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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Since I warp to the next objective,the tanks ,I believe,are always full,so I drop them. Sometimes I forget that I have them on and when I finally drop them it makes a big difference. In the real world; Vietnam 1972,we were told to drop them if we thought that it would help in the current situation. Most of the time they were empty by the time we got on station or "Feet dry". So we were just hauling around a couple hundred pounds of sheet metal. We kept them on in case we had a landing gear failure. Land gear up on the drops. It saved a lot of aircraft. The fighter jock's that I knew usually kept them on for the same reason. An F-4 would still go Warp 9 with the drops on. They were designed to go supersonic. :yes: Oh,the cost didn't mean a damn. It takes more than 3 years and several million dollars to replace an experienced pilot.
  2. Afghanistan

    War is a means to a political end. If we are in a war,that means that the politicians failed miserably in doing their job. As Gen Robin Olds stated "Peace is Not our Profession!" The military is there to protect the US,it's people and it's interests. The last War the US fought to protect those rights was WW2. Every other one was to help free some poor SOB who was being stomped on. Unfortunately the media moguls who own the press think they can make US policy by influencing public opinion. They don't want to report the news,they want to MAKE the news to their liking. So,if you are a reporter,you report what they want or you are gone. IMHO let them imbed reporters. Have them sign a waiver that if something happens to them,the military is not responsible. Otherwise,here is an M-16 and you go in Sgt So and So's squad as a replacement rifleman and you do what he says. Fight first and report later. It takes 3 good Marines or Soldiers to take care of one reporter. This topic is one of my huge pet peeves. OK Rant over!
  3. July 29, 1967

    Yes,I saw it several times during my tour in Marine Air. The first damage control party killed was spraying water on the first 1000 pounder that blew. They were only a few feet away. The bombs were the older style explosive that blew up with a lot less heat than the newer ones. Trivia: The second A-4 in line,the one they put a circle around was being flown by then Lt. now Senator John S. MCCain. You can see him jumping off the refueling probe,rolling through the fire and then running to safety. A lot of very brave young men gave their lives that day to save their fellow shipmates and their ship. Bravo Zulu <S>
  4. Pictures from my course

    Vig: Totally fricken cool!!! ENJOY and have a ball.
  5. I am using WOE OCT08 patch for Europe(BOB,European Coast Ahead,Invasion of Europe),Pacific(Guadalcanal,New Guinea,Midway)and Korean War(1950and1952). 3 separate installs. Thanks for a special place for us Propheads to congregate and share info.
  6. A Terrific Find! It's in my list of faves right now.
  7. If they can give billions to the Buttwipes that screwed up the banking and mortgage industry, Why can't they come up with the money for something that we need for defense of our country. My 2 cents by the way. This is not intended to get a political brewhaha started.
  8. guys......fairwell for now

    Sorry to hear that. Almost everyone is in a tough financial situation right now. Take care,we hope to hear from you soon. :yes:
  9. Back From Hospital

    Firehawk: Speaking of unusual remarks,How long you been on them drugs? Just Joking. Get Well soon. Oh and don't lift anything heavier than a 12 oz can or a 16 oz T-bone.
  10. Buzz Aldrin - A man's man

    What proof do they have that it wasn't done? There is so much overwhelming evidence that it was. Even Mythbusters proved that the pictures were made on the Moon. The stuff that they left on the Moon was photoed just a little while ago. It's a shame a real American Hero has to treated like that. The DumbA$$ was just looking for a headline. He didn't get the one he was looking for. Anyway,whenever it happened,Bravo Zulu,Buzz!!
  11. Question

    Only if it is a Super Sabre!! ROFL Sorry,I couldn't resist.
  12. RIP F-22

    It all boils down to MONEY. I just hope we don't end up with our backs to the wall screaming "We need more F-22's". The F-35 program needs a good boot in the a@@ to get it back up to speed. Unfortunately,history has shown that when Congress trys to save money it always costs us in the longrun. OK 'Nuff said. My 2 cents.
  13. one small step for a man

