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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. i got a chuckle outta this

    In the words of one of the pilots "Cool Beans"
  2. OK Firehawkordy....

    Happy B-Day FireHawk!! I see your still on the sunny side of the Big 5 0. OORAH and Semper Fi!!!
  3. F-35 too loud

    The guy talks about kids 20 years old going deaf. Have you heard the stereos in their cars! If they were in their car with the stereo on,they wouldn't even hear the F-35. I sure miss the roar and the smell of burning JP in the morning.(A couple of Phantoms on a section take off were fantastic) That is the sound and smell of FREEDOM for those that don't realize it.
  4. My life is a soap opera

    About the Major: Reminds me of an old joke. God gave man a tool,and God gave man a brain. The only problem is,He didn't give man enough blood to operate both at the same time. Good luck in your endeavor. If any one is offended,I seriously apologize.
  5. we need to rescue avsim

    It's great to see that you want to help the AvSim community. If you check the link from above,you'll find out that the FltSim community has already helped AvSim. AvSim has several people involved in getting they're NEW servers(from donations provided by the FltSim community)up and running. They have several data recovery experts helping to restore their library records. Just hang loose for a while longer. I'm sure that AvSim will be back(Even better than before)
  6. Dogfights!

    Don't ever say that you couldn't do it. You're there because you love to fly. It's not just a job. You are flying a piece of military hardware,which makes it even better. You are highly trained and confident in most all situations. And when you get scared,the adrenalin kicks in. You think and react faster than even you,yourself,could imagine. It was the same for Rickenbacker and all the others right up to today. On TV you see stories of the great Aces. Just think how many other guys,who didn't have as many kills or who only flew strike,ground support,combat support,helo's or transports felt as they were being shot at. You never know until you get there.
  7. Baltika Birthday

    Baltika: Did I see at the bottom of the page that it is your birthday? How could we have missed it? Happy Birthday,DUDE and many more. Now,head for the pub and have a pint and a 'arf.
  8. Viper: I sent you another PM about campaigns. Check your Loadout.ini's for Soviet aircraft. Depending on what weapons pack download you are using,the weapons are named differently. AA-2 might be R-3S in weapondata.ini file. AA-3 would be R-8M etc. The Mirage factory did a terrific job of combining the weapons to make it easier for the game to use them. You might want to download their latest weapons pack or get weapons pack 2.52 by wombraider and whole bunch of extremely talented people from CombatAce. Remember to read the install instructions and follow them for a good install.
  9. When first attempting to mod anything in WOX games,the knowledge base is your bible. Read it and become knowledgeable. It's got a lot of great info for the beginner. For your problem you have to download a weapons editor and use it. The knowledge base tells you exactly what to do.
  10. If you handfly to the target,the tanks should be almost or empty. If you warp to the target,the tanks are still full(heavy). It is pilot preference. In Vietnam(1972),the fighter jocks that I knew would keep them on. By the time they got jumped the tanks would be empty and light or in burner they would empty pretty fast. The attack drivers mostly would keep them on. Either one,in the event of a gear failure,they could land on the tanks,saving the aircraft from major damage. Most squadron SOP's were to keep them on. If it was really necessary they would get rid of them.
  11. I don't know about other aircraft,but in the F-4 what you hear above Mach 1 is mostly the outside wind roar going past the aircraft. Even above Mach 1 there is still wind noise. Don't forget that your helmet has sound reducing ear cups built into it,so that you can hear radio communications and the other stuff(missile warnings and such). If you take off your helmet in flight the noise is incredible. Wind noise,vibrations,gyros spinning ,electronic equipment running,engine noise,etc.
  12. Fubar: Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. My hard drive got a glitch and I had to format it and reinstall XP. Then I had to redo my games.( I have another 80 gig HD for storage and backup) The SAM effects are good. I'm going to edit the other effects like you said. They are a little to bright for me.
  13. Hey!

    If a Buff can carry it,It is an ICBM. It just doesn't go as high. Besides,It is a lot sneakier. Put a low yield warhead on them and you have a revolver nuke shooter.
  14. Killer: That LtCol was exactly right. By the way,do you remember his name? I flew for VMCJ-1 (mostly) during Linebacker I. VMCJ-2 had a detachment in Danang at the same time. I might remember him. By the way,when you guys get your AAA working so that you get hosed almost everytime,then you do what Jug said about going in and out. (Low and fast in the weeds)
  15. A Little Something For The Ordies

    FireHawk: Those were some great videos. That guy at the 3 minute mark was hauling A$$ looking for a new home. PS: The Ordies aren't the only one's that like 'Em. Us former drivers like 'Em too.
  16. Over North Vietnam(1972),the booster rocket of the SA-2 gave off PINK smoke(a big cloud of it). You would watch for it and then follow the track of the "telephone pole" from there. If you could see the SAM more than likely you could get away from it. Usually,the one you didn't see would get you. AAA on the other hand was everywhere. Dirty brown air bursts,that would just show up right next to you. Unless they were smaller caliber using tracer. In the game,Like we did in Vietnam,go in fast ,keep jinking to throw off their aim,make one pass and then Haul A$$ out of there. The longer you spend over the target,the better your chances of getting Hosed. Also,make sure you have Cottonpicker or Pigment(Call Signs) on station.(EF-10's or EA-6's,jamming radars and communications)
  17. Have you changed the dates in the options.ini? Check this link. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=38609
  18. New Skin Released

    Eric: SH** hot Skin for us Jarheads! Thanks much!!!
  19. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Just one year closer to retirement. Then you can do this FULLTIME!! OOps,Sorry about that. I imagine that WOX and CombatAce will still be going strong. You will have to add a section on walker and Powerchair maintenance for some of us,though. Hope you have a GREAT day!!
  20. Dumb question

    F-94C (night fighter version of T-33) Some were used in Korea.
  21. I "sort of" modded a SBD into a TBD. It's slow and you get your a** shot off but it carries a torpedo and launches it pretty well. It kinda looks like a TBD. As with the real Midway campaign most of the TBD's didn't come back. The japanese were more afraid of the torpedo planes,so they concentrated on shooting them down and leaving the dive bombers alone. BIG MISTAKE!!! The SBD's were carrying 500 and 1000 lb bombs. They made huge holes in aircraft carriers.
  22. Chip Dip

    Hey Jarhead: I love that stuff too! You gotta use the hot chili. We call it Diarrhia dip.
  23. You don't need to put it back into the Cat file. You just put it into whatever aircraft folder you want it in. Check out this link to knowledge base. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32706
  24. I was in VT-4 (Carrier Qual and GunnerySqd.)in Pensacola in early 1970. The Lexington was in for refit. Each carrier going or coming from WesPac had to pull a tour in the Gulf of Mexico to carrier qual new pilots. I got my first carrier quals aboard the Oriskany in the T-2b. Thanks for some great memories!
  25. very interesting news

    Stary: I even use your effect in my WW2 and Korea versions. It's a little weird seeing the guy 'punch out',but the chute drifting down is great.

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