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Everything posted by tonipm99

  1. Version 1.0


    -->ENGLISH<-- This is my PAK-FA prototype skin. The PAK-FA was made by InSky. Read the readme for instructions. Thank you for downloading! -->ESPAÑOL<-- Este és mi skin del prototipo del PAK-FA. El PAK-FA fue hecho por InSky. Lee el readme para las instrucciones. Gracias for descargar!
  2. So, I was looking for info on the F-15 S/MTD, and realized that there were two F-15s with canards and TVC; S/N 71-0290 (the one which we've always seen) and S/N 71-0291. There's only one image available, which I thought to be faked as it was not only armed, but also painted in a green camo; The camo is the same in another shot of the 71-0291; My question is; does anyone have more info about this? I know 71-0291 was used as a testbed for the F-15E and also used for the bicentennial of the US, but there is absolutely no info about it being ever modified with TVC and canards. Also, all images of the "real" S/MTD and later ACTIVE show that its S/N is 71-0290.
  3. Question about the F-15 S/MTD

    Actually, the S/MTD had these nozzles; In the 90s it was modified a second time with the 3D TVC seen in Frenchie's image. I guess I'll just forget about it. Too bad there's not much info about the whole S/MTD and later ACTIVE projects. Thanks for your answers people.
  4. P-51 down

    RIP. In all honesty, I really wonder why did the P-51 crash. This is the first time I hear of one.
  5. Well, I've just flown the MiG-29K, and it appears to be the entire 3D model of the cockpit that moves. I've also checked the cockpit.ini, and these are the lines that make the movement: [MNC01] Type=BANK_INDICATOR NodeName=MNC01 MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-1.750 Set[02].Value=75 Set[03].Position=-1.750 Set[03].Value=105 Set[04].Position=0 Set[04].Value=180 Set[05].Position=1.750 Set[05].Value=255 Set[06].Position=1.750 Set[06].Value=285 Set[07].Position=0 Set[07].Value=360 [MNC02] Type=BANK_INDICATOR NodeName=MNC02 MovementType=ROTATION_X ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=1.50 Set[02].Value=170 Set[03].Position=1.50 Set[03].Value=190 Set[04].Position=0 Set[04].Value=360 [MNC03] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=MNC03 MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=1.5 Set[01].Value=-3.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=-2.50 Set[03].Value=8.0 [MNC04] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=MNC04 MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=0.01 Set[01].Value=-2.50 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=-0.02 Set[03].Value=8.0 [MNC05] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=MNC05 MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=1.0 Set[02].Position=0.05 Set[02].Value=8.0 I don't think it's possible to get this working in other cockpits, as it appears to be an animation. I've thought of changing the NodeName, but it's calling an animation (I think). I'm not a cockpit modder so it might be possible, but from the experience I have, it doesn't seem like it is.
  6. Anyone who is a fan of the Ace Combat series will likely know this, but... Ace Combat 7 has finally been announced! So far, it's confirmed to take place in Strangereal (in the trailer, an Osean F-22A is seen chasing a couple Erusean Su-30Ms), and it's also confirmed to be at least on PS4, and be compatible with PS VR. I just thought I should post this. Ace Combat is the most famous flight "sim" on consoles, so I guess it has it's little place here. For more info, visit http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/Ace_Combat_7, any kind of news will be posted there. Also, the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI6lHttOvBI
  7. Yeah, but it doesn't look like Veltro's. The nozzle is different (it's more open than Veltro's).
  8. France Cannot Catch a Break

    Goddamnit. RIP.
  9. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    My condolences to everyone in France. I personally know some people that live there, I truly hope they're OK.
  10. Russian Airliner crash

    RIP I hope that this accident helps making aircraft safer in the future. That's the only good thing that could ever come out of a tragedy like this.
  11. Ace Combat 5 Music



