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Everything posted by frtn

  1. img00394

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  2. img00390

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  3. img00385

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  4. img00382

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  5. img00380

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  6. img00375

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  7. img00363

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  8. img00355

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  9. Version 5.0


    MiG-1.44 _________________________________________________________________ MiG-1.44 fighters (Russian: ??????? 1.44) was a Soviet Mikoyan Design Bureau developed the ultimate re-type twin single-seat fighter MIG-31, the Russian fifth generation (the equivalent of the West 4th generation). The machine uses unconventional delta wing, twin tail canard aerodynamic layout and adjustable S-shaped inlet, the body uses a lot of composite materials and can reduce the infrared signature technology, also used in the body surface and the inlet absorbing coating. _________________________________________________________________ Write DATA and edit3dmodel by myself 3dmodel by 3dregenerator user,Thank you! I do not know if it has built-in weapons bay I make AHM weapons bay,can take 4 missile.(Auto open) animation key 10 - to open the cockpit door Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit. _________________________________________________________________ Hope you like it! Frtn
  10. Check your file,maybe your print picture has broken down,There is a name called Anti-gear.tga in skin file. I tested, showed normal
  11. File Name: MQ-9 NEW MOD File Submitter: frtn File Submitted: 05 March 2014 File Category: Light Attack and Trainers Please read me when you fly it. ___________________________________________ it have two mod Old http://combatace.com/files/file/13153-mq-9-reaper/ This is new,Different with previous.I use another 3dmodel to make it. But It has a very serious Air Data Bug Speeds faster than 200 kts,it will auto pitch up,until speed down to 190kts. AIR DATA not by myself,Because I do not have the ability to do it. I feel sorry. I use F-35C_AVIONICS. thanks ysup12 user 2014 frtn Click here to download this file
  12. Hi,spinners. Is this one? I don't know why I can't attach files Your skin looks so real Picture link https://igaqpg.dm1.livefilestore.com/y2pnxZJrng9DwY6I1-24DSUHNRtfYBI7zlAQ7Bx0Wny-_9E4ISfSM5oz8e4yWMtUVDKEVOTbUYrTkL4z7Zd8WDANQYyuz25d7TjnIrQ9TpRSTE/Wyvern.bmp?psid=1 open it use Right mouse Save as Picture bmp
  13. View File Ace combat----------X-02 wyvern x-02 Wyvern __________________________________________________________________ Fictional fighter-Come From Ace combat ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the late 1980s, the Federal Erusian Navy issued a request for the development of a new combat aircraft that could also be used by the Air Force. Preliminary blueprints of the new jet, named the "X-02A", were completed by late February 1987, and its maiden flight took place in 1998. Production continued until the start of the Usean Continental War; Erusea planned to use the X-02s for the defending squadron of the Stonehenge network, but controversy was sparked from opposition groups questioning its superiority to conventional aircraft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fictional information not true! ___________________________________________________________________ Perhaps some unknown problem of air data, animation key 10 - to open the cockpit door It can use the in sf2,copy sf2-3dmodel x-02 to wyern File Will reach a speed of Mach retractable wings animation, Such as F/A-37 ctrl+o --------- open AIM-9x door The mian weapondoor will auto open If your version is sf2 download seat files unless If you make skin need,Please not use decal.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lotsbiss's 3dmodel edit 3dmodel by myself Data by myself cockpit use Bongodriver's EF2000 cockpit 2014.4.28 I Rewrite two INTERNAL station(AIM9x station),you can see the picture I hope you like it! Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- frtn 2014 Submitter frtn Submitted 03/09/2014 Category Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's  
  14. Everybody,If you use it in sf2, please open COCKPIT.INI Find [CockpitSeat001] ModelName= Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,6.75,1.17 change it use Position=0.0,8.8,1.0 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 After [CockpitSeat001] ModelName= Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,8.8,1.0 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0
  15. Black Sea 2.0a

    sf1 can use?
  16. img00147

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  17. img00146

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  18. UAV JET

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  19. X-02

    From the album Fenrir's photo

  20. MIG1.44

    From the album Fenrir's photo


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