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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. How the heck did you come up with that?

    When I was going through flight school everybody was coming up with cool callsigns. I started using "Sidewinder" like the snake,but my best friend said I was the easiest going Lt. in the Marine Corps. Everybody started calling me Easy so I changed it to Eazy. When I was in Vietnam and the flight leader I was Eazy Lead. Hence ezlead By the way most of the callsigns are pretty cool. They reflect the person.
  2. Robin Olds

    Not many people are living legends,He was one. He rates right up there with Chuck Yeager,Bud Anderson, Marion Carl,Joe Foss,etc. The Big Brass didn't like him much because he told it like it was. Fighter pilots today can thank him for;Top Gun,Red Flag,Fighter wing formation,and a lot of other things that military aviation has. His biggest contributation was the ability today of ;"switching to guns" as a weapon choice. Well Done, General, You served your country well.
  3. RFA 07-02 Update

    Would that count as a "Snakebite"
  4. Just my 2 cents. Try to fly an A-6 campaign in SFP1 or WOV and half the time your not escorted. When Migs show up(almost everytime) you scream for Red Crown for assistance and you get "There are no fighter aircraft available". After being shot down twice by them I loaded up the "Winders. I sometimes even put a Suu gunpod on centerline. It's like dogfighting with an Abrams,but sometimes you get lucky if you keep your speed up. Just an FYI . In Vietnam there were so many of our Mig hungry fighter jocks in the area(Navy alpha strikes),that you were afraid one of them would hose your A_ _. I got bounced twice by F-4's and once by F-8's. Good thing Rules of Engagement was Visual I D.
  5. Google: F-8 Crusader. Then go to Gunfighters site. Then scroll down to crusader photos and click: you will her sound of F-8 going by in burner with oil cooler door open. You can hear the air molecules screaming in pain. I am flying F-8 in WOV right now and it's THE GUNFIGHTER!!! A little trivia for you: If you high "G" rolled an F-8 it would sometimes swap ends on you. You would end up going backwards with the fire coming out the front end. Solution to problem was to shut down and relight or immediately go to burner. For you engineering types: most aircraft have dihedral(upsweep) of wings .When you bank, nose of aircraft wants to go opposite direction of bank. Hence Rudders are used to bring guns to bear. F-8 had anhedral(downsweep) of wings. When you would bank,nose of aircraft will go to direction of bank,bringing guns to bear.Hence Great Gunfighter. Also would cause aircraft to swap ends if done to drastically.
  6. During Linebacker I almost all attack and fighter aircraft had ECM of some sort. They all had flare stations. (For the handheld IR missile launchers that NVA had). The aircraft flying down south used ECM and flares. The Navy and Marines flying up north would not go in unless EA-6a's were on station jamming missile and AAA radar. The Air Force even tasked VMCJ out of Da Nang to escort BUFF's on some night strikes. As they say "Been there,Done That. You would not be wrong to put ECM on all Birds. I just don't remember what they were using., It's been a while.
  7. Where did Chicago Meigs go?

    I live in Chicago area and a lot of people were P O'ed when Dailey did this. However if you check the records, Meigs was one of the most dangerous general aviation airports in the world. More accidents per flight op than anywhere in the world. Somehow someone would put one in the lake on take off or landing. Yeah,it's a bummer but Dailey used the accident record to justify its destruction. He said:What if somebody puts one in downtown? The other thing was,just imagine how many expensive condo's you could build on the property. Unfortunately,MONEY TALKS!!
  8. Roll Call

    ezlead's up.
  9. I got this websight for this video from a Marine Buddy of mine. See how the Mirage F1c performs in the hands of some pilots with really large brass you know what's. I'm not sure what country it is,If anyone recognizes please let me know. Check it out. www.glumbert.com/media/flylow
  10. WarLord: Look over the Knowledge base Stickies. You can only have Friendly or Enemy Forces. However,You can have any nation in the Nations.ini file to fly for either side. The Knowledge base is the greatest set of Info that the Add-on Designers have come up with. There is lots of hard work done by a myriad of people to get the right info out to the community. "Hats Off " to all who have worked so hard.
  11. Ebe: Just a thought, go to Invidia websight and download older drivers more in line with date of your card. I'm running Geforce 4/440 with SFP1 and it doesn't run to bad. When I use latest drivers it creates problems. When I use older drivers it's not to bad. I downloaded 3 different "era" drivers and tried them until I had 1 that worked pretty well. I run in 32 all the time without to much problem. I found that sound slows game down more than video. In heavy graphics (large formations ) their sound slows game more than graphics. Also, faster CPU helps with video card also. Just a few things to try and help Good luck!
  12. Iran situation

