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Everything posted by ezlead

  1. leadership today

    Thanks for your service to our country. I'm glad your finished. Some guys see only "By the Book"

    It was nice to teams other than the same old ones. I was for Texas(I'm a huge Nolan Ryan fan). The Giants were ready,it didn't look like Texas was. San Fran gets its first World Series.
  3. need a laugh?

  4. shock and awe

    Remember: 1 percent of our population(1 percent) is defending our country. IMHO they are doing a TREMENDOUS job. One big thing to consider: They are All-Volunteer. In other words:they asked for this sh$%. It should make training easier and better. :yes: In the ole draftee days,it was maybe necessary to smack some guys around just to get their's and everyone else's attention. All you Jarheads out there remember what it was like in:"The Old Corps."
  5. It wouldn't look to bad with a 20 MM chin turret and a couple racks of Hellfires on each side.
  6. Good News From My Son

    OOOHHHRRRAAAHHH Firehawk: My congrats to you and him! E-5 in the Corps today is a real milestone. That last day at MCRD,the first time they called him Marine,he was no longer a boy. As you said BRAVO ZULU! Don't ever forget to tell him about how proud you are.
  7. Example: Argentina can wait about a year for the cutbacks to take place and then go after the Falklands again. GB won't have the military to send there. When your enemies think you're weak,that is when they will come after you and yours. When accountants(bean counters) run the world,they will SAVE us all into slavery.
  8. For all you hard charging Devil Dogs out there

    OOOOOHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Nov. 10,1776-Nov. 10,2010 (DI) "How old is the Corps!" (Recruits) "Sir,The age of the Corps is: 234 years!" "234 years of Rompin',Stompin',Ass-Kickin',Death and Destruction!" "Sir,I dedicate my Marine Corps career to the destruction of our enemies!" "Kill,Kill,Kill!" "Semper Fi!!"
  9. You learn the machine. It's good points and bad. You fly its good points and avoid its bad. I would imagine if Steve Ritchie,Duke Cunningham and Robin Olds flew the Mig-21,they would have shot down a lot of F-4's. The F-4 drivers will say the F-4 was better. The Mig drivers will say it was better. There is no definitive way to say which was better. It all depended on the flight parameters during the fight. It's like arguing Ford versus Chevy. What I'm saying is:It was the man,not the machine!
  10. One Shot one Kill... new scope design for Snipers...

    Was the Korean War F-86 driver Joe McConnel? I read that he used to test his guns at 40,000 ft to get the range and accuracy. The really good sniper moves in closer if possible so he doesn't have to shoot that far.
  11. Never again...

    If the guy is good,he will usually be good regardless of civvie or military. If he is bad,he will be bad. Period!!
  12. yes, the gun size matters

    One of my old platoon sgt's told me. Never carry any sidearm that does not begin with 4 or higher.
  13. Aw Man!..God bless you George!

    A true comic Genius!!!
  14. I'm all for the Police.......But

    As for the city and the police say "Wrongful Death" lawsuit. Then tell them to get the checkbook out. If it goes to a jury,the heirs and lawyers will get a fortune and the city will be out a ton of money. If a friend texts you with Jim Morrison lyrics,text him back and ask him if you can have some of that good weed. Yeah,before I became a Marine,I was a "Stoner".
  15. I totally agree with the sentence. It is not just an annoyance. It is dangerous!! How would you like to be a passenger on an Airbus halfway through approach at Heathrow or JFK when some DUMBASS lights up the cockpit. If the authorities don't come down with harsh consequences for doing this,someone will eventually light up both sides of the cockpit.(just for fun or for terrorism) Yes,there are some pretty stupid people out there.(Gee,I didn't know it was dangerous) They are interfering with a cockpit crew while in flight. The penalty should be extreme. OK,rant over.
  16. As to UFO's I ahve seen some stuff in my life that defies explantion but isn't that all part of the mytery of life ? Right On Slarti!!
  17. Happy Birthday Misty Fac

    Have a GREAT one!! That single malt and soda used to be one of my favorites. Interesting callsign. Me,being a Vietnam vet airplane driver,knows that Misty FAC's have a very colorful and distinguished history.
  18. DD214

    Bless You and Thanks for your service. Unless you have reserve time coming,women and children will go before they come after you. Well Done!!
  19. The Twins Say the Darnest Things

    OOORRRAAAHHH,Dave!!! Great looking family! They are a tribute to You and Mom. Bravo Zulu on parenting skills. I almost spit coffee all over my monitor when I read the douche bag comment. It was priceless.
  20. "Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to Ryanair's first totally computerized aircraft. That means that there are no flight crew members,only triple backed up computers. Now this aircraft has been tested for years and you can be feel totally assured that nothing possible can go wrong...can go wrong...can go wrong...can go wrong!!!
  21. Excuse me Marines. I have a question about this vid

    They(the DI's) got to me early. My eyes must have looked like a deer in the headlights. After a while we figured out what it was all about. We used to say "they can kill you,but they can't eat the body,that's against the rules." Then we would all laugh. A few rode tough all the way through. They were screamed at constantly. When it came to PT. The offender would usually be made to stand at attention while the rest of us did squatM...F..ers forever. If it happened more than twice with the same guy,it would be 'blanket party' time. :angry2: Yeah,we did them. (Old Corps)

    My favorite parts place. http://www.tigerdirect.com/ I have had tremendous service with these guys. They usually ship same day. They are also CompUSA now. They bought CompUSA several years ago when they(CompUSA) were going belly up. They closed most stores except for a couple. They are now opening stores back up. 11 so far. There is also a website called 'pricewatch' Good Luck!!
  23. Fore!

    I told him not to get those cheaper clubs from ZIPPO!! :rofl: :lol:
  24. If your a 'bad guy' and the little airplane flies by you had better duck,because you can bet that LGB's,JDAM's or Arty will be coming in shortly. A tremendous asset,glad they have it.
  25. Why did you Yanks keep him away from me?

    The 7 words you can't say on television. :lol: :lol: He was a true comic genius. Glad you found him. He will keep you laughing for hours.

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