    This is a music mod that will replace the default music with Ace Combat 5 music. It's very easy to install and uninstall. In the case you want to uninstall it, just delete the music from your "Menu" folder. List of songs used: BASESCREEN: Briefing 1 CAMPAIGNSCREEN: Shop CREDITSSCREEN: New Emblem DEBRIEFSUCCESS: OSEA DEBRIEFFAIL: Title DEBRIEFKILLED: Sand Island MAINSCREEN: Menu OPTIONSSCREEN: Arcade Stage Select RECORDSCREEN: Tutorial Result SINGLEMISSIONSCREEN: Hangar 1 Ace Combat and all realted trademarks are property of Namco-Bandai. Thanks for downloading!
  12. Hi people, I've had this problem for a while but I haven't found any fix. Well, what happens is that when I try loading the game, the "Initializing system please wait..." screen shows up momentarily and then there's no trace of the game ever executing. I've tried reinstalling it but it seems it's the computer what's not working. When I first had the problem I tried moving my mods folder away, and then I reinstalled SF2 only. Other games, including SFG, work fine. Can anyone help me?
  13. Hello

    For WOE you'll need DX9, installing it should be enough. There's a maximum number of downloads for members that don't have the subscription. I don't really know the number, but it resets everyday... I think, anyway. Other than that, there may be a problem with the file, I've never encountered such problems so someone else should come into the rescue. You can go to Objects/Aircraft, go to the A-6, and edit it's data.ini file. If you've never done it, open it with any text editor, and scroll down until you see "WeaponStation". Someone with the same A-6 you have could provide the exact details, but it's largely the same for every plane. Anyway, once you get to WeaponStation, go to the station you want to edit. Again, I don't know which one, I'd recommend trying it one by one. Add GP to AllowedWeaponClass=, and you should be able to use the SUU-16. You should go to Objects/Weapons to make sure you have it. I've been in here for 3 years, and I've not seen any mission based on Flight of the Intruder. You can use the Le Misioneur mission editor to make it yourself, or you can simply try to recreate it the best you can with the Single Mission option. I hope I helped you!
  14. I don't know what's the weapon type of the Moskit, but you'll need to change either this AllowedWeaponClass=CGR <----- or this LoadLimit=4200 <----- Maybe someone can get you the real solution but that's what most likely causes your problem. I hope it works!
  15. Let me see your gun cams ...

    Alright then! Just a quick dogfight between me and my nemesis (from AC5, though)
  16. PAK FA, POR FIN!

    Después de 4 años de desarrollo y 3 de que yo entrara aquí... aún sigo esperando una beta. Són las "two weeks" más largas de mi vida xD
  17. Let me see your gun cams ...

    So, what should I do? Capture my random flights and put them on YouTube and then get the vids here? I don't really understand the concept of this.
  18. Kfir C.2 ecuatoriano?

    També parles català? I jo hem pensava que era l'únic xD Pues lo siento, que yo sepa no hay ni el skin que buscas ni un template de ningún Kfir. Posiblemente haya algún camuflaje parecido, en el que solo se deberían cambiar los decals, pero no he visto ninguno. Suerte!
  19. So, since February I've been trying to traduce this game to Catalan, and after a 9 month stop due to RL, I decided to start from scratch. But English and Catalan are quite different, and I'm no programmer, so all I can traduce are the most basic files, such as ACTIVITYLEVEL, etc. So, first, does this game have a official Spanish translation? It would make life much easier. Second, is it legal to do this, actually? I just don't want to traduce half the game and then realise it won't be of any use.
  20. Kfir C.2 ecuatoriano?

    http://combatace.com/files/download/9489-final-kfir-c2-ecuador/Este Kfir es ecuatoriano pero no tiene el camuflaje verde de tu imagen, además es para SFP1 y no para SF2, pero tampoco és muy difícil convertirlo. Espero que te sirva!
  21. Actually, I think that Catalan should be a oficial EU language; it's quite important and is one of the original languages that came from Latin. It's something that I'd love to see and I think that doing it myself could help. Also, I have the Spanish version of SFP1, but most of the necessary lines are missing. Finally, thanks a lot for telling me FRPignon... In Catalan it's "traduïr" so... Guess being all day in front of a PC has taught me yet another thing. EDIT: Damn, I can't edit my first post. I hope other people understand what I mean.
  22. Makes you think doesn't it?

    The best thing about it is that this tradition of yours came here, to Spain. As Widowmaker said, yet another American tradition that we sort of "steal" from you. How are we going to prosper if you are always doing things before we even think about it (starting with the Constitution)?!
  23. I use a Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X. The T.Flight Hotas X seems the same with a better, but bigger, throttle control. The Stick version has 12 buttons; not the best but enough for me. It's also quite cheap compared to most other sticks. More info here http://www.thrustmaster.com/en_UK/products/tflight-stick-x

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