division. Anyway: "Lions Win - Bears Win" OOOHRAH
  3. Stockholm cash depot hit by helicopter heist

    Where was George Clooney and the rest of the crew. It sounds like Ocean's 14 to me.
  4. Hey Wrench: If the aircraft is close(Beta),drop it on a few of us for flight testing(PLEEESSE,oh most honored and noble aircraft modder). Then when the nose art is ready you can come out with it. You can't blame me for trying!! It's a hot machine that some of us are really dying to get our hands on.
  5. Attention! MSgt Nesher ready for your orders!

    It's about time the IDF finally recognized your talents. Congrats. Hoist one at the SNCO club from us.
  6. Carrier Life

    It's too bad that the average citizen can't read these letters. Those of us that have "been there-done that" know exactly how he feels. "Living the Dream" was never what it was supposed to be. However,Our life today is great because of wonderful young people who have been doing these very things for the last 200 years. I am very thankful that the tradition,as hard as it is,goes on.
  7. Kanye West = Jerk

    Kanye West: Big money + alligator mouth + no consideration for other people = jerk Seems to be happening a lot more today(entertainers,athletes,etc) Serena: Apparently McEnroe said that even he was never that bad. Yes,it was a bumb call,but that happens in life. Profanity and racist comments are probably going to cost her more than just a fine.
  8. Are you trying to add a ship to a Task Force? If you are,go to Terrain folder,open terrain_targets.ini file. Scroll down to subject Task Force and you will see how it's done. Example: [TargetArea065] Name=Task Force 51 Position=218792.000000,362439.000000 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=4 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE Target[001].Type=Benham Target[001].Offset=320.07,860.34 - (distance in meters from center of TF or carrier) Target[001].Heading=267 Target[002].Type=Jaccard Target[002].Offset=320.07,-860.34 Target[002].Heading=267 Target[003].Type=Liberty Target[003].Offset=-308.07,-660.34 Target[003].Heading=267 Target[004].Type=Liberty Target[004].Offset=-308.07,660.34 Target[004].Heading=267 Target[005].Type=Brooklyn Target[005].Offset=855,414 Target[005].Heading=267 Target[006].Type=Brooklyn Target[006].Offset=741,-306 Target[006].Heading=267 If you are trying to do it in single mission you need to go to mission editor instructions.
  9. Awards Ceremony

    Ultra: After spending 20 years+ in the construction business,I've seen a lot of crazy things,but these are GREAT.
  10. Wrench: I downloaded your Solomons and your Okinawa terrains. I have your Solomons terrain up and running in my game. I have to say that it is a wonderful accomplishment. I have a couple more grnd obs to add,but it is a very "target rich " environment. Also.you were right about those Japanese ground gunners. I rolled in to strafe an airfield and got hit about 6 times before getting out of there. I can hardly wait to get the Okinawa terrain going. A JOB VERY WELL DONE my friend!!!
  11. Pop: What I do is make a new squadron. Say,VA-113. Make one squadron VA-113 Det A with the A-6A and all the stuff. Make another squadron VA-113 Det B. Put in say 6 aircraft(A-6B's). Put in 6 pilots and edit the mission percentages to mostly SEAD missions. Don't forget to put the squadron in the campaign.ini file. You say you are new to editing so like Dave says Read 'everything' in the KB several times and then start experimenting. I am always rereading the KB to refresh my memory. Before I edit a file I make a copy of it and put it in screenshots(a good place to store stuff). Then if I screw up ,the old file is there to save me. Keep working on editing,this game was designed to be edited to the max. Good Luck!!
  12. An Interview with Jug

    Jug: SALUTE!!! I made a weather divert to Grand Forks AFB in an EA-6a back in the 70's. I got there before my amended clearance did. It was very disconcerting to be met by 3 Air Force vehicles when I taxied to the Ramp. They stopped me way out on the taxiway. I was not about to argue with 10 very well armed AP's. After my clearance got there,everything was cool. The biggest thing I noticed about Ops was as you say being professional. They did not screw around with anything they did. The Soviets didn't dare try anything because guys like you were ready 24/7. Anyway,THANKS for your service in a very difficult time and a very difficult occupation. Back then "Peace was your Profession" and you did it to the highest standards.
  13. WWII USAAF Airmen Recieves Medals

    OOORRAHH for the Air Force. He is definately one of our "Greatest Generation" Anyone who flew over Ploesti 3 times really deserves all the medals we can award him. Bravo Zulu Air Force
  14. I'm Back!

