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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. Where to start for combat fighter training?

    Here is a quick and easy read about air combat. It's called "No Guts,No Glory" Its written after the Korean War time period,but it works even today. It's still required reading in some armed forces around the world. It is written by Maj.(Retired General)Frederick C.(Boots) Blesse. One of the best fighter pilots to come down the pipe. NGNG.rar
  2. The for real Vietnam tactic was: close to less than a mile behind enemy ,be at lower altitude than enemy aircraft,1 to 2 g turn,get tone,make shot. Then:immediately get tone and fire another. Most Vietnam Fighter jocks would fire 2 missiles(Sidewinders or Sparrows)at the same target. If(big if) the first one hit,then the second would add to the flaming debris.
  3. VAQ-138 on the Boat

    GREAT VIDEO!!! Brings back some fond memories. My EA-6 only carried 2 people(EA-6A). The replacement aircraft(E/F-18G) was flown in combat for the first time over Libya this last week. They covered Marine AV-8's and Navy F-18's going in to shoot up Mr.Ghaddafi's bad guys.
  4. AC/DC disbanded

    I'm Thunderstruck!! But they will be Back in Black when Money Talks. :lol: :lol: My grandkids can't believe that this is one of granpa's favorite bands.
  5. I wonder what we would do if this was happening to us? Screw the media,Israel. Do what you have to do. We know what the REAL story is. Our current administration probably won't be our next administration. It has failed to do any of the things it was voted in to do.
  6. HOLY s**t!

    Have a GREAT one,Dave. I think I was that age,once,but it was soooo long ago. Oh Well! Brewski's are in order. ENJOY!!
  7. Space Shuttle Discovery final flight...

    100% Right On FC. Nothing in life is without risk. If you compare the Shuttle to all other aircraft,its safety record is unbelievable.
  8. Welcome Back,Paul!!! Just what have you been doing with that sheep?
  9. Space Shuttle Discovery final flight...

    Ace Trucking Company is getting ready to close up shop. Well Done to all!!! NOW,let's get back to the Moon,and space exploration.
  10. Let's hope he learns his lesson.
  11. Biting the Bullet

    OOOHHHRRRAAAHHH Canuck! Give it he!!. Hopefully CF-18's or CF-35's. Being a 'driver' is worth all the work and the pains in your 'you no what'. :yes:
  12. Funny Thing Happened On The Midway

    Hey Ordy! You were the "duty" expert. I would have been listening to you,also,and I flew the F-4.(RF-4b,100hrs in type). I still get a little 'redfaced' and it was 40 years ago. Anyway,THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE!!! You deserve it.
  13. Go into cockpit folder. Find a graphic called ***pitch.tga or something like it. Bring up in a graphics program.(Photoshop,paintshop,etc.) Resize to 640x640 or 1024x1024. Then try it. In the mod aircraft,sometimes the HUD tga's and bmp's need to be resized.
  14. And the cuts keep cutting...

    It looks like that when Britain becomes a Third World country,they will have to rely on the US to bail them out when trouble comes. It will happen. When you are at your weakest,your enemy will strike. Why don't they get rid of 1/3 of the politicians? That would save a lot of money. My rant is over.
  15. I am running SF2V/SF2E merge with Jun2010 patch. I am flying WW2 installs(Solomons and New Guinea). On armed-recon,anti-ship and CAS missions,I only get 1 tank,1 truck or 1 ship. How do I get more?
  16. Thanks Wrench. I forgot about that file. (Oldtimers disease) I'll check it out. Check your PM.
  17. Great work,guys! IMHO that F-4 "gunbird" is still the most baddest a$$ looking fighter ever.
  18. WARNING! Silly question

    Sky: Diving toward the ground might have worked once or twice. The preferred method was the way Fubar said. Usually if you could see the SAM,you could avoid it. You could also,pop chaff and flares at the right moment and then break into the SAM forcing an overshoot. The SAM you didn't see was the one that would get you. I flew EA-6a's(ECM airplane). Most CAG's(Strike leaders) would not go "feet dry" until we were on station and jamming.
  19. WARNING! Silly question

    Most SAM's,ARM's,IRM's,SAHM's and AHM's are proximity fused and have a "shotgun" type of warhead. When the lock-on is broken,they usually explode,in hopes of a kill. They don't have to impact,just get close. They move so fast,it just seems like impact. Most are programmed to cut across the line of flight of the aircraft to achieve a hit. Hence:Chaff and Flares (decoys) are needed on most military aircraft. If a Mach 2+ missile could turn as fast as the ones in the movie,there would be a lot less aviators walking around out there.
  20. How to advertise a car...

    That was one of the ads from the Super Bowl. WAY COOL!!!
  21. An Interview with LouG

    OOOHHHRRRAAAHHH!!! Skipper! Great Read!!! From one Jarhead to another:Welcome Aboard! Thanks for all of your service. Thank your Father for his service,also.
  22. Green Bay Packers win!

  23. Snowpocalypse 2011

    I live 60 miles west of Chicago. We had 20+ inches of snow. 3rd most on record. It's now -5 F. Just a good ol' Illinois winter.
  24. 63 and Tired

    Slarti: I'm also 63. I "retired" a year ago. Hardly enough money to make ends meet. If the economy ever turns around,I'll probably try to go back to work. At least part time. I've seen this before. All I can say is "right on!!"
  25. OK FC I'll go first. All my buddies in flight school said that when it come to women I was EEEEAAAAZZZZYYYY!!!! Tall,short,slim,chubby:it didn't matter. I kept trying for something else,but Eazy stuck.

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