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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Malibu: You can have more than 2 forces as long as you have Friendly and Enemy. I noticed in your campaign data.ini file that you do not have NormalSupplyRate=?. You will never get enough supply to start an offensive without it. You have to calculate enough supply or resupply for the Friendly forces to sustain an offensive for the entire campaign. Also for the Enemy. You also have to have enough supply for each force to start and sustain the campaign. (Supply=?,can be more than 100) I usually give the enemy a little more advantage at the start. Then give each side enough supply for the entire campaign and you usually duke it out until the end.
  2. PFunk: You also have to take into consideration your mission rate and offensive mission rate. According to your supply rate you will go through 3 resupply cycles(Supplyrate=7) before you can mount an offensive. The enemy has enough supply to start immediately,and will be resupplied 1 time(Supplyrate=15) while you are still waiting to be supplied enough to start. If your missionrate= 7(Same as supplyrate=7) you will fly 3 missions before you have enough supply to start an offensive. You have to juggle the numbers to get what you think is your kind of campaign. I get bored flying a lot of missions(Over 20) so I put in a startcampaign date and endcampaign date. Usually 6 months seems to work right(180 days)for me, divided by 20 equals a missionrate of 9.(9 days between missions) I make the offensive missionrate 3(3 days between missions). You also have to adjust your ground unit start times to coincide with your offensive dates. It sounds complicated,but not really. You have to think the entire campaign through from start to finish to get what you want. (Sometimes I win and Sometimes I don't) It also depends on whether you like a lot of CAS or a lot of Air to Air or to mix it up. Get StrikeFightersEditingInfo by Charles and some other brilliant CombatAce Modders,it contains a lot of very useful info. Also, the Knowledge Base by a lot of brilliant modders has a tremendous amount of useful info. I modify almost every campaign that I fly,so I'm getting pretty good at it.(After several years of flying this fantastic Combo flight sim) PM me here at Combatace with more questions if you like. ezlead
  3. My take on: ForcewithInitiative=? The side of the conflict which initiates the offensive action. 1 means that the friendly forces initiate the action. 2 means that the enemy side initiates the offensive. 0 means that neither side initiate action until the supply number is high enough to sustain a ground operation. At least in my campaigns,that seems to be the way it works. If you increase the the supply numbers the ground operation seems to start sooner. If you notice,as you fly progressive missions,you get more supplies(missiles,bombs,etc)in the loadout screen for a mission. In the Israel campaigns,they had a limited amount of supplies,so you have to be careful about how much you ordinance you expend. It all depends on the number of supply when you start and how often you are resupplied. As for your squadron being used simultaneously in the same mission. I think the game engine looks for X amount of squadrons for each mission. If there are not enough (X) squadrons for that mission it repeats with the squadrons that are active at the time. Try making more squadrons active and see what happens. I research(online) each campaign that I fly and try to get as many squadrons as was really involved as I can. TK made one heck of a game engine to involve all of this.
  4. In a few of the campaigns that I run,there are aircraft that were flown by various nations. The P-39,P-40,Hawker Hunter,MirageIII,etc. I just copy the whole aircraft folder into the screenshots folder and change the name a little on the aircraft folder and the aircraft ini file to match. EG:(MirageIIIe toMirageIIIe1) Then I change the nationality of the aircraft in the data.ini file to whatever I want. Then move that folder into the Objects\Aircraft sub-folder. You can get various loadouts from that. You can even get Soviet loadouts for US,French,British aircraft if you like,by changing the attachment type and the nationality. Give it a shot if you like.
  5. Happy birthday Israel.

    yom hu׳le׳det sa׳mei׳ax !! I hope I googled it right. Nothing like being surrounded and out numbered for 60 years to make you one tough great country. Remember the fallen and never forget them. As for the living,"Party On,Dudes"!!! :fans:
  6. One More Shift

    Dave: It's always trying to start a new job. Sounds like you have the RIGHT attitude,though. Will you remain at Tinker or where? We hope family will be happy to have you around more. How about : USAFRTS ( lol) It's supposed to mean USAF Reserve TechSgt. not USA F-rts Oh Well,I tried!! Sincerely, GOOD LUCK!!
  7. What is wrong with the USAF?

