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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I have a good friend who flew G's in Korea. When I asked him how he liked it,his comment was. "It always got me home. Sometimes shot to hell by ground fire,but it always got me home." I guess that about sums it up.
  2. Cat3 IFR landing

    In either case...it's kind of spooky! Spooky my A**,It's down right SCARY. My hat's off to you guys that do that for a living. Definition of Aviation: hours and hours of sheer boredom,interspersed with moments of stark terror.
  3. Hey,Wrench: Great looking aircraft!! Now all I have to do is reinstall my Pacific Air War campaign's and terrain to fly them. Oh well,it's been about 6 months since I last flew them. I really like the jet's,but a good piston engine fighter DogFight is what I really like. Gunfighter to gunfighter,HooRah!
  4. Check out this link from the knowledge base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8786 Scroll way down on Charles SFP1 editing notes and find out something interesting about the F-100 data.ini file. F-100 'Slat deploy speeds'. If you haven't done so, try it. P.S. The tactics to use are still what everybody has been saying.
  5. Cat3 IFR landing

    FC,if you've been there done that,you certainly earned your paycheck that day. Typhoid,they were experimenting with autoland (RA-5C's)on the boats just before I got out. The only problem they were having was getting the pilot to leave the controls alone long enough for the damned thing to work. I certainly can't blame the pilots. The biggest pucker factor in Naval Aviation is going aboard the boat. The Naval Medicine guy's put sensors on some pilots,RIO's and BN's during Linebacker I. The stress was almost twice as high going aboard the boat than getting shot at in combat. But,that's what makes us NAVAL AVIATORS!! No offense to you Air Force pilots,you earned your paycheck the hard way,also. :yes:
  6. Could of been a contender

    An A-6 with a pointier nose. That means that it would go 650 kts straight down full power,instead of 580 like the A-6a. The A-7 was a good replacement for the Navy and the Air Force. The Marines used the Scooter and the Intruder to the best of their tactical advantages(light and heavy Attack) off of runways. As for the A-4 not being legendary,look what the IDF/AF did with it!!
  7. Cat3 IFR landing

    Holy Sh**,Typhoid: And I thought 200 and a half was tight back when I was Flying. Extreme A** chewing hole in seat on this one!!
  8. Dave: To He** with the rivit counters. All of us;Kick the tire,Light the Fire,Brief on Guard,First one in the air's Lead types love the DS Mod. Many Thanks to all who contributed.
  9. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I used to fly EAW and mod it as much as possible. I went to all of the EAW sites to get as much info as possible. One day I read about this SFP1 game in a thread. I finally flound it at WalMart.(Yes,I still have the original install disk.) I couldn't get it to work,so I went looking for sites with info(Biohaz,etc). I found out I had the wrong disk. I shopped around and found the right disk at CompUSA. I came to BioHaz a lot as a guest. When it switched to CombatAce,I was hooked and I have been here ever since. The community is terrific. Eric,USAFMTL,Column5,Wrench and all the rest of you modders and persons who contribute so much of your time. High Fives and Salutes for your wonderful site. Where can you go and fly any aircraft from a Spad 7 to an F-22. With the upgrades and the new additions to the site,it just keeps getting better. :yes: Special THANKS to TK for coming out with flight sims that are so moddable.
  10. F-8 Crash Video

    The one system in the aircraft that you never want to use. But,when the situation warrants,you don't even think twice about it. You go for the handle and pull hard. The old "nylon decent- to a full stop"
  11. I work about a mile away from Dekalb Muni. Airport,Dekalb,Illinois. I was sitting in my car at lunch having a cup of coffee and a smoke,when I heard the sound of a heavy turbine jet aircraft. I looked over towards the airport and I saw a jet aircraft taking off. He turned downwind and went into the landing pattern. I am pretty good at aircraft recognition,but I could not figure out what this jet was. He did several circuits and I could not see him very well(cloudy and overcast). He finally turned close in and flew directly over me. I got out of my car and was extremely surprised to see a Mig-21. He was painted a light grey(almost white) and was carrying two wing droptanks. I don't know where he came from or what he was doing there,but it was extremely cool to see one.
  12. Something unexpected

