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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Video: F-22 Raptors in Europe

    Beef up the struts and put a tailhook on it,so Naval Aviators can fly it.
  2. The A-6 was supposed to be replaced by the A-12(Stealth attack aircraft). It didn't make into production(costs). The A-6 was carried for a few more years until the F/A-18 was modified for the attack role. Having the same aircraft in various roles makes for easier and less costly maintenance. The Super Hornet is a different aircraft(25% bigger than the original). Like Col5 and Typhoid say,precision munitions have changed the way of battle. One F/A-18 can do the same job as 4 A-6's because of what is carried(LGB's,Mavs,HARMS,Etc). Precision strikes with a lot less collateral damage are the way. But,I pick a squadron and make a skin even though it didn't exist. I'm not that big on accuracy. It's sometimes cool to imagine what they might have looked like.
  3. Favre to the Jets

    I hope he has a good year and doesn't get hurt(cough,cough). Hey Brett,You've had 18 years,give the new guys a chance. It was your choice to retire,no one elses. HooRah for the Pack for sticking with their new guys.
  4. Shin's new WOE trailer "Unsung Heroes"

    Nice Work,Shin!!! Looking forward to your "War"
  5. Why no more Tomcats?

    The F-18 with those capabilities would also be awesome. Everyone hates to see their favorite aircraft retired. I hated to see the F-4,A-6 and A-4 go by the wayside,but that is progress. I'm sure it was the same for F-8,F-86,P-51,P-38,etc. But thanks to TK and the Thirdwire/CombatAce family,I get to fly them everyday.
  6. What Did You See Today?

    I walked out of work and heard a round engine,so I looked over towards the airport(Dekalb Muni.,Dekalb,Ill.). I saw an AT-6 converted to a Mitsubishi A-6m Zero going in to land. I have seen several warbirds(F4f,P-51, SBD) and lots of homebuilts flying by or landing. In case your wondering,this week is Oshkosh Airventure.(The largest airshow,military and civilian,in the U.S. I'm about 200 miles south of there. We're far enough from OHare(under the TCA) that the airport makes a good refueling spot. Wife's making Brats and hotdogs on the grill.
  7. Happy Birthday To....

    THANK YOU to all my friends for the greetings!! Even though I had to work it was a good day.(Yes,Jug you are so right) Lots of cards from family. We give Lotto tickets for gifts.(10 bucks for the chance at a couple of million is worth it) I won 4 bucks,but the possibilities were there for more. THANKS again!!!
  8. Fighting the terrorism...

    All Lemay would have needed was Comm with all of SAC(For Chewing Butt) and a BIG ashtray for his cigar. I flew C-117's(Super DC-3's) my last 6 months in the Corps. One was outfitted pretty plush for the Generals. The only thing we were told was to add power slowly on takeoff so as not to spill the coffee or the drinks in the back. Carry lots of power coming in for landing,to grease it on and not bounce. If we did that it was a good flight. The C-130 squadrons had a pod they would put in back rigged plush for VIP's. That was 1973,so the plush pods have been around for a while.
  9. Koushiro: I just downloaded Dragon 1.1 from CombatAce. If you get it, it is modified for Formosa 1.0 Terrain. Dragon 1.0 is for Formosa 0.2 beta Terrain. Get it and try it if you haven't yet.
  10. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    The Ultimate HERO: A U.S. Serviceman/woman fighting for the freedom and lives of someone else in a far away place. WW2 was fought to protect OUR liberty and way of life. Every other war since then was fought to protect or reestablish someone elses far away. We have millions of HEROES in this country and abroad. The kids in the military today are no different than the ones in WW2 ,Korea,Vietnam,etc We have always Kicked A** and Took Names and we always will. It's to bad the owners of the media don't want anyone to know this. OOOHRAAH My 2 cents!!
  11. Back in the saddle (cockpit) again

    DW: Just like riding a bike. You never forget how,you just get rusty. Congrats on passing your BFR!!! With the price of fuel,I can't afford to drive my car ,never mind going flying
  12. Malibu: Up your Supply=100,to Supply=200 for each force. That gives everyone plenty of supplies for ground campaigns. Try it and see. I mod a lot of my campaigns and if the supply is not enough the game goes to other missions instead of CAS. Make sure your ground objects (tanks,zsu's,etc)are all up to date(when they are in service) Also make sure your GroundObject00X's at the bottom of the Campaign_data.ini file have the appropriate ground objects(T-60's,T-72's,M-60's,MB-1's). You can also use VC/NVA squads as ground objects.
  13. PFunk: The Veterans Administration should be able to help you also. Almost everyone who was discharged was supposed to contact them after they got out and was to supply them with copies of their DD-214. The VFW or American Legion might also be able to help if he was a member.
  14. Favorite song

