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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Thirdwire service pack 6!

    Throw in an F-18,F-15 or F-22 and a Mig-29 or a newer Su and then have at it. ACM head to head. It's still VERY COOL!!!
  2. The best SEAD for today

    The 'Growlers' need the ordinance stations to carry 'jammers' and fuel tanks. Put up the 'Growlers' for jamming,put up a couple of F/A-18F's or F-15E's loaded for suppression along with them. The 'Growlers' could stop 'jamming' long enough(coordination) for the suppressors to smoke the target with a HARM or LGB or JDAM. If the threat is very severe send in the UAV's first.
  3. Must have been"Casual Friday". Dave,You have got to start feeding you guys more of that pork recipe and less of those Bush's baked beans!! Great footage!!
  4. A Great addition to WOE!! Instead of a bunch of escorted Buff's going in at high altitude,just shoot in a couple of Bone's (low level and fast) and KABOOM,target eliminated. Great Work,Dave!
  5. More Fun With Legos....

    I bet FastCargo is at the toy store right now getting some Legos to build that Bone.
  6. Right on the money,Jug! I can only speak for Vietnam era. I flew "Combat Support" (EA-6a-jamming enemy aircraft,SAM,AAAand Comm.) when we went up North.(Most the time). Linebacker I ops for my time "In Country". Yes, the strike force would have to hit the same target over and over because they would rebuild them as fast as we would blow them up. I never got bored,because of the unbelievable air defenses of North Vietnam. There was always something going on. SAM's,AAA and/or Migs in the area. The 'Mud Movers' always got shot at by someone. Even the Fighter Jocks had to haul bombs occassionally. (F-8's and F-4's). The powers to be tried to keep the schedule on a rotation basis,so that you did not have to fly everyday. I had a friend in Ops at VMA-533 and he let me and my right seat(CWO-4 ,trained in almost every aspect of aircraft(BN,ECMO,RIOand RSO) beg a few missions(Combat) from them down South. It was no picnic. The summer of '72 had 'bad guys' all over the place. The Sims give you a 'What IF' scenario,which is what you want for a sim. Lot's of action. I fly campaigns most of the time. The only thing missing is the fighter cover when you are 'Mud Moving' You should be able to call 'Red Crown or whoever' and get instant response for fighter cover. You might have to wait a few minutes,but the response should be there. I have a friend who flew F-84's in Korea. He saw one Mig the whole year he was there. It went roaring across about 500 yards in front of him. About 2 seconds later 2 Sabers went roaring across hot on his tail. His biggest threat was ground fire. Great topic,Dave!!!
  7. Send in the Phantom Phorce ahead of the strike force to deplete or eliminate the anti-air threat. Sounds like a terrific end to a great career for the F-4's. ezlead (Phormer Phantom Phlyer)
  8. Correct way to eat a Burger?

    With lettuce,tomato,onions,cheese and mayo. Hold it with both hands(where possible),with the grease and condiments running down your arms and dripping off of your elbows. Oh Yeah!!!!

    The Cubs have a new major league record. 9 times to the playoffs 9 CHOKES Oh well,now we don't have to worry about it for another hundred years. :tomato2: this says it all. Yes,I am a fan.
  10. Simmer down, simmer down

    Server: You covered it completely. The moderators on this site are the best I have ever run across. If someone even hints at getting out of line,they stop it immediately. Hat's off to them. Keep up the GREAT work,people. How about those new patches!!! They are terrific. The AI is a lot better. I have flow about a dozen missions in several different aircraft,and I got hosed everytime.
  11. No Power.....No Nothing

    Hey Dave: That wasn't a freak windstorm,it was the remnants of Hurricane Ike riding northwest along a very heavy cold front. I was watching Weather Channel yesterday and the Ohio river valley took a tremendous hit from the pressure gradient(wind). 50 to 75 mile per hour winds all over northern Ohio and Southern Michigan. Hang in there,ComEd will get their lines untangled eventually. :yes:
  12. CA Subscriptions

    Sorry Dave: No extra dough right now. I got layed off. Wife working to make ends meet. When I can,you bet your a-- I will.
  13. Greets from Afghanistan

    Zag: It should feel right,because it is. The last war the US fought to protect IT'S freedom was WW2. All the rest were to secure peace and freedom for someone else far away. The greatest thing a US serviceperson can do,is to fight for someone elses freedom. So,to all of you on active or reserve duty,and all of you who have served your time,Semper Fi and WELL DONE!!! In the meantime,Zag,as Firehawk says Keep your A-- down and your weapon close. ezlead-a former Marine
  14. When did you start modding...