    The Iranians are just going to use this as a bargaining chip. They want to see what Britain , UN, and US will do. I would almost bet that the part of that river is now patroled by a guided missile frigate at least. Remember,the Iranian average person could care less about this. There stuck with this government. As for the nuclear problem, there is a country to the west of Iran that as soon as it thinks that the nuclear reactor or what it is making is a direct threat to their nation it will take care of the problem. The only way we could stop them would be to shoot down the IAF enroute to Iran. Tony Blair might be having problems with his government,but this might just galvanize the people together. (My opinion only,on entire topic) Let's all say a prayer for their quick return!!!
  13. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday, Dave!!! I remember 35,a long long time ago. There might have been dinosaurs. I don't remember- exactly. Anyway,pain killers or brewskies,not both!! Have the best day that you can. ezlead Gerry
  14. hhf: Your gear are breaking off because of cat launch speeds. Go to Forrestal or whatever carrier you are using file in Ground Objects folder,open carrier data.ini file with wordpad or notepad,scroll down to [Cat1],[Cat2],etc. Find LaunchTime=, This can be adjusted up or down for cat launch speeds. You want your aircraft to be at about 150 to 170 kts off the cat. I start with LaunchTime=3.0 and adjust up or down from there. You have to change the LaunchTime for each cat to make them the same. I had one carrier that gave me 400 kts off of the cat,naturally gear broke off. Hope this helps for launch problem.
  15. Hey again Firecage: I was just over at Thirdwire and they have someone flaming people using someone elses callsign or E-Mail address. PLEASE,check with Admin and they can find out what is going on. ezlead
  16. Hey Firecage: Are you sure the Nastigrams are coming from someone who matters? One sight I used to frequent had a similiar problem. They found out that the trouble was being caused by someone using someone elses callsign or callsigns. Private Message the Admin at Combatace and have them check with the real user of the callsign and see if it is really them. If it is them then the situation can be rectified. If it is not then ignore the SOB's. There are some ignorant people out there that just love to cause trouble for everyone else. It gives them great pleasure to see people doing just what you are doing. It's real cowardly to flame someone from a keyboard and monitor. You're a great addition to this sim. STICK AROUND!! You're skins are topshelf.
  17. AFC/NFC championship.

    As a BEAR Fan,I have to say that the Bears are still winning Ugly,HooRah!!!. I also have to say that the only difference between the two AFC teams was whoever had the ball the last few minutes of that game was going to win. That was a barn burner. You might keep The Colts down for a half,but watch out the second half. The Bears will have their hands full come Super Sunday.
  18. Camel and Tri Wing

    PM Capun from this websight and get his E-Mail address. Then E-Mail a request to download their projects. If they give permission you will have to agree to a users agreement. They had some problems on this site and withdrew their projects. They have a fantastic Camel and Triplane.
  19. Some developers put the aircraft in a folder,such as, F_14a and the aircraft.ini file says F-14a.ini Yes,there is a difference between underscore and dash. The main aircraft folder has to say the same name as the aircraft.ini. You can change either one as long as both are the same. I then go to single missions. If the aircraft is there in the dropdown list it usually will work. Hope this helps.

    I can relate to what you are saying,but not this year! Bear down Chicago Bears!!! Griese's kid did a pretty good job. Maybe we now have a 1-2 punch But,They are notorius for post season- Gasp,Choke,Puke. I have my fingers crossed.
  21. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Bortdafarm: Just an FYI for you. I used some of your mods to the AI and made changes for a 1962 campaign that I am flying. The AI are a lot more aggressive and harder to hit. I am flying an F-8e and I must have either pulled in front of my wingman or P****ed him off because he immediately put an AIM-9b Sidewinder up my A**. I laughed for about 15 minutes after I found out who shot me down. I am going to leave the settings where they are because, That's Aggressive. Thanks for your hard work. Keep the mods coming!
  22. I downloaded First Eagles this morning. I just spent the last hour flying single missions. I crashed and burned 4 times,I made it through the last mission but lost half the squadron. In my opinion TK has hit another out of the park homer. You have to FLY in this sim. No more light the burner and plow your way out of trouble. It's nice to be able to lock someone up and hose them from 6 miles away,but in this sim you have to get in close and score hits. The mods coming up should be fantastic. I say to everyone "Get this sim and try it out it's really fun."
  23. Well,I've read everyone's "rants" and now I'll give you my 2 cents. I've owned a pc since 1990 ,my first was a really old and slow one. One of the first things I did when I got it was to go looking for flight sims. I found some and for their day they were good. They keep improving everyday. Now ,I've flown the A-4,A-6 and the F-4.I spent my time in the RAG (Replacement Air Group)learning the aircraft and systems. Today,I want to do what you might call a Scramble. We used to say"Kick the tire,Light the fire, brief on guard and first guy in the air is Lead" I have over 20 Flight sims in the drawer.Some are great,Some are not. TK's sims are the most realistic to actual flight that I have seen "So Far". The thing that makes them Great is the way that each person can change them to suit himself. You can fly them hard or easy,YOUR CHOICE. The absolute best part to me is,MY CHOICE. The way they are engineered to be able to change is easier than any other sim I've come across. TK,You and the people at Third Wire and Combatace are the best!!! "ezlead,Intruder, ball,3 down,26"
  24. Its that time!

    Happy BIRD Day to you,USAFMTL. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Let's not forget to give thanks to all the soldiers,sailors,marines and airmen who can't be home because they are defending us from all aggression everywhere. GOD BLESS THEM ALL!! ezlead
  25. When I put some of the newer aircraft( F-14,F-18,Jaguar,Tornado,etc)in the game (SFP1 with the patches and updates plus directx 9c august )The Hud info is just a white block or blocks on the hudglass. What am I missing or need to edit? The f-15 and f-16 work fine. Thanks for the help , in advance.

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