    Charlielima: Here is the link,if it works. Otherwise just type it in. The French Mirage F-1 drivers are right down in the weeds on this video. Down by the loading bar is a small square,click on it for full screen. It's almost like sitting in the cockpit. http://www.glumbert.com/media/flylow
  15. Favorite song

    "Money Talks" and "Thunderstruck" AC/DC "Touch of Grey" The Dead "The Champions" by a group called ERA(I saw a video of the French down in Chad doing a low level sandblower set to this song. It was SH**HOT. I use it for my loading music in WOE. Yes Dave. I'm a DeadHead.
  16. Trojan Virus thingy!

    Racing: My son's laptop just started doing the same thing. He took it to Geek Squad and they said it was VIRTUMONDE. Google it,you will find a lot of useful info. They are going to fix it($130 and 5 days ). The list of files and registry fixes is something else. There are some good cleaners out there,though. Listen to the people here,they have some excellent advice. I use my C drive as my storage drive(#2) I have another drive (E:) that is my system drive. I download everything to the storage drive and open it there first. I also bought a cheap router and use it as a firewall. I'm the only computer on it. So far ,no problems.
  17. Check out Knowledge Base for FAQ's and Issues
  18. USS Forrestal Fire

    If you look at the flight schedule in the first film,right above Dollarhyde's name you will see McCain. That's right,Lt. John McCain. The man who is now running for President. If you watch the entire footage of the fire(not all shown here),you will see McCain get out of his Skyhawk,run down the refueling probe of his aircraft and jump to the deck, Just seconds before the 1000 lb bombs on his aircraft explode(the second massive explosion). McCain transferred to the Oriskany A-4 squadron while the Forrestal went to Subic Bay for repairs. He was flying with this squadron when he was later shot down over the North and captured.
  19. Dave: I'll bet that it was NOT from a reliable Israeli source. They don't tell anyone what they are about to do until it's all done and over(Smoke in the air and dust settling).
  20. PFunk: Add to the normalsupplyrate and shorten the supply time. You could even increase the start supply(eg 200-300 etc.)
  21. Really,what does China have to worry about? If anybody starts anything with them,they also would have to deal with WalMart,Home Depot,Lowes,etc
  22. What DUMBA## in the US or the press likened this Israeli operation to an attack on Iran. Who is pulling his chain and why? It's really getting sickening when the press tries to make policy over the politicians. The politicians are bad enough at it. The press just makes it that more LAME!! I say ,Whatever billionaire wants to make government policy or stir up trouble around the world,RUN for office and quit hiding behind YOUR employees(newscasters) . If you research the history of Israel,you will find out that every war or conflict they have been in was for their survival as a nation. Let's see :Suez war(30 days),6-Day War,Yom Kippur(30-60 days,they were caught off guard),all of the other incidents(less than 30 days). AJ-Imadumba## would be crazy to provoke these guys. History has proven that Israel makes strikes when their safety is on the line. They have never been proven wrong.
  23. I am the Tracker!

    Nice Detective work!!! You sure don't want him running over some kid.
  24. A true American Patriot and hero. Rest well,General,the young military people today are just like you. They have the lead for now and they will be in command soon. We just have to put up with the Politicians in uniform for a while longer.
  25. I've only come across more than one enemy,and that was using Johan's Mideast wars campaigns. I don't have WOI yet,so I don't know what TK did in that sim. I did some heavy research into Israel's wars and I adjusted the time frames in Johan's campaigns to what actually happened in history. In my campaigns,you can only lose about 2 missions out of 20 and win the campaign. I try not to refly a mission,but the dumba** AI wingmen sometimes set you up to get creamed. I know that Israel usually had to fight on at least 2 fronts at the same time. The Sinai and the Golan Heights/Lebanon. In my campaigns,When the Sinai is taken the war usually ends. I had a computer problem a couple of weeks ago and had to format my harddrive,so I'm in the process of rebuilding my Israel campaigns right now. I had almost everything backed up so it won't take as long.

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