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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I graduated...yeaaa

    CONGRATS!!! Whatever it is that you do. If it is internet security,it sounds like the world needs a lot more of you people.
  2. A personal goal achieved!

    Congrats FC. That's a tremendous amount of Time in Type. Glad you still get to fly the little 'Fast Movers'. Yes, I'm extremely envious!!!
  3. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    Third World countries have no idea what a S*** storm we can bring down on them when we're attacked. Iran wants to be the "Big Dog" in that part of the world. Unfortunately they can't lift their leg high enough. They just think they can.
  4. 1975:Hard Light Burners I was holding short about 2000 ft up from take off end of runway at a 45 degree angle towards runway heading in a twin Cessna at Joe Foss Field,South Dakota. I was waiting for 2 Air Guard Huns to take off. They lit burners right about the time they got next to me. (As I was not paying much attention)I jumped so high I hit my head on the overhead of the airplane. I thought my airplane exploded. When I looked up the pilots were looking right at me. There are a couple of Air Guard "Sticks" that are probably still laughing. I fly the 'Hun' all the time in WOE. It's a great bird!!!
  5. Having flown the RF-4b,A-6a,EA-6a and the TA-4j,I would have to pick the F-4 Phantom. However,The Phantom was my 409 powered muscle car,the Intruder my cadillac and the Skyhawk was my austin-healy sprite or mg midget. The IDF/AF named the Phantom correctly when they called it Kurnass(I believe this means Sledgehammer) It had the power and the punch!! Before they put in a gun it was still deadly. But as Fast and Typhoid said "The one you were flying at the time was the best."
  6. My Two Cents: I have purchased everyone of TK's Sims to date. I have downloaded almost everyone's work.(40 gig worth on my HD) I mod some mods to MY liking for my sims. Everyone has their particular forte. Let's enjoy each others efforts. I say "THANK YOU ONE AND ALL FOR YOUR TREMENDOUS EFFORT AND WORK."
  7. The file is in the MissionData.cat and it is in the Flight Folder. It is the MISSIONCONTROL.ini The section you want is this: [Altitude] Normal=3000 Low=1000 VeryLow=500 High=5000 VeryHigh=8000 I believe the altitudes are in meters. If you put the altitudes too low ,you will run into cumulous granite in hilly or mountainous areas.
  8. Truly awesome

    He only knew a kid was in trouble and he put it all on the line. THAT my Friends is a "HERO".
  9. VERY COOL!!! The F/A-18 and F-5 are highly maneuverable. However,The Mirage is still one of the best fighting machines ever built.
  10. I have been flying sims since they would fit on 3 floppies. I found EAW and learned how to mod it.(as much as they will let you) Then came SFP1(Wally World version) and I was really hooked. I now have 7 separate installs(From WW1 to the new 2007 WOE beta campaign). I can fly Nieuports,Mustangs,Sabres,F-100's,Phantoms, all the way to F-23's. Whatever my mood is at the time. TK came up with a winner and the people who mod them are the best in the world. I am Marine Vietnam Vet(Flew A-6's and F-4's) and this sim has the most realism and the best flight characteristics of any that I have tried. I have Microsoft,LOMAC,Janes,IL2,all in the drawer collecting dust. WELL DONE,EVERYONE!!! If you want real Immersion,Load up your Enemy aircraft (Migs,SU's,etc)with the correct missiles from the Weapons Pack and be prepared to get hosed very often. If you hear "He's firing a missile" it's too late. A second later you're a huge fireball.
  11. A definite challenge

