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About busdriver

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  1. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    #14 remarks near the end about whether to claim those two Albatros scouts without having a witness: IRL guys like Bishop would make the claim and get credit. I think regular guys file the claim and have it denied. In a situation like yours, I file the claim if I see the bandit on fire screaming toward the ground, crash, or make a forced landing even if it most likely will get rejected. Then I edit the claim details in the Pilot Log Editor to indicate an observation balloon (giving its location relative to NML) witnessed the victory. Like you, I'm not very concerned if I get credit "c'est la guerre." Nice video.
  2. Novice question

    The MODS folder resides here (in my case the WOFF folder) You can see what I've got in the MODS folder And when you double click JSGME you see those same two options in C:\WOFF\MODS The take away is that in my case, Jerbear's skin packs 4, 5, and 6 are not in the MODS folder so they are not available.
  3. Currently flying several RFC reconnaissance careers. I can't remember, but seem to recall that the RE8 while carrying a camera is missing the artwork for the camera. I don't see it mentioned in the Recon Wars notes I've printed. Am I correct that this has been mentioned before?
  4. @Becker02 thanks mate, we're on the same page. The mods were the current versions from Sandbagger's site. I had checked steps 1 and 2, and I can't honestly say if the CCFA mod works for me. To be fair, I have not paid close attention to the airfield environment. My current career is assigned to Hesdigneul with 2 Sqn. The airfield looks the same with and without CCFA installed. Perhaps if I were flying from a custom airfield I would notice a difference. It's all good. Thanks for your time
  5. No worries mate, read that bit of red text in my OP out loud.
  6. The unmodified sim works fine, the historically populated airfield mod does not. Initially avoiding using the "easy" setting in an attempt to evaluate how nasty "normal" is. Normal is pretty brutal when trying to meet the parameters required for a successful Recce sortie. It is what it is.
  7. There is so much to appreciate and admire about this simulation. I am grateful to the OBD team for their efforts over the years. @Jara4's nifty Pilot Log Editor is one of my favorite things. The ability to write a short mission narrative that highlights the mission events adds to my enjoyment of this franchise.
  8. The game with v1.22 plays just fine. I might have to dial down the effectiveness of flak, I keep having to make forced landings due to fuel leaks. I just figured if others were using these mods they might notice something obvious that I had knackered. It's no big deal.
  9. Been away from BH&H2 for six months or so. I successfully uninstalled/clean installed and patched to V1.22. Flew a couple of uneventful Recce sorties, geez that's a whole lot of flak! Figured I'd see what the historically populated airfields mod looks like. I thought I followed the guidance...highlighted in red text. According to JSGME they were installed in the proper order. When prompted to open the Mission Editor by WOFF, I did so. Found the proper folder & file, I didn't get any pop-up instructions when I opened the mission, so I simply clicked save. I clicked "yes" when asked if I wanted the airfields populated, but got this. Who wants to be the first 1GCCFP to tell me what I did wrong, and how to correct my error? Much obliged in advance.
  10. Squadron disappeared

    Yes if your unit is not yet operational. It's like you're the only available pilot, thus you get to fly solo. Thus the message about taking your plane up around the field.
  11. Consider the Loop . . .

    It's all good. And if you're interested in adding to your library I'm giving away a new edition of Bergstrom's Vol 1 of BC/RS feel free to participate if you're interested.
  12. Consider the Loop . . .

    LOL, no offense taken. Having a healthy skepticism of other forumites is a good thing. But apparently, you think that WWI air combat is in a class unto itself with no analogs or corollaries to later methods and tactics. WWI air combat fought with underpowered, thrust limited airplanes required a fighter pilot to get within range and apply a proper amount of lead to get a gun kill. That's no different than WWII, Korea, SEA, the Six-Day War. The concepts of lead, lag and pure pursuit apply to WWI. The concepts of turn circles, flight path overshoots, and the maneuvering egg apply to WWI. This is something that EVERY fighter pilot knows intuitively, and most hardcore 1GCCFPs that have cracked open their copy of Robert Shaw's Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering or took the time to read Dicta Boelcke... 1. Try to secure advantages before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you. 2. Always carry through an attack when you have started it. 3. Fire only at close range, and only when your opponent is properly in your sights. 4. Always keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses. 5. In any form of attack it is essential to assail your enemy from behind. 6. If your opponent dives on you, do not try to evade his onslaught, but fly to meet it. 7. When over the enemy's lines never forget your own line of retreat. 8. For the Staffel (squadron): Attack on principle in groups of four or six. When the fight breaks up into a series of single combats, take care that several do not go for the same opponent. In case it doesn't jump off the page at you, #5 has an unstated corollary to check six. Sure you check six, except when in close engagements, when bandits pose their biggest threat (they're freaking close to you and get on your tail unseen). IMO once you're in the furball that's when you need to check your six more often, but you play the way you want to play. Okay, you got me, looping works for you against AI that doesn't fight in the vertical plane as a human can. This is major critique I have of your method of BLINDLY looping. I would encourage you to test your tactic against other 1GCCFPs on an MP server playing Rise of Flight (ROF) or Flying Circus (FC) then report back on its efficacy after a few engagements. I also posit that on an MP server your head would be on a swivel rather than your natural propensity to fly HUD BFM. Yes I know WWI airplanes don't have HUDs, it's simply the tendency of many WWI 1GCCFPs to fly whilst looking through, near, around their gun sites. Again, I don't do it in WOFF because IMO that is simply an exploit against an AI that can't fight terribly well against a vertically maneuvering target, and I would NEVER do it against a human on an MP server. I'd get my brains blown out as I'm pulling up into the vertical as I present a fat dumb and happy target to another 1GCCFP. You have made that abundantly clear, and it works for you in WOFF. Not so much in air combat sims against human opponents. I play 1GCCFP as I would against humans so I don't develop bad habits that will bite me in the arse. You PLAY the way you want to play, it's only a game. Have fun...and don't check six.
  13. Consider the Loop . . .

    Nope didn't miss that at all, it's in parentheses in your OP...I read it, comprehended what you wrote, and watched your video three times. And just to add to the discussion, IRL that specific remark would be called "an alibi" by fighter pilots looking at your HUD video. That's why I specifically posted, "if your first video is representative of your gunnery skills, then checking six is a good idea." I stick by that observation based upon your OP video. IMO if you don't check six when engaged that is a recipe for a short SP career but, you PLAY the way you want to play.

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