    Hey Storm: I get the Dekalb paper,but I must have missed that article. Thanks for the link. I will have to go out to the airport and see if I can get a close up look see.(Drool Drool all over my shoes)
  13. I received an E-Mail from a friend in Kandahar and this supposedly happened last summer. Apparently when an aircraft is going to enter Iranian airpace it is supposed to call them and give them all the info on the flight:type aircraft,altitude,speed ,route of flight,etc. This was overheard on Guard channel from a transport aircraft going from Kandahar to Dubai. Iranian Air traffic Control: "Unidentified aircraft at (location),you are in violation of Iranian airspace. Unidentified aircraft: " This is a United States aircraft and we are in Iraqi airspace." Iranian Air traffic Control:"Unidentified aircraft,you are in Iranian airspace and if you do not alter your course we will be forced to send up interceptors to deal with you." Unidentified aircraft:"Iranian Air Traffic,we are 2 U S Marine F/A-18's and we ARE in Iraqi airspace. But,if you want to send up those interceptors,go ahead,we will be glad to wait for them. Iranian Air traffic Control: ( No Response)
  14. Those 8 inch 50's would make the USS Newport News(Last all gun Cruiser)(21,000 tons) slide sideways in the water. I wonder what they would do to that thing? It would probably go backward if it would have stayed together. I love the Nazi flying saucer!! He** of an airplane for back in the day. Just think if it would have become operational.
  15. this oughta get your blood pumping,

    Cool video! I have no idea what the different jets were by sound. I could definately tell the round engines,but not the aircraft. The V-12 Rolls and Allisons were unmistakeable.
  16. Iranian Air Space

    I should have explained it clearer. The transport was not the aircraft being called. It overheard the conversation on the Guard channel of their radio. For those who do not know,the guard channel is frequency 121.5 for vhf and 243.0 for uhf. It is always monitored by transport and military aircraft in flight by a separate radio receiver. A transmission on guard channel can be received by aircraft several hundred miles away,which in this case is supposedly what happened. While on cross country flights over the US back in the 70's,when I was flying for the Marines,you would occassionally hear someone call "Check your six" over the guard channel. I could imagine every fighter jock for a hundred miles around banging it around in a break turn 'Checking his Six' just in case. Anyway,it makes for a good story,if it did happen. :yes:
  17. Hey Typhoid: I bet those fighter jocks from the Midway CAP were drooling in their O2 masks just hoping those Migs took a shot at you. Glad things worked out for the best. We've all had those days when "Our Brains are Up and Locked"
  18. I was flying an F-4m on a fighter sweep. I got tired of waiting for my wingman to shoot down a Mig-21. I pulled up in front of him,he then hosed me with an AIM-9 and then proceeded to hose the Mig with an AIM-7. I laughed for several minutes for being to anxious.(The AI worked to good)
  19. Oh, the indignity!

    Excuse Me!! The emergency release handle is about 3 feet higher up towards the chair!! :blush2: LOLOLOL!!!
  20. Off the wall,guess. Go to SFP1 exe file and right click to properties Make it Windows 95 compatible. It worked for me a couple of times.
  21. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Sakai: I'm sorry for your loss. Our "Greatest Generation" is rapidly leaving us. But,I'm sure he is having a wonderful reunion with all his old shipmates. Attention On Deck! Hand Salute! Ready! Two!
  22. Not So Boring Duty

    During flight school all of us students had to take a turn at "Wheels Watch" with an instructor. In every phase of flight school,there would be some instructor in the back seat of a T-34,T-2 or TA-4 who would 'MOON' you as they went by. Someone would mention "the full moon out,today" over the radio and then it would really get comical to see who could outdo the other. It really helped to break the boredom and monotony of the job. Hey Jug, Thanks for bringing back some great memories!
  23. Christmas Day, 1776

    GOOD READ!! There was a made for TV movie about this with Jeff Daniels as Washington. It showed pretty much what the story said. Washington was standing up in his boat for 2 reasons 1:so that his men would see him and he could try to keep up their morale.(He was one of the last one over and back,to make sure everyone made it.) 2: So he could stamp his feet to keep them from freezing.

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