    I got this from a friend: Are you good with the mouse? We'll see! The object of the game is to move the red block around without getting hit by the blue blocks or touching the black walls. If you can go longer than 18 seconds you are phenomenal. It's been said that the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are expected to go for at least 2 minutes. If you have a college degree and can go above two minutes call an Air Force Recruiter. Give it a try but be careful...it is addictive!! http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html
  12. Veltro: Most all of us REALLY appreciate you modders great and very demanding work. THANKS for your hard work!! Moorkey : Thanks for becoming part of the team. I look forward to your mods. I tried modeling and didn't have the patience for it. Anyone who does it is tops in my book. My Two Cents Worth. ezlead
  13. LEXX: Thanks for that link. Now I can do some remodding for myself. Anyone notice how cluttered the cockpits were back then? They put the instruments and controls anyplace they would fit.
  14. Israel can always use a new friend to watch its backdoor. If someone in between them starts trouble they can hit them from both directions. I'm sure that the pilots can learn from each other,as both countries fly combat missions basically everyday. If we think the U.S. is on the cutting edge for aircraft and systems,try checking out the Israeli defense contractors. They are not far behind. Besides the Israeli's are famous for making it better and Cheaper. Which in todays world means a lot.
  15. I run with resolution at 1024x768x16 Refresh rate at 80 Someone mentioned setting horizon to near,I did that on all sims and it seems to help. I also noticed that if game has to look in Object data cat for certain aircraft or ground objects it also slows down. I have put all ground objects and aircraft files in appropriate folders. Weapons pack also helps game to run better. Just a few suggestions. Hope they help.
  16. simple LoL

  17. Badge: Check the campaigndata.ini(towards the bottom of page). Then check GermanyCE_targets.ini for Task Forces.They should include escort vessels. Then check GermanyCE_types.ini for the vessels. You can get them with Catextractor from here. If everything is OK in these files check to see how close you are to the battle line. I have made carrier forces for almost every campaign and when I get them to close to the red line they turn into enemies and start shooting at me or each other. Any questions PM me here. ezlead
  18. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    I would say their testing the Syrians response time and weapons. The Russians are doing with their 'Bears'. We do it all over the world with our aircraft,too. Ex: Cuba,Korea,Turkey,etc.
  19. Do we still send the B-52's, B-1's and B-2's out to failsafe points? If we do, the Russkies must be trying to do the same thing. Again. What's next---Red October!!! I personally wouldn't want to be a Bear crewman. With the lookdown shootdown capability of todays fighters,a Bear wouldn't stand much of a chance. Have number 2 do a visual ID flyby with lead sitting back a mile or two with a couple of AAMRAMS armed and ready. Typhoons and Raptors and Bears,Oh My!!
  20. The Fog of War

    A prime example of EGO driving a career. He thought he was smarter than his Generals. (The people who were in the Know about what was really going on.) Rolling Thunder pilots had to wait for the target list to come out of D.C. We also had to wait for list during Linebacker 1. Desert Storm proved what happens if on scene commanders pick targets. The ground war lasted 100 hours. I guess George Jr. and his buddies forget about that. Sorry,didn't mean to rant on,It's a sore subject with me.
  21. First Solo

    Way to go!!! You will never think about flying and aircraft the same as you used to. It will bring a whole new world into your FltSims. I had mine over 30 years ago and I still remember most of it. You will never forget it. NAS Saufley Fld,near Pensacola,Fla. had a lot of shirttails hanging on the walls. Well Done,and don't forget to"Check Your Six".
  22. Visited the Marine Corps Museum

    Hey Hawk: Nice photos. Being a "Former Marine" that place is definately on my To Do list. Looks like you had a good day.
  23. Is there an F/A-18 E/F out or is anyone working on one? I would love to get my hands on a "Rhino". Thanks in advance!!
  24. 'Jarhead" Hawker: Thanks for the "Heads Up". I looked at Marcfighters WIP and it's got me drooling on my shoes. USAFMTL and Murph: You are right about the F-4. I flew the RF-4b(for real) in 1972. I had about 100 hrs in it. In my opinion,it's still the best fighter ever built. But I,like most "drivers",loved the aircraft we flew. ezlead USMC 1967-1973 EA-6A,A-6A,TA-4J,RF-4B
  25. Hey Eraser: Did you know that duct tape is like "The Force". It has a dark side,a light side and it holds the universe together. FOFLOL

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