    Like jug says: the pencil neck geeks have to keep the wolves around to bail them out when they make a bad choice on decision day. Unfortunately we have "the best government money can buy". Ask the lobbyists. Sorry for getting political.
  8. An Interview With Wagsled

    A terrific read. Triple nickle and 335th,They were always in the right place at the wrong time. 4 DFC's and 18 AM's,when this guy walks by you can hear his (you know what's) clank. A terrific career by a true patriot and American Hero. Wags: as another who was honored to walk among them for a short time, SEMPER FI!!! You done good,MARINE!! ezlead(Linebacker I,EA-6A and A-6A)
  9. When you get the base installed,name it MCAS Rose Garden. The Marines in 1972 had a recruiting video and poster that "Didn't promise you a Rose Garden". A country western song made popular by Lynn Anderson The conditions at the base were so primitive(tents,temporary mess halls,etc.),The Corps and the people there more or less called it Marine Corps Air Station Rose Garden. I flew out of there a couple of times. Danang even looked good compared to that place.
  10. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday!!! Don't forget to remove your cover before you enter the Club. If you have watch tommorrow,it's best not to play Last Man Standing until the weekend. Have a GREAT ONE. ezlead Gerry
  11. I agree with FastCargo. I think Boeing was figuring it would get the contract just because it was an "American" company. It sounds like EADS and N-G came to the game ready to play hardball and Boeing never left the locker room. Now their blaming McCain just because he found Boeing and a few Air Force personnel with their hands in the cookie jar a few years ago. Corporate execs are just like politicians:let's find someone else to blame.
  12. scary landing attempt

    More crosswind landing practice in the simulator for that crew. Wing down,Top rudder plus differential throttle,gents. And don't wait for the last second,do it 1/2 mile or more out to get the feel of the wind.
  13. Marine Back On Duty After Loosing Leg.

    He is a Marine's Marine. Semper Fi ,Gunny!! Semper Fi and Well Done (Bravo Zulu) to all the Armed Service people who come to this site!!! Your sacrifice and service will never be forgotten.
  14. Errant Satellite

    Well,do you suppose that THEY(The countries that would like to shoot at us)got the message? I still think it was PR for our missile defense system. Anyway,Good Shootin',Navy!!
  15. Thanks,USAFMTL. I've been busy trying to stay alive in the new Raptor. I get some good Kills,BUT,that one guy that hollars "He's firing a missile!!" is always just a bit too late. If anyone doe not have it yet, it is AWESOME!!
  16. DAMN! Now I have to make an extra credit card payment(It's been maxed out since Christmas). I'll be D/Ling soon,though.
  17. The F-22 (both types) are TREMENDOUS addons to WOE. It doesn't surprise me that they have been d/led so much. SALUTE and WELL DONE to the developement team!! PS: Don't hang around target area too long with sky full of Migs and SU's loaded with Adders and Archers lest Yee end up flying scrap composite material and ball of fire. I know of what I speak.
  18. Today, 49 years ago...

    According to everything you read it was one HE** of an aircraft. But,the politics of the time won out. It's interesting how our aircraft manufacturers grabbed up all of AVRO's technical personnel after the company collapsed. Like maybe they knew something that we didn't.
  19. It's got 2 rudders. Anyway, differential throttle would probably also work. "A bit dicey in a strong crosswind" I hope "Phase Two" modernization includes fixing the rudders.
  20. Cool Russian Navy video

    Good Looking Vid of Russian Navy flight ops. Speaking of Vids: Imbedded Vids in Forums!!!! You CA mods and Owners have all the toys
  21. CombatAce- Downloads section- Thirdwire Series(SFP1/WOV/WOE)-utilities/editors section The Knowledge Base has most all information that you will need.
  22. This idiot has the Freedom of Speech thanks to generations of Canadian service people who fought and died for it. He should be reminded that Canada also has another great Freedom. The Freedom to Leave the country if you don't like it there. Suggest that to him and listen to him scream about his rights. If he is on a student visa,maybe he should be transferred to the University of Fallujah. That way he could get lots more attention. (From the Canadians and the Americans)
  23. I just finished a Cold War campaign flying the F-11f. It was and is a good airplane and it will dogfight with the best of the Migs for its day. The Sidewinder was new(AIM-9A,AIM-9B) when it was around the fleet. So they were put on the F-11f,for a longer range shot. It was a stopgap aircraft until the new F-8 became available. The Blue Angels flew them(F-11's) for a long time until they converted to F-4's.
  24. Speed and Angels

    I love the title. Speed and Angels(Altitude) and Brains. 2 of the 3 are needed for a successful flight :yes:
  25. So, Super Sabres

    Keep speed up,go verticle(45 to 90 nose up),then turn. If he turns inside go nose down and extend. Extend out a couple of miles go verticle,turn into him. Take him ALMOST head on. Throw out some 20mm and watch him run into it. I fly the Hun a lot and get shot down about 20 percent of the time. Usually when I get greedy for another kill. Knock down a couple of Migs and head for home. (Warp 9 )

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