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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. 25 Years ago today

    I just happened to be watching the launch on TV. I was stunned. I kept watching for 'chutes. Finally the announcer said that they didn't have any after the first shuttle. (No way to get out fast) You could see the flame from the booster rocket burning into the main fuel tank on the long range camera. I'll never forget the massive explosion,then the booster rockets flying off by themselves. They were all true EXPLORERS.
  2. OK. Here are the names. 'Dog' Hoverstat F-4 driver Marine Blue Angel No. 3 'Taco' Cisneros F-4 driver Navy Blue Angel No. 2 'Eazy' Me A-6 driver Marine 'Big Bird' Hunt 6'6" blond hair A-6 driver Marine 'Mofak' Cathcart tremendous squadron CO 'Sledge' Hammer A-4 driver Marine 'Hawk' Hawkins A-7 driver Navy 'Jumbo' Boeing A-4 driver Marine 'Big Dick' Sapp my former chief pilot Navy F-8 driver 'Juice' MacElroy partied hard F-4 driver Marine These were all fantastic people and great friends. Not a bad 'stick' in the lot. They could fly rings around most.
  3. Best joke, worst example

    :lol: :rofl: I wonder how long he had to sleep on the couch or with the dog.
  4. Dog,Taco,Eazy,Big bird,Mofak,Sledge,Hawk,Jumbo,Big Dick,Juice. Just to name a few.
  5. Motion FX

    VERRRRY NICE!!!! Get a surplus helmet,plug into the sound and go looking for those damn Mig-17's. :yes:
  6. Revenge of the MX Officer

    Just like Typhoid: Brought tears to my eyes. :lol: (Former Marine squadron Asst. Maint Officer) If we only could have. "Hey,Skipper,Gobble my nuts!"
  7. The F-35A is not 'beefed up' enough for carrier use. They should build the 'C' model for all the services. It would be a capable aircraft for all the services. The Marines would have to keep their Harriers for a while longer. It would be interesting to know just what problems are causing the cost overruns. Is it something that is a safety of flight problem or is it something that LockMart just keeps getting more money for. LockMart knows they have the government by the 'short hairs'. Are they just milking a so-called problem to keep getting billions more money? What would it cost to make the F-22 carrier suitable? My 2 cents
  8. Read your history books. It's McNamara and the old TFX program(F-111) from the 60's all over again. Tri-service aircraft come along by accident,not by design. F-4 Phantom II;designed for Navy,bought by all.
  9. They were putting their a&& on the line for this country. I think they could eat whatever they wanted. Bad career move to broadcast it,though. How many friggen politicians wanted souvenirs from those flights?
  10. 20 years ago

    Daughter and son in law came over. They asked me why I wasn't watching CNN about the war. I said that Pres. Bush(senior) wouldn't go to war. He would extend deadline. They said that air war had already started. I switched to CNN and from then on it was "don't bother me,I've got the game on!!" Doesn't seem like that long ago. Your right about military cuts and legacy aircraft.
  11. OT Ice Age 4...

    I love those Ice Age movies. That freakin' squirrel makes me laugh 'till I got tears in my eyes.
  12. Major Dick Winters dies

    "Our Greatest Generation'(Tom Brokaw) is quickly passing away. They saved the world from tyrants and madmen as boys and young men. RIP Major Winters. The men of Easy who went before have been waiting to welcome you.
  13. Red Air: Don Kirlin Quincy,Illinois. Here are 2 good links: http://www.redair.net/ .wirehwwwd.comttp:///archive/13.10/kirlin.htmlwired/
  14. Caption Competition

    OH Crap,There goes the neighborhood!
  15. another Ho Lee Crap moment

    You wouldn't need to shoot. A F-anything going by a C-172 at warp 9 about 50 ft or less would probably cause it to go into uncontrolled flight. Better off to just flight follow and herd him away from anything that he might hurt. Which sounds like what they did.
  16. Merry Christmas to all

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone !!!
  17. Can you say Zoom Zoom?

    My Blazer can go 0-60 mph in about 20 seconds,but it can do it in about a foot of snow. That Koenigsegg is a NICE RIDE,though!
  18. As you all can see. Everyone has their own "thing". It is a GAME! It is supposed to be fun. Some like the Hard settings to determine their prowess. Others like normal to get more "kills". To each his own. IMHO I have been flying sims since the early 90's and this is by far the best I have found. :yes: Oh yeah,I have my settings on normal. Mig-17's are a SOB no matter what you fly.
  19. for all the NCO's out there in CA land

    NCO's and SNCO's run the services. They just let the occifers think that the brass does. I found that out as a young 1st/lt in the Marines.
  20. Electric Flinger flings F-18E...

    "Attention All Hands,Attention All Hands. Would Seaman 2nd J.K. Jones please go to the EMALS panel and replace the damn fuse! The Air Boss would like to get this strike launched." All kidding aside: Welcome to the 21st Century. :yes:
  21. FW: Urgent Message (UNCLASSIFIED)

    Got it from my buddy in Kandahar. Already forwarded with prayers attached.
  22. I need a favor, Dave,,,

    Put them on snowboards and add it to the X-Games or the Dew Tour!
  23. Check out this link. http://www.theaviationzone.com/factsheets/c130_forrestal.asp The initial sea-born landings on 30 October 1963 were made into a 40-knot wind. Altogether, the crew successfully negotiated 29 touch-and-go landings, 21 unarrested full-stop landings, and 21 unassisted takeoffs at gross weights of 85,000 pounds up to 121,000 pounds. At 85,000 pounds, the KC-130F came to a complete stop within 267 feet, about twice the aircraft's wing span! The Navy was delighted to discover that even with a maximum payload, the plane used only 745 feet for takeoff and 460 feet for landing roll. The short landing roll resulted from close coordination between Flatley and Jerry Daugherty, the carrier's landing signal officer. Daugherty, later to become a captain and assigned to the Naval Air Systems Command, gave Flatley an engine "chop" while still three or four feet off the deck.
  24. but at least the bankers will be ok.. hurrah :) Looks like the common political decision for the times. Screw the country and the people,but God forbid,don't let those bankers fail.
  25. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    OOOOOHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! :yes: There is an old saying:"Don't let your alligator mouth overload your canary ass!"

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