    I was at NAS Meridian,MS. I watched it on TV with 3 of my fellow Student Naval Aviators. After it was over we headed for the club to toast the event. When I got outside,I stopped and looked up at a beautiful full moon. My friend Chris said "What are you lookin' at" I pointed up and said "There are men up there". All 3 of them in unison said "Holy S$$$!!!" Not another word was spoken till we got to the club,but we made several long looks up there. We then joined the 300 or so people in the club celebrating the event.
  14. A Real First For The MARINES

    It's about time!! What about Air Force One next. I will guarantee that these Lady Marines are Super squared-away to be a crew with HMX-1. The Corps doesn't give those crew assignments to just anyone. I had a friend who after his Vietnam tour went to HMX-1. They interviewed about 200 pilots for 2 slots.
  15. Happy birthday ezlead !

    Thank you everyone for your best wishes!! I am now officially OLD. I am a for real Senior Citizen. I started drawing Social Security today. So,to all of you younger than me people,Keep those checks coming, Thanks to all!!
  16. Your Fav Car movie

    Gone in 60 seconds. Eleanor ROCKED!!
  17. Will the OV-10A work in campaign mode? If it does then check single mission mode for the base that the OV-10 is flying from. See if it crashes flying from a different base. If it still crashes,check for the loadouts. Use base aircraft(No loadout) and see what happens. I see that there is an upgrade for the Malvinas terrain. If you don't have it maybe it will help. What I have found,if you get a CTD at 80% or more it has something to do with objects(ground or aircraft). It may not be the aircraft you are flying,it could be an enemy aircraft that the game engine is putting up against you. If you still have a problem PM me here,I have a couple of other things to try. They are to involved to say here.
  18. If your using VietnamSEA.Cat,your Catfile line should read: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.Cat. The game engine is looking for Desert.Cat to fill in missing terrain objects and it is not there. You have to direct it towards whatever terrain Cat file you are using. CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.Cat CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.Cat CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.Cat Whatever is the one you are using at the time.
  19. Motivational Picture

    I got this from leatherneck(dot)com. They have a bunch of different ones. I thought that this said it all.
  20. Motivational Picture

    I really don't think a paintjob will matter much in a A2A engagement. I would think that the "Drivers" would rather be seen to enhance the "Experience". AFAIK it whupped a$$ on everything it came up against,1on1,2on1,etc. Besides,it's only the A model. If somebody comes up with something similar I'm sure we will see a B model or whatever.
  21. "In the Grass" "In the Weeds" is the same thing. Usually when the NVAF was moving planes from one place to another they would take off and stay right on the treetops to avoid being seen or picked up by radar. Being that low was a terrible disadvantage for them if jumped by fighters. However,with the guidance capabilities of the AIM-9 and the AIM-7 back then ,down 'in the grass' was sometimes an advantage(no look down-shoot down) . Our Attack pilots sometimes used the same tactic to avoid AAA and SAM radars.
  22. MIG-21

    Sorry,I should have mentioned the owners name. Paul Van den Huevel. He is a really nice guy and very knowledgeable about the MIG.
  23. Don't feel bad. I do it all the time. I press the target in close to get good hits and end up blowing myself up or running into the ground. Oh yes,that green stuff coming up gets me also. I get greedy to get some good hits and end up pulling a bonehead. I usually refly the mission once and if I get hosed again I let the campaign end and start over. I change my mission rate so that I try to fly about 20-25 missions per campaign. Most of the time I get clobbered before I finish. There are so many great aircraft to fly,I usually change to a different aircraft for the next campaign.

    The Wings took out my Blackhawks in a great series,so I was sort of rooting for them. I didn't feel well last night ,so I took a shot of Nyquil and went to bed early. I totally forgot about the game and slept right through it. It's nice to see a team that finally put it all together when it counted. Way to go Pens!!
  25. In calm seas the top of the flightdeck is 50-60 feet above the water. Those waves were HUGE. Imagine being a tincan(destroyer) sailer with that Battle Group. Not for the weak stomach type.

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