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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. I know you guys will kill me for this one

    I'm running XP DX9. SF2,SF2V,SF2E,orSF2I is the best way to go. Once you get the hang of doing mods,it's really easy to operate the games. Also don't forget FE2,It has some great mods for it.
  2. Cruise ship battles 100 knot winds and 40 feet waves

    I don't think that I would want to be there even if it was in a Nimitz Class(CVN). I was lucky. The few times I was on a boat(CVA,LPH,LST,LPD),the seas weren't that bad.
  3. Marine Corps Silent Drill Mistake?

    Sh$t Happens!!! Those white gloves make it a lot more difficult to catch anything. Repair the rifle and on to the next show. Great recovery by the NCO in charge. OOORRRAAAHHH!!! A little more practice for the guy that missed catching it.
  4. Beaten for wearing Trousers

    WTF!!! I'm afraid a little 9mm justice would be upcoming for these guys! That would be after I let about 50 women whip them.
  5. a funny ATC funny

    I would imagine the FAA(Friendly Aviation Authority) also had something to say "about them apples". They frown on such behavior(joking on radio),no matter what phase of flight. I'm surprised they all didn't have to return to terminal. If you've ever had to abort a take-off for real,it is one of the hairiest and scariest times of flying. You are in "take-off" mode(train of thought) and all of a sudden everything screams "STOP!!".
  6. A year in the saddle...

    Right on the money,Harry! MANY MANY THANKS to everyone involved with this wonderful Sim.!!! Harry: I have been playing it since it came out(SF1) and I still suck at it sometimes. Those @#$%^&^% Mig-17's will hose your a$$ damn near every time.
  7. This photo put things into perspective

    I rode on a C-5 from Okinawa to Guam. We went up the front boarding stairs into the aircraft and then walked down the catwalk back to the stairs leading up to the passenger compartment. It was full of jet engines in their shipping cans. There had to be over 50 of them. I have walked into hangars that looked smaller than that thing. The power it had when they poured the cobs to it for take-off was really unbelievable.
  8. Pearl Harbor

    Our Parents and Grandparents 9/11. Our enemies found out that:You don't p$%s-off 200 million Americans. We finally Nuked'Em to end it all.
  9. R.I.P. Dandy Don

    If you never got to see him broadcast,you missed one of the best. When Monday Night Football started,the producers didn't think it would go far. By the end of the second year it was one of the top rated shows on TV. Women were even watching. Why? "Dandy" Don Meredith. He finally:"Turned out the lights,the party was over".
  10. GEICO commercial

    Language is a little tame for a Former Marine Corps Gunny. I remember a lot more 4-letter words and a lot of sons-a-... A great commercial though.
  11. First flight

    The thermals coming up off the ground will bounce you around quite a bit. The best thing to remember is that most all civilian aircraft are inherently stable. It's designed into them. If you completely let go of the controls the aircraft will try to maintain straight and level flight. It is more difficult to fly a trainer aircraft really well than it is to fly,say a jet fighter. For some reason the faster they go the easier it is to fly them,once you get used to the speed. Sounds to me like you had a good first flight.
  12. A very sad day! The Admirals say that the Falklands could be in jeopardy. But,the Ministers say "No Way,we can still defend them". When was the last time a politician was right about anything. Let alone,being smarter about warfare than an Admiral. Maybe,if the Falklands or any other British commitment is in jeopardy,we can loan the Brits one of our Carrier Battle Groups and aircraft.(For just a small rental fee,of course)
  13. Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Birdday to all you Turkeys! To all of you who can't be with your family,Thank You for: Doing your job,Standing your watch,Being at your post,Protecting and Serving,and Keeping the rest of us safe. Bless all of you!!!
  14. War in Korea closer than we thought

    North Korea is always looking to blame The South for something. No matter what it is,The North starts it and then they blame The South. They know that we will send a Carrier Battle Group to the area. That will give The North some other excuse to threaten war. The North obviously thinks that China has their back. I'm not to sure that China will want to get into it with their largest trade partner-us. The World situation is a lot different now than in 1950.
  15. Marines make tough teachers!

  16. How Long is Two Weeks?

    "Not very long at all."--Dr. Who (TimeLord)
  17. Cowboys & Aliens

    Skyline 1890. It does look very Cool!
  18. Tea and Sympathy

    In any 1V4 hit hard,hit quick and then run like hell. If you down at least one,the others are really going to be pissed at you. You will probably end up with a barrage of 'Winders coming at your 6. Tommorrow's another day,if you live through this one.
  19. F-22 aircraft overdue in reporting

    RIP Captain. <S>
  20. 3 best, 3 worst movies

    Best: Caddyshack (Bill Murray's best) Anything produced and or directed by Clint Eastwood Band of Brothers (All of the series) Worst: TopGun (The only good part is the first 5 minutes) All Iron Eagle's Most "Chick Flick's" Anything new with a vampire or werewolf in it. I loved the CGI and effects in Avatar,otherwise,it was Custer against the Cheyenne and Sioux 6 years away from earth.
  21. My Boss's daughter

    OOOOOHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Dad has good reason to be proud. It's called HONOR and it's sorely missed these days.
  22. Wish Her Luck

    WELL DONE to those who recently made promotions!! Dave: if she is as squared away as you say,she should make it. Will she outrank you? If she makes it,does that mean that you do the dishes?
  23. Great Story

    That D..kh..d and his followers go all over to disrupt funerals for fallen GI's. If anyone is aware of them coming to a funeral,they should get in touch with Patriot Guard Riders. It is a motorcycle club that goes all over to specifically block these SCUM from disrupting a funeral. Bravo Zulu to Weston for taking it upon themselves to block these S..th..d's.
  24. Just popped in to say hi

    Thanks for the pop.
  25. Flak jackets and steel pots in Vietnam saved a lot of lives. Yes,they were hot,heavy and a pain in the ass until you really needed them. Then they were priceless. :yes:

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