    I bought a used computer from a friend of mine. Pentium 4 (2.4 gig) I will be taking a couple of days to get it set up my way. I have been Jonesing for a computer for a couple of weeks now. For those of you that don't know,my computer motherboard crashed about 3 weeks ago.
  15. Computer crash

    Hi All: I am presently on my son's laptop. Yes,I had the dreaded system crash. As far as I can tell it is the CPU that went bad. I am presently researching the web for another CPU replacement. As far as I can tell the hard drives(storage) were not involved. I will try to keep in touch as much as possible. PS I like the new format. It looks very professional.
  16. Computer crash

    @#$%^&*^%$#,it's not the CPU!!! It is the Motherboard bios chip!!! That means it's time to go looking for another machine. Looks like it will be the proverbial "Two Weeks"
  17. Brett Favre Passes Away

    Favre's 2030 contract: Tampa Bay will pay for his Medicare supplemental insurance,his wheelchair,his oxygen,his specially designed wheelchair van and his social security payments. If anyone remembers,Favre was a quarterback for Green Bay back in the '90's when they won a Super Bowl. Tampa will be the 10th team that Favre has played for in the last 20 years. All kidding aside,I'm getting tired of hearing about him! Retire permanently Brett and give the new kids a chance.
  18. Hey Wrench: No sweat big guy. Whenever you can get it ready. I have taken a Solomons campaign(for the correct format) and I'm modding it for Olympic. I have P-51d's,P-47n's,P-38l's,P-80's for USAF so far. I have F6f's,F4u's,F8f's,F7f's and AD-1's(Skyraiders were rushed into production-what if) for the Navy and Marines so far. I'm trying to use actual squadrons that would have been involved. I'll copy and paste for whatever I need from terrain when you get it. I saw in knowledge base somewhere that the game engine can handle 100 squadrons,so that is what I'm shooting for (Allied and Japanese). Not all will be flyable but should make for lots of aircraft in scenario.
  19. Volunteer or Draftee? It doesn't really matter when the shooting starts. Many hundreds of thousands of draftees throughout the history of this country did their duty when they were called on to serve their country. You have to LEARN to COVER each other or you all end up dead. I don't know about mandatory service,but I do believe in reinstating the draft. Multiple tours of combat is a crock unless you volunteer. We lose too many good people on the 2nd or 3rd tour.
  20. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    IMHO: He should not be released until all questions about what happened are answered. If he dies in jail "So be it." Send him home to Libya a dead murderer,rather than a dying hero. MY Opinion Only!!!
  21. New build F-16's would be the logical choice. Cost effective until the F-35 can start to come on line.
  22. Carrier Life

    Typhoid,you're right about flying off and on the boat. As someone once said "One of the most exciting things you can do with your clothes on." However,after spending several months as a guest of the Alligator Navy(Amphibious Warfare Ships) as a Marine FAC with BLT 2/9(Battalion Landing Team 2/9) in 1972,I see that the amount of room that is allotted to a person aboard ship hasn't changed any. Being on the Nimitz would be really Cool A@@ Sh$$,though.
  23. Another One Bites the Dust

    To all you young people out there: If you can't qualify to fly a fighter,practice your Strike Fighters everyday. You just might qualify to fly a Predator. Just think,sneaking around at a couple thousand feet or less,carrying Hellfire missiles. Blowing up Al-Quaida or Taliban from in front of your monitor. OOORAH
  24. It pays be be a pilot....

    You're Lucky: My first Ex-wife ran off with another pilot. He made a lot more money than I did.
  25. I wish my office looked that good. Not as cool as a Bone or Tango 38,but cool none the less. Nice Pics by the way!!

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