    Started with EAW(European Air War)in 99 or 2000. Once they had the codes sort of figured out,I started modding aircraft,loadouts,guns,etc. I downloaded a freeware Hex Editor and gave it a shot. I never could get the hang of designing aircraft,but I painted a lot of skins in PSP. My brother (I introed him to flight sims)still flys EAW some of the time. He likes the start up to landing and shutdown and lots of bogies in flight.
  15. Ed W. Freeman

    Ed W. "Too Tall" Freeman passed away on Aug 20,2008. A helicopter pilot who saved 30 men in the IA Drang Valley Nov,1965. "We were soldiers once,and young" He finally got his Medal of Honor in 2001. RIP, Ed. Thank you for everything you did for us. http://www.military.com/news/article/moh-r...eeman-dies.html
  16. A Modder’s Diary:

    Terrific article,PFunk,. I thought making a terrain was tough,but I had no idea how tough. Thanks for all of your efforts!!! I know I enjoy all of your mods and your help comments.
  17. As everyone can see,we have a very diverse mindset in our members. I'm sure TK took all of this into the thought process when he made the sim. As for me,I'm like Typhoid,I Alt-n almost every mission to simulate hitting a tanker. Yes,and sometimes I hit Cumulus Granite instead of a tanker. I wear stereo headphones,so the ensuing explosion scares the he-- out of me when it happens. You just refly and change waypoints to avoid the ground contact. Or you edit the lower altitudes,so you don't hit the ground. As for long distances,I use modded terrains for most of my terrains anyway. All in all,It's still a terrific sim!! The people in this community are terrific for what they contribute!!
  18. A story about MiG-21

    He got him!!! Giora Epstein Even the world's Top Gun.
  19. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday to all you youngsters!!! The expression"Older than Dirt" comes to mind. Some of us are almost that old. You're catching up to that time,Fub's.
  20. Stick: Have you checked out the format of your Leopard.ini and your other groundobject files(BRDM.ini,etc)? Some of the Modders have not changed the format of their ( .ini )files. They leave that up to the user.
  21. I would almost guarantee that the Navy would have at least 1 or 2 Carrier Battle Groups involved in a conflict such as WOE. No matter what year is involved. The Marines would have forces afloat(Battalion or Regimental Landing Teams). These forces would be onboard Amphibious Warfare ships(APH's,LPH's,LPD's,etc.) In my WOE campaigns I have added 2 Carrier Battle Groups in the North Sea and An Amphibious Warfare Group in the Baltic. As in Vietnam,the Navy would be mostly carrier based,the Marines would be both land and carrier based. The government would be hard pressed to keep the Navy and Marines out of a good shooting war.
  22. Doomsday

    Did they quit communicating before or after Georgia? It might have been to avoid NATO getting involved. I think the Russkies have enough domestic problems at home to worry about. I think they are just trying to find their place in the world order. If it starts,it will be some other country starting it. I hope the US and Russia have the wherewithall to avoid any massive strikes. But,I watched that show also,It's creepy when all of the prophecies start to say the same thing.
  23. York: I use WOE for all of my campaigns mods. Using some of the terrains requires the Desert.cat file which you can only get from SFP1. The modders have made some of their terrains to be compatable with all versions. You have to check the readme's with each terrain mod. Go to the Knowledge base and do some heavy reading and understanding before trying to do mods. As for what games,pick what era of aircraft you want to fly and get it for starters. The basic games are very cool until you get the hang of it.
  24. Knight: Did you use the Cat extractor and extract all the Mirage files out of the WOI objectdata.ini. There are no default Mirage files in WOE. You have to get all of them from WOI. I don't have WOI,so I don't know how many there are. There are some great Mirage aircraft in the download section. Also,column5.us is back up with some excellent Mirage aircraft from the Mirage Factory website.
  25. Caption This!

    Mister President,when Nancy Pelosi bends over like this,Just pucker up and.......

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