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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I was flying 1962 campaign from WOE and one of my F-100 wingman got hit. I turned around to see the flames and "Holy Moly" there was the chute. Extremely cool effect!! THANKS!!
  2. a weird thank you.!

    Welcome Aboard! Anyone who likes TK and his Sims is always welcome here.
  3. Falcon: Try this link: It's supposedto be the latest DX10 http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-v...es/directx.aspx
  4. A Different Christmas Poem

    Duece: It says it all!! To those that have stood the watch and those that are standing it now whatever service. "Semper FI,Carry On."
  5. Merrill Lynch CEO

    UNREAL!! Less than 6 months from almost going belly up and the CEO of Merrill Lynch thinks he deserves a 10 million dollar bonus for this year. The only thing that saved them was a merge buyout by Bank of America using OUR taxpayer money.(Part of the 750 billion government bailout) What part of La La land has this guy been living in. He and the rest of the officers should be CANNED.
  6. TERRIFIC WORK!!! It makes it a lot easier to do specific era installs with the weps foldered the way they are. I can pick out which weps I want and not have to load or copy the whole file.(It's Huge!!) Again THANKS for all the hard work to everyone involved.
  7. Break up of United States?

    The rest of the world better hope that this never happens. No more NATO,SEATO,The UN(We pay most of the bills). No more Foreign Aid. (Billions of dollars) No more U.S. Military to bail out the oppressed nations. No more U.S. economy for China,Japan,Mexico,Etc. The Third World would rapidly become the 4th or 5th World.(Stone Age)
  8. Manlyman: What is the date of your Clean Install? Start game without patch. Look down in lower righthand corner of Mainscreen and you will see date. You might be trying to patch a game that is already patched. I had some issues with Sept08 patch,After I got Oct 08 patch,most issues went away. Honestly,we are not critisizing you,we are truly trying to help. We just need more information from you.
  9. New Modding Article @ SimHQ

    Great article,PFunk!! You are so right about the fantastic enablers in this series. You get going and the more you download,the more you want. It's like potato chips or salted in the shell peanuts. You can't stop at just one.
  10. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    Proportional response is:whatever works. What are the pirates going to do,file a greivance with the UN. "But,Mr. Secretary,We were in the process of hijacking this ship,when this big grey boat showed up and blew the sh** out of us."
  11. The plane you sat in

    Beats the he** out of Vietnam. Most of the C-Rats I ate were older than me.(packaged in the 40's and 50's)
  12. New Law...Salute like a Man

    I think the law is GREAT!! You get to show your a veteran or active duty not in uniform. It will get you the respect you deserve. I'm with you DAVE,one team,one fight, no matter what your branch's policies are. As for me,I'll salute any allies flag or anthem. It's called RESPECT for my Brothers in Arms who are or have been in harm's way.
  13. Happy Birthday,Jarheads

    The Corps is 233 years old today!!! OOOOORRRRRAAAAHHHHHH
  14. Get Cat extractor if you don't have it from CombatAce downloads section. Extract :WOVCAMPL1_DATA.ini,WOVCAMPRT_DATA.ini,WOVCAMPL2_DATA.ini from MissionData.Cat. Open the .ini's using wordpad. Scroll down to whatever squadron you want to fly. Example: [AirUnit001] AircraftType=F-4E Squadron=4TFS ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=USAFtng1 BaseArea=Da Nang Air Base BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[sWEEP]=90 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=70 MissionChance=25 MissionChance[CAS]=50 MissionChance[sEAD]=50 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=25 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=(0) Change this to 50 or higher (you should get some anti-ship missions) MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER Rebase[01].Date=6/1972 Rebase[01].BaseArea=Takhli RTAFB Rebase[02].Date=10/1972 Rebase[02].BaseArea=Udorn RTAFB OR: Open Aircraft data.ini folder using wordpad. Example: From F-4b_data.ini [MissionData] NationName=USN ServiceStartYear=1962 ServiceEndYear=1974 AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1963 ExportAvailability=RARE PrimaryRoles=SWEEP,CAP,INTERCEPT,ESCORT SecondaryRoles=STRIKE,CAS,ARMED_RECON,RECON,ANTI_SHIP (Make sure you have ANTI_SHIP here. Then you can select single mission- ANTI_SHIP) NormalMissionRadius=579 MaxMissionRadius=989 Ceiling=16764.0 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM CarrierBased=TRUE Good Luck!
  15. Check out this link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=16272
  16. OMG!

    I don't think I could drink enough to make her even a 4. That'd be a double bagger for sure!!
  17. Puts This To Rest

    It is indeed unfortunate,but he died doing what he loved. RIP S!!!!!!
  18. R.I.P. Col. John Ripley

    I was on an LPH in the Tonkin Gulf when he blew the bridge. The brass pulled him and some other advisors out of country to our LPH for couple days R&R. I never got to meet him,but our Grunt commanders said he was one hell of a Marine. Our whole battalion(BLT 2/9) was ready to go back with him when they put him back in country. My CO said he was one of the bravest guys he had ever met.
  19. Patriot Guard Riders...

    I live a couple miles from Northern Illinois University. When they held the memorial services for the students that were killed there,the A-- holes were there to protest. The Patriot Guard showed up about 300-400 strong and they didn't let the protestors get within a half mile of where they could be seen. They are truly a class act!!
  20. Bored Marines

    If I would have had these guys in my unit(back in my day)they would be cleaning some really nasty latrines for quite a while. I guarantee the company Gunny would find things to keep them from being Bored!!!
  21. Really good air race pilot

    Sit there for awhile,regain composure,swallow hard to get heart out of throat, climb out of cockpit,go somewhere to clean underwear and then head for nearest saloon for something 100 proof. That is truly some KickA-- flying!!!
  22. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    microwave popcorn(with butter) and a diet pepsi!!
  23. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    Back in the old days,walk out to the flight line and slap on an O2 mask. Nothing like breathing 100% for about 10 minutes to make your day. I found out it's whatever works for you. Back in my drinking days,I tried them all. I am a recovering alcoholic now. Sober for 20 years. That works a lot better. No,I am not offended by someone talking about drinking or even drinking in my presence. It is my illness,not theirs
  24. Raider: I just D/L'ed it and I'm going to give it a try. Great Work!!
  25. WHOA Check This!

    Back in '71 over southern Honshu I spotted something about 5 miles away and about 3000 ft higher than me. I was at 25,000. It was about 2100 hrs. and I saw a very bright light. It seemed to be traveling parallel to my course. My ECMO cranked up the ECM gear and it was sort of scanning us. We fired up the tapes and recorded what the gear was reporting. I called center and they didn't have anything on radar. It stayed there for about 5 minutes and then it accellerated to about warp 9,went ahead of us about 5 miles and then appeared to go straight up. Center asked us if we wanted to report a UFO,We said "NOPE"!!! A JAL crew also saw it and they didn't want to report anything either. The next day some Air Force people showed up at the base(MCAS Iwakuni) and took all the tapes from the plane and the ECM Van. I've seen SR's at night over Vietnam and when they light the burners you can see the flames even from 5 miles away. It wasn't one of them. You bet I believe!!! :yes:

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