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Everything posted by Lexx_Luthor

  1. NightWatch

    You can't make this up. For the night of 27 November 2012 lol --- -- - There seems to be a building purge in NK, going beyond the military, "to the population at large." Read about it at the Nightwatch.
  2. 'Dallas' star Larry Hagman dies in Texas

    RuGG:: Whoa there, that's Captain Nelson, plain as black and white. I always prefer the black~n~white seasons of these Shows of Old, Shows of Reknown, and Captain it is.
  3. 10 - 20 yarns or even more sounds about right if they don't collapse in fraud. But by then will carriers be of primary importance? Probably yes but who knows?
  4. 'Dallas' star Larry Hagman dies in Texas

    He was huge in Romania, before and after...teh chowzesque(sp?)
  5. W:: 19, farmers, I like that alot.
  6. Did you define each image in each aircraft's base ini file, and where did you drop the bmps? Mee, I only have one hanger screen in the Menu folder, just didn't want hundreds of bmps. My game has hundreds of aircraft lol.
  7. Yea, NightLightOn = SunLightLevel found in Environmentsystem.ini -- so yea higher is brighter environment is earlier turn on. One of the first things I learned after I got the SF1 was making it 0.75 because it would get dark and the lights would not come on until fully dark (0.25 as TK defined that). AGO, the best thing is to test all the variables. The cockpit lighting of course, you test during a night mission. You will see how these variables can change things. As for ripple variables, they deal with bomb dropping. Set up some tests with player and AI level bombers with large bombloads and watch what happens. Tweak as desired.
  8. Another Raptor down

    Something to watch. The number of Rappers is very similar to the number of B-58s made -- and that was a rather limited program.
  9. Soviet Constant X/Have X aircraft?

    FC:: There's no point in it. Mere airplanes come and go, engines live forever. From my understanding, the Lyulka AL-21 depended heavily on J-79s found in Vietnam. Which is interesting for me, since in my game, J-79s should be found in Siberia as early as 1960 maybe, and better preserved than in Jungle. So the Soviets get AL-21 a bit earlier.
  10. Soviet Constant X/Have X aircraft?

    mmm, the red star is okay, if you look at M-4 pics and see most of the vertail is rudder, the red star far forward in front of the deep rudder. That being said, the pic is also squeezed a bit horizontally, M-4 looks a bit fat, same with the F-4, so making the red star look even weirder in position.
  11. B-29 would be a big night fighter. There was, a Plan, in the early 50th, for Tu-4 with radar to carry four huge air-air missiles, but they eventually decided smaller and faster missile carriers were better, kinda like the F6D Missileer vs smaller faster carrier fleet defense interceptors in the later 50th. .. looking for it... 210 & 211 ~> http://www.missiles.ru/210-211.htm ... translator friendly
  12. Rare Korean war photos . . .

    uh ... wow. Yea bookmark that, some of those can make great loading screens over the SF. Some of the B-29 pics are very good, the Sabre taking off above other Sabres, the Twin Mustangs taking off. Really nice stuff thanks!!!!!
  13. Britain has invaded 172 countries!

    England perfected bank debt as military funding, and maritime drug running with the RN to protect it lol, against China most notably. We did the same thing with our fast ships so not complaining here. Vietnam is my fave regarding defense against outsiders. There was this massive naval battle a thousand Yarns ago, where the Chinese sailed up a river and the Viets spiked the bottom and hung up all the ships and....it was a massacre.
  14. Stunningly good xmas present idea . . . . . .

    Okay, a good (big) lampshade might could cover those, so I could go there. Thanks!!
  15. Stunningly good xmas present idea . . . . . .

    Pointed fin tips are at eye level. Its a very poor design -- for a lamp lol. No thanks.
  16. Yea, its possible, butt... Years back, for some reason for a little quick test I randomly deleted something out of the LOD of the R-23 aam, and all the fins were gone. Later, when I realized I could use a long tube with pointed end to place in various aircraft, I tried to recall what I did, but I forgot. So I tried another random deletion and it crashed the game or something. I forgot what I did lol.
  17. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Yea fellas if I do get that it, I'll be back here. Thanks Slarty !! Just got too many things going on, hence one game only, and not enough time for that even.
  18. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Private servers. I got snot from the snot faced online gamers at IL-2 ubi forums because I could tell just from forum behavior alone that *real* online players only play on private servers where the snots are not invited. There are only two types of games... Offline single player Private server multi player Nothing else exists. And so far I'm only an offline player but I know all of this just from life. Online play is obvious --- just like real life, you meet snots and avoid them, and hang with friends. I've always thought of getting the stalker games, but so far SF is the only thing I got. Now that stalker is getting old, its time to get it I guess.
  19. Could you set up ground attack cannon with very short range, and play with the AI data ground attack variables for that plane? Any thoughts on AI air - air ramming? I'm eventually going to need it (acig link). My first though bubble was a *very* short range gun or AAM, or maybe a displaced collision box, but collision won't work for AI vs AI.
  20. Syrain Helicopter Shot Down

    Du'h, I found it... For the night of 27 August 2012 Comment: The Syrian Christians are leaving for Lebanon. Other minorities also are... : : US Special comment:... That following US Special comment is even more interesting to read. Also of interest is the comment on the recent Taliban beheadings crossing the line for most locals in the area. Overall one of the most fascinating night watches, ever.
  21. Syrain Helicopter Shot Down

    Alqaida downs another military helicoptor. Yay! Gep, Nightwatch has a nasty prediction... For the night of 18 July 2012:: After it falls, expect massacres of Alawites, Christians, Sunni collaborators and other minority tribes and cults. This will not end well. Very interesting comment on Alqaida style methods there also. On the other hand, for the night of 27 Aug comments that Syrian christians are leaving for Leb, and other groups are going to home territories.
  22. Viper Pilot, A Must Read!

    Something interesting from the link, page 31:: "Fighter pilots are usually too busy to appreciate the miracle of flight, but it's always there and I've been under its spell from the beginning." Over the years I noticed the same about pilot internet poastings and most pilot accounts (BUT NOT ALL) regarding *where* they fly and fight -- they don't talk much about where they fly and fight, up in the weather--atmosphere--air war environment--whatever you want to call it. Modeling the air war environment "up there" is what's needed to sell TheSims flying games to ground dwellers, pushing the pretty stuff of course, but to this day no TheSims developer has figured this out, and they pay the price for their failure. Good read wart thanks!
  23. Thudwire KAW can't work because of the very low horizon distance in the stock game, and its getting lower in SF2 with every other Patch it seems. The pancake earth was an embarassment for Oleg when for some reason he releaced that 1944 high altitude western front "p51" addon which really exposed the issue. Now, a ground attack KAW game, like ye olde IL-2 low altitude game, with no MiGs and Sabres, would work fine, except there would be no MiGs and no Sabres.
  24. I do the same with cockpits, put all cockpits outside the game and share many of them...still need a dedicated cockpit folder for radar bmp though, but that's all. SF-1 2008 of course. MiG-17F... ^COCKPIT^.ini : : Directory=D:\ A \ MiG-15 \ Cockpit Don't know if this works in SF-2. The nice thing about it is when making regular backups to the game, I avoid copying all the cockpit folders...unless I need to back them up to. Never mind.
  25. Dance your Ph.D

    Interesting indeed. There's a bookload of science behind honey bee navigation, and the little bees communicate what they need to know about it through dancing. Busy bee PhDs. The only problem I see is they are funded by debt....notably college student debt lol. The beehive and worker and slaves to the Queen bee bank.gov or gov.bank might be a good analogy.

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