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Everything posted by GodsLt

  1. Ahhh! I didn't know IFF didn't work with Heat seakers....I just thought that because with the YF-5 for example, it never (the IRIS-T) locks on a friendly aircraft, even in congested airspace....but anywho! My real question is, how to implement one for the Radar AAM's...as It seems interesting enough for some planes!
  2. Hey guys, I'm having a little bit of problem with the gripen's cockpit. Any ideas on how to fix it?
  3. Boeing ACH-47A "Guns A Go-Go"

    yeah man, the A-team site is closed to the public...I don't understand why people don't include the needed .LOD's in the download...it just makes it a lot harder for everyone to run the mod. Same thing with the HIP, have to look for hundreds of downloads to find a .LOD....but anyways
  4. DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2

    Hey man, for some strange reason, I can't simply take off...At about 170 knots I pull back on the stick and the plane simply crashes and blows up in the runway...any clues? Thanks!
  5. Hey there I was reading over the NF4+ installation notes, and it states "This does not work with a merged install of SF2" now, I clearly understand that, though the problem is, that my SF2 is quadrupled merged...lol I remember reading a while ago on how to make a stand alone install of any of the four Strike Fighters 2 series. So my plan is, making a stand alone install of SF2:Israel and then applying the NF4+ mod to it. I, however have absolutely no clue on how to accomplish this. Can any one point me in the right direction? Or point me to the right thread for that matter lol! (Btw, I DO have a mod folder with countless planes, tweaks and changes...so I would rather have those untouched lol)
  6. Thanks man! That really helped! I'm pleased to announced I installed the whole NF4+ addon (minus the newer updates) However, I ran into a problem. Ingame, Afterburner textures and explosions do not show for some strange reason. For instance, I shoot a rocket (from a matra pod) and no fire comes out of the rocket, and when it impacts the ground, only a crater is produced, but no explosion. I think this is related to using the original NF4+...any clues?
  7. What is this "head bob" you speak off? lol
  8. Hey guys! I would like to know how to add counter measures (Chaff, Flares, ECM's) to some planes! Any help? thanks!
  9. Ahhh....so It was easier than I thought! Thanks man!
  10. Hey guys! Its me again with some questions! Does Nato Fighters 4 work with a 4-way merged install of Strike Fighters 2? Any clues? Thanks in advance
  11. Hey guys! its me....AGAIN! lol! I have a quick question! is there a way to use the Aphid's dual launch racks (The angled small ones) with other IRM's? There's a few planes that could use that type of rack to prevent clipping! Thanks again!
  12. Hey guys, I'll make this quick. My Hispano Suiza was working just fine until yesterday. Yesterday, I tried to use it, but the only usable mission type was RECON, Nationality wasn't specified and I could use it down to 1450 B.C Now, i thought it was a .ini problem...but the ini is the same as before! I even tried changing nationality to "USAF" but still nothing changed....any help? Should I reinstall? haven't installed any updates recently either! Thanks in advance
  13. well, i checked the .ini and everything seemed the same as before (I'm very intimate with the hidalgo's ini's ) Anyhow, I reinstalled the airplane and loaded a back-upped data.ini and worked fine. Thanks for the reply nevertheless!
  14. hey guys! I have a slight problem...every time I use the M53AB and other afterburner effects, the cockpit lights up. Now that's some pretty eye candy right there...but it impacts my framerates a little too much. Is there any way to eliminate this glow from inside the cockpit. Same for flares! thanks
  15. Anyone?? lol Oh well...'till tomorrow it is!
  16. This was working some hours ago...but both the Sagette's display and the F-24 shadowcat's display is all messed up! some more pictures for you to use
  17. Dast24's fix worked! Thank you man! Now...any clues as to what's up with the Sagette's display? I can't...for anyone's sake, get it working :(
  18. Ohhh!! I see your problem! lol The thing is, you being so close (<1.5 miles) doesn't let the guided munitions (mavericks, etc) enough time to manouver and hit their target. They will just lose lock and fly a ballistic trajectory. In regards to the JDAM's....is it me....or they can just hit non-moving targets...I've tried hitting moving tanks and convoys to no avail...only stationary targets....any clues? (no thread jacking intended lol )
  19. Building on what EricJ said, and as I said before, there is no way to know if you are locked on or not. Pay attention to the TV screen when you point your aircraft at the ground target. Wiggle around a bit...and if the TV screen seems to not be moving like your aircraft then its locked on. BTW Mavericks are NOT anti-radiation missles. You need to be inside (IMHO) 9 miles for them to work correctly. They target ANY ground target though....so they are pretty versatile.
  20. Hey guys, I just recently installed the latest patch to my SF2 game...but...after this patch, my game looks all grainy, as if Anti-Aliasing was taken off. However, my Graphics settings are the same. I even bumped the "Effects" category to unlimited (in the past, lowering this category gave my a grainy-er image) so I'm at a loss here. Is there a way to manually set anti-aliasing or something? thanks in advance
  21. I do have the EXACT same problem as wishmaster. After the march '10 patch, my subtitles disappeared. It is a PAIN when your plane does not show which weapon you just selected clearly, especially in air to ground ordenance, as most munitions are unguided but have different trajectories.
  22. Hey guys, as part of my "Super Airplanes" project, I'm converting my favorite old airplanes to new 5th Generation fighters. The thing is, I need to move the Crusader J's pylons outwards towards the middle of the wings, so that the triple AGM's do not clip with the Y-pylon missiles. Either that, OR move the Y-pylons forward. Keep in mind...I hope its only some little tweaks in the attachment points in the .ini as I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about skinning and Modding....so....any help is appreciated! lol p.s Just something Extra. I placed the A-7's cockpit in the Crusader...everything works fine...but when I choose the internal gun, the Crusader's sight comes up over the HUD...and I have no idea how to stop it..thank in advance!
  23. No problem man! Always watch how far you are from your target...remember, for the storm shadows your target might not be visible in the TV-screen, but if you already have the target selected and in your field of view, just fire it. You can test that, do what I told you and just follow your bomb in F9 view to its target! Happy bombing!
  24. Ahhh...I had the same problems as you in the past. It is really quite simple. For Starters: HARM's (ARM's, ALARM's, AGM-78's and AGM-45's) are all anti-RADIATION. Meaning...they will only target radars (Fan Song B, Straight Flush...etc) All you have to do is press E so the radar truck is selected, and fire...you'll see the missile aim for it. Or...you can use it against ZUU-23 something's the little AA trucks that have a radar on top. When you hear the RWR beeping or flashing, just point in the general direction of any radar targeting you and fire. But your best bet is to manually select the RADAR's and firing at them. Storm Shadows: Storm Shadows are just like the Mavericks (AGM-65) . When you select them, a TV-like screen will be shown in your upper right corner of your screen. The Storm Shadow can be fired from almost 80 miles out...so just select your target...point to it and fire the projectile. Need any more help? Just send me a PM!
  25. Hey guys, i recently installed these two airplanes, along MANY others...but these two are the ones that refuse to show up in my aircraft list in Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam...I tried in the other merged titles and they still won't show up...yet all my other aircraft F-4E Kurnass 2000, Su-17 Fitter...MiG Flogger Packs...etc etc do show up. so I'm at a loss here. Any